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Election 2024 & Presidential Cage Match: Dark Brandon 46 vs Felonious Farty 45


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If Biden doesn’t change people’s opinions on how they were under Trump vs how they are under him; I don’t see how Joe wins.


Some will vote for the idiot but many will not vote for Biden at all. They’ll either not vote or they may leave president blank or vote third party but Joe will not get their vote.



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16 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Yea, I’m sure the Biden campaign has a plan, and they are certainly way more expert than me, but it sure seems like they’ve got a climb ahead of them that they need to start attacking. 


At this point in 1988, Dukakis had a 10 point lead in the polls. 

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12 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:


At this point in 1988, Dukakis had a 10 point lead in the polls. 


Dukakis wasn't a threat to terminate American democracy.  I'm concerned is all I'm saying. 

5 minutes ago, tshile said:

I’m reserving judgement until I see the campaign spend serious money and can see what the results are. 

it is very hard to trust polling though. 


This is basically where I'm at.  I sorta think they should start spending serious money yesterday.


I trust polling to an extent, but recognize that national polls don't mean anything in an election that is being contested in six states. 

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I'm not at all certain that "spending money" is what's needed.  


Trump isn't campaigning by buying TV ads.  He's campaigning by having billions of bots making untrue claims on social media.  


(Not that I'm saying that Donald Trump is a social media genius.  I'm saying that he's the beneficiary of people who are.)  


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9 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

I sorta think they should start spending serious money yesterday.

So… I mean I’m just a dumb dumb on the internet but… I’d think Wednesday if Trump sweeps (or close to) Super Tuesday. Seems reasonable to me. 

if Haley has a super surprise showing tomorrow (doubtful but theoretically possible) then that would change things as you’d wait until one is the clear winner (actual winner - not poll winner)


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Bill Clinton Helped Shut Down Third Party Bids as Part of More Active Role in 2024


Bill Clinton helped convince two candidates to drop their fantasies of third-party presidential runs, which is part of the former president and his wife, Hillary Clinton, taking a more active and expansive role in the 2024 political field, according to a new report.


New York Magazine’s Gabriel Debenedetti reported on Monday that the Clintons have been keeping a close eye on the 2024 presidential election, and this included Bill Clinton convincing both former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) that third-party runs would only benefit Donald Trump and hurt President Joe Biden.


According to the report, Clinton was more forceful in his approach with Manchin, who, up until recently, was consistently teasing a potential run, likely on the No Labels ticket. Clinton told Manchin flat-out that a presidential bid by him would land Trump back in the White House.


Hillary Clinton has also been taking a more active role in helping Democrats, which includes regular talks with Vice President Kamala Harris.


Associates of the Clintons claimed the pair are looking at precinct-level data and getting heavily involved.


Click on the link for the full article

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I think everyone should just relax. If Biden wins, we can maintain hope things are working towards "the better." We can feel a little more optimistic about the future of humanity.


If trump wins we can take it as "Rome is burning" and we can all play out our time as individual Neros.


Think of all wild times we can have! I'll eat cheesecake daily! I may even tag some cop shops again! And look out forty year old hotties! Casanova is back!!

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Psychologist breaks down 'neurological smoking gun' of Trump's 'cognitive decline'


Donald Trump is slipping into dementia and experts in the field are unable to sound their alarm for fear of losing their jobs, according to one psychologist.


Trump on Saturday headlined multiple rallies, where he made numerous verbal slip-ups. In one case, the former president appeared to say "Venezwheregullah." One psychologist would say that his speech mishaps were "consistent with a diagnosis of dementia."


Another psychologist, John Gartner Ph.D., has been issuing similar warnings. He appeared on a podcast on Saturday in which he says he has spoken with experts who are "unwilling to be quoted" but believe that the former president is suffering severe cognitive issues.


Gartner said Trump is displaying "a lot of clinical symptoms" of a dementia-related disorder, while President Joe Biden has merely "mixed up names and mixed up dates."


"The kind of memory problems Trump is having are clear signs of dementia," the expert said. As opposed to messing up names and dates, he said, he is flubbing on "people and generations."


"Trump actually on some days thinks he's running against Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama," he noted. "He's actually confusing people, he's not confusing names."


When asked if he believes Trump's claim that he was being sarcastic or joking when he confused Obama with Biden, something he did again on Saturday, Gartner said "not in the least."


"He's told that lie 1,000 times," he added. "Saying he's joking is the way he covers up his cognitive decline."


"He doesn't look like he's joking," he said. "He shows no awareness - that's part of the syndrome."


Gartner also claimed his analysis is based on a baseline of how Trump used to behave, saying that, now, Trump "has an impoverished vocabulary."


