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Election 2024 & Presidential Cage Match: Dark Brandon 46 vs Felonious Farty 45


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48 minutes ago, Fergasun said:

She's been consistent in that line.  I guess MLK had the wrong idea than.  I get that people don't want to be told they are racist.  Pointing out racism is divisive.  


I left the GOP because I felt like their policies skewed racist.  Did they directly say it was racist?  Nope.  


They didn't have to say it, they show it in everything they do and act upon. 

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3 hours ago, FootballZombie said:


Now that's what I call voter enthusiasm! /s



Meanwhile Biden is just fundraising away... not having to match spending... not having to send half his paycheck to legal fees...



Joe Biden's reelection campaign raises $97 million in 4th quarter, giving him a record war chest


How they use it is so key. At a bare min, you focus on the outlets to motivate people who will vote for Dems to show up. Then you flip it and set up ads on those other network that cater to the people who will never vote for you. Make those ads never about you. Never mention you. It's all about either the GOP has been the least productive governing party in generations, or just that the GOP is the party of big government. In your private lives. In your bedrooms. Then ask what they will come for next. Yeah, it's total bull****. But the point is to just get more of those folks to sit this one out.

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3 hours ago, Fergasun said:

She's been consistent in that line.  I guess MLK had the wrong idea than.  I get that people don't want to be told they are racist.  Pointing out racism is divisive.  


I left the GOP because I felt like their policies skewed racist.  Did they directly say it was racist?  Nope.  

Pointing out racism is only divisive to………



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20 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:



Republican Asa Hutchinson ends 2024 presidential campaign


Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson is ending his 2024 race for president after a dismal sixth-place showing in the Iowa caucuses underscored how little he had been embraced by Republican voters.


With 99% of the expected results in, Hutchinson secured just 191 votes in the Iowa caucuses and zero pledged delegates as of Tuesday morning, appearing to underperform his .07% polling average in the Hawkeye State and trailing little-known pastor Ryan Binkley, who has no national profile to speak of.


"My message of being a principled Republican with experience and telling the truth about the current front runner did not sell in Iowa," Hutchinson said in a statement, referring to Donald Trump. "I stand by the campaign I ran. I answered every question, sounded the warning to the GOP about the risks in 2024 and presented hope for our country’s future."


Click on the link for the full article

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1 minute ago, LadySkinsFan said:

If he's really as principled as he says, Hutchinson can keep speaking about how Trump doesn't deserve to be president even though his campaign is over. Same with the rest. Declare you won't vote for him either.


And get cut off from the cult's money?  


I keep remembering the meme that Trumpism is Scientology, but with worse celebrities. 

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Haley actually disgusts me more than desantis. One was a slime ball since puberty and just continuously evolved in that direction and the other just recently, consciously, willingly turned her back on a decent  enough upbringing and a half way acceptable level of character to grovel in sewage for personal gain.

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19 minutes ago, Cooked Crack said:


Follow up should be "if you aren't paying attention to important details like the President you worked for being found guilty of sexual assault already, how can Americans trust you to pay attention to the details of this nation?" 

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2 hours ago, @DCGoldPants said:


Feckless cowards. Going after each other because they are too scared to really go after Trump for anything beyond not debating. Sit the **** down.


1 hour ago, LadySkinsFan said:

If he's really as principled as he says, Hutchinson can keep speaking about how Trump doesn't deserve to be president even though his campaign is over. Same with the rest. Declare you won't vote for him either.

They are ****ing cowards. How this party has bent over with no lube for Trump in the span of 8-9 years is bewildering. 

I have long felt that being a politician isn’t a hard job. Long hours? Sure. Shake a lot of hands, a lot of speeches on the campaign trail? Yeah. I think being POTUS is hard, for sure. But to be a career politician? Not at all. Make promises that you know you might not be able to keep (but your constituents don’t know that) and try to stay scandal free. 

So what’s the upside in all of this? How come these ****ing ****es want to keep getting elected over and over? How come none of them have the balls to stand up to Trump? Why can’t they stand up for themselves?

Because they know that if they’re not licking his boots he will end their careers as politicians.  

And the downside to that is that being a politician is a ****ing gravy train.  Nimrata ****ing Haley went from a net worth of about 1 million in 2018 to 8 million currently. 
Per Forbes:


When 2024 presidential candidate Nikki Haley last served in office as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, her family’s finances were a mess. Her parents owed over $1 million and were in danger of losing their Lexington, South Carolina home. A devoted daughter, Haley had loaned them hundreds of thousands of dollars in the past with her husband. But she could not solve all of her parents’ problems, with less than $100,000 sitting in her bank accounts and $185,000 coming in each year in salary.


Haley stunned Washington by resigning her role in the Trump administration in 2018, less than two years after taking office. A spokesperson for Haley claims that the family financial troubles had “no bearing whatsoever on Ambassador Haley’s decision to leave her position” and points to a section of Haley’s resignation letter in which she expressed support for “rotation in office.” But the same letter also suggested that Haley may have had money-making ventures on her mind: “As a businessman,” she wrote to Donald Trump, “I expect you will appreciate my sense that returning from government to the private sector is not a step down but a step up.”


Indeed. Since then, Haley’s net worth has ballooned from less than $1 million to an estimated $8 million. How did she make so much money in so little time? By following a tried-and-true playbook for politicians looking to cash in on their fame. Speeches to companies like Barclays and organizations such as the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs provided more money in a day than Haley had previously earned in a year. It’s not clear how many talks she gave from 2019 to 2021, but Haley hauled in $2.3 million from just 11 events in 2022.


She wrote two books after leaving the Trump administration. A 2019 memoir sold more than 100,000 copies. A 2022 title provided more than $350,000 in advance payments. Haley also offered consulting services, generating more than $700,000 in fees. Then there were corporate boards. She became a director of Boeing in 2019, then stepped down the next year, collecting over $300,000 in cash and stock. Haley remains on the board of the United Homes Group, which has provided her with more than $250,000, as well as the promise of earning much more as equity grants vest down the road.

Giving speeches, writing books and insider trading.  That is the life of a politician these days. 

Think Nimrata is going to give any of that to stand up to Trump? No chance. 


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