The "neurological smoking gun," he said, is the "phonemic paraphasia" Trump experiences.


Click on the link for the full article

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New York Times' Latest Poll Is a Pile of Garbage


The political pundit class was jolted into a bit of a frenzy this morning after the release of the New York Times/Sienna’s latest presidential poll, which showed Donald Trump leading Joe Biden nationally by 5 percentage points among registered voters and 4 percentage points among likely voters. People like Bill Kristol have already used the results of the poll to suggest that Biden must step aside immediately. As I have stated multiple times, that would throw the election to Trump. It’s a really bad idea.


I’m extremely angry about the results, too, but only because of the fact that NYT/Sienna engaged in true statistical malpractice - and it wasn’t hard to find within a single data point in the poll’s crosstabs: Density. One of the demographic questions asked in the poll to its respondents was the kind of place you live: The city, the suburbs, or a rural area. As expected, the results skewed more Republican as population density decreaesd:




Top: Among registered voters. Bottom: Among likely voters





But hiding in plain sight just below the Biden-Trump numbers was the proportion of urban/suburban/rural voters in the poll. And that’s when I noticed something really, really wrong. Rural voters made up 35-36% of respondents, while urban voters only accounted for 22-24%. Immediately after observing this, I checked the Times’ result-adjusted 2020 exit polls, and found exactly what I thought I would see:




It turns out, the NYT/Sienna poll oversampled rural voters by a whopping 84% in excess of their true proportion of the electorate. Let’s be clear about something: THAT’S INSANE. No wonder Joe Biden is getting clobbered in the polls; the people answering these polls are a bunch of Trump lovers in rural areas. And this would also account for Biden’s supposed “slippage” among black, latino and young voters; they’re over-polling minorities and young people who live in rural areas. This is probably why Donald Trump has under-performed his average-of-polls in all four early states; Nikki Haley does best among urban Republicans who are being drastically under-sampled.


Click on the link for the rest

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18 minutes ago, Jumbo said:

I think everyone should just relax. If Biden wins, we can maintain hope things are working towards "the better." We can feel a little more optimistic about the future of humanity.


If trump wins we can take it as "Rome is burning" and we can all play out our time as individual Neros.


Think of all wild times we can have! I'll eat cheesecake daily! I may even tag some cop shops again! And look out forty year old hotties! Casanova is back!!


As to your assertion that living under Nazi rule won't be all that bad, I will point out:  


1)  Trumpism is a cult. I'm fond of the expression "Trumpism is Scientology, but with worse celebrities."


2)  You aware of how Scientology feels about psychiatry?  

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3 hours ago, China said:

Psychologist breaks down 'neurological smoking gun' of Trump's 'cognitive decline'


The "neurological smoking gun," he said, is the "phonemic paraphasia" Trump experiences.

Click on the link for the full article


Luckily, I've never had a relative with dementia, so I never had the need to learn about the symptoms, etc. Here's some info on 'paraphasia':


"Paraphasias are erroneous attempts that relate to the target, but are inaccurate regarding the chosen speech units (phonemic paraphasias), or are real words that relate in meaning to the intended word (semantic paraphasias). For example, when shown a picture of a “pencil”, a phonemic paraphasia could be an utterance such as “wencil”, whereas a semantic paraphasia could be “pen”.

Paraphasias offer a critical window into the mechanisms of speech production because they represent discrete deficits regarding (1) the spoken sound structure (phonemic) vs. (2) speech related knowledge association (semantic)."





Pretty clear the insurrectionist is experiencing 'phonemic paraphasia'. That groaning he did at the end of one of his rambling misspoken sentences the other day was a clear sign his brain is misfiring.

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Trump crowd goes silent as he confuses Biden and Obama again https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-biden-obama-b2506194.html



The crowd of Trump supporters gathered in Richmond, Virginia to hear Donald Trump speak on Saturday night went silent as the former president appeared to mix up Presidents Joe Biden and Barack Obama yet again


They can't hide this dudes brain slipping into total mush forever, and it's not slowing down.


Only matter of time until who he picks as his VP starts to matter.

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22 minutes ago, Larry said:


As to your assertion that living under Nazi rule won't be all that bad, I will point out:  


1)  Trumpism is a cult. I'm fond of the expression "Trumpism is Scientology, but with worse celebrities."


2)  You aware of how Scientology feels about psychiatry?  


I only joined scientology to plumb their dating pool. Hot celebs everywhere! And the catering at the get-togethers is awesome! 

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1 hour ago, The Evil Genius said:


At this point in 1988, Dukakis had a 10 point lead in the polls. 


Most people didn't know Dukakis at this point in time in 1988.  And the vast majority of the country had 24 hour news tv.

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