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18 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


You should be pissed about it, even if you're not shocked that this is dragging on.


There's a saying in sales..."Time kills all deals."  It doesn't take a genius to figure out what that means and the thought process behind it.  But for the people in the cheap seats, the more time you allow to pass, the more opportunity you give for something unforeseen to pop up and kill a deal, the more opportunity for someone's needs to change and make what you're selling less of a priority, the more opportunity for a competitor to get their foot in the door,  the more opportunity you give for someone to lose interest and back out, the more opportunity from people who are sitting on the sidelines thinking if they want to get in on a deal to sit back and look at what's going on and see if they want to engage....the more opportunity you give for someone to change their mind.  


I don't think this team is that good, but what if Howell starts the season on fire and the defense is allowing 14 ppg and they start the season 5-0 while Dan is still the owner?  Fans are excited, this team is looking like a winner...This is what he's been waiting over 20 years for, you think he might start having second thoughts on if he wants to sell the team?  


It's cool if you want to play it cool and be above it, but if this drags throughout the summer, IMO, there's more ways that this sale goes sideways instead of Dan actually selling.  






To be pissed, I'd need to have the expectation that this sale was imminent. I never thought it was.


My emotion regarding this team has been taken from me over the years. It's more just routine at this point. 


Snyder has been a problem for years. He isn't going to stop on his way out the door. And once he's out he's still not going to stop.


You guys are the ones who have been celebrating since November. I haven't. I knew this was Dan Snyder. I never got my hopes up.


Until it happens, I won't, either. 

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36 minutes ago, Spearfeather said:


Maybe so. But, that's not how the story was initially reported.


It was reported from what I recall about this is what Dan wants.  Not that it is official, nothing can be offical until the offer is presented. 


If it wasn't something in play, i doubt the NFL people would be commenting on it which has happened now multiple times.

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None of this recent news is encouraging.   Unless Syder gets arrested,  I don't see him going through this process.   It's plainly obvious he doesn't really want to sell and will do everything he can to stall this process until everyone loses interest.   

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58 minutes ago, Andre The Giant said:


The longer it goes on, the more people try to fill in the blanks to make sense of it all.  But the reality is, we dont know jack.  Even these reporters don't know anything.  All the "it'll get done by the league meetings" stuff was pure conjecture and speculation because it made sense to them.  But when that didn't happen, folks freak out.  Snyder can take as long as he wants to take.  All these timeframes are other people's timeframes, not his.  And most of those timeframes are around the operation of the football team.  Which if he's selling, is not his top priority.  But that's all we care about.  He cares about the sale price.  


I suspect that he's been informed that he'll be left alone if he just sells the team and goes away.  I dont think he has any intention of not selling or just selling the majority stake.  He just gonna take his time because he can.  Our urgency to get this wrapped up isn't necessarily his urgency.


In short, all the insiders on the sale aren't very inside.  Especially all these reporters on the beat.  They don't know a gat dayum thing and any thing they do know is 3rd and 4th hand info, that's probably dated and not current by the time it gets to them.  

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59 minutes ago, Chris 44 said:

No way in hell he only sells minority share. Way too far down the road for that to happen. League will not allow his stench to be associated with the NFL in any capacity. Too many bridges scorched at this point.


I also see attracting minority partners being a tough sell after all that's come out. Who'd willingly do business with him with what we know?


I can see why Dan might try. A billion dollars, and his financial problems go away and he can keep exploiting the team to sustain that lifestyle for a little longer.


It wouldn't surprise me if it takes some hardball by the league.

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7 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:

was reported from what I recall about this is what Dan wants.  Not that it is official, nothing can be offical until the offer is presented. 


It was reported by the Washington Post that he and his lawyers had already asked for it.


9 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:

If it wasn't something in play, i doubt the NFL people would be commenting on it which has happened now multiple times.


Sure they would. If there was a story out there that he had already asked for it.

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37 minutes ago, KDawg said:


To be pissed, I'd need to have the expectation that this sale was imminent. I never thought it was.


My emotion regarding this team has been taken from me over the years. It's more just routine at this point. 


Snyder has been a problem for years. He isn't going to stop on his way out the door. And once he's out he's still not going to stop.


You guys are the ones who have been celebrating since November. I haven't. I knew this was Dan Snyder. I never got my hopes up.


Until it happens, I won't, either. 


Depends on the perspective.  For me, I see it as Dan has been saying forever he would never sell, plenty of talk that not only that he's giving the team to his son.  So heck yeah I am in celebration mode that we've gotten this far so fast. :D    I was made fun of among others in the FO thread for being naive and pie in the sky for dreaming that Dan is ever gone let alone gone soon -- and we are cluttering up the thread with nonsense optimism that has no basis in reality. 


And here we are months later, on the brink of it happening, where we are frustrated that it might not happen in the next few weeks and we got to wait maybe a couple of weeks or months more or whatever.  We've gone from being stuck with Dan and his clan for an eternity to being frustrated by being in the mode of counting his demise by days.   That's a cool place to be.  It just feels frustrating because Christmas keeps being pushed off some.  But hardly anyone covering this thinks that Christmas isn't coming.  


Keim hasn't let me down in eons and that goes double when he talks about a point with just about total conviction.  He among others say just stay cool its a billion plus dollar negotiation, the timeline here isn't unusual, it is happening.  What's unusual is the clamoring of fans that want to see this owner gone so the waiting feels more excruciating than the standard fan base. 


As for Dan not stopping once he's gone.  Great I'd love to see him flutter around and make a fool of himself.  I am guessing like his pal from Fox Business News said, he's somewhat checked out and living in London.  But if wants to fight whatever and embarass himself I'll enjoy it. 


Since once he doesn't have control anymore, he's not overriding our scouting staff and making his own draft picks.  He's not ruling the building by fear.  He's not hiring the next Cerrato or Bruce Allen. 



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I don't know why Dan would only sell a minority share of the team. He's lost most of the fans and is unable to find a place to build a new stadium. Revenue is drying up. I know he's a stubborn SOB but financially, he's in a no win situation owning the team.

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12 minutes ago, Spearfeather said:


It was reported by the Washington Post that he and his lawyers had already asked for it.



Sure they would. If there was a story out there that he had already asked for it.


The line was in response to Keim saying


"The Washington Post reported last month that Snyder would ask the owners for indemnification against future legal liabilities"


So your point is "would ask" isn't the same as he asked for it?  Sure.  But if the idea is Dan floating what he wants which supposedly includes a minimum of 6 billion and indemnification, it likely is relevant unless its a pure negotiation ploy.  I agree its not official untl he actually demands it.  He could accept a bid under 6 billion.  He might not in the end insist on indemnfication. 


For our purposes, i don't think it matters because from what I understand nothing is official as to his demands and wants from the owner until he presents to them the actual bid that he accepted.  And obviously that's when we know for sure.

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8 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:


Depends on the perspective.  For me, I see it as Dan has been saying forever he would never sell, plenty of talk that not only that he's giving the team.  So heck yeah I am in celebration mode that we've gotten this far so fast. :D    I was made fun of among others in the FO thread for being naive and pie in the sky for dreaming that Dan is ever gone let alone gone soon -- and we are cluttering up the thread with nonsense optimism that has no basis in reality. 


And here we are months later, on the brink of happening, where we are frustrated that it might not happen in the next few weeks and we got to wait maybe a couple of weeks or months more or whatever.  We've gone from being stuck with Dan and his clan for an eternity to being frustrated by being in the mode of counting his demise by days.   That's a cool place to be.  It just feels frustrating because Christmas keeps being pushed off some.  But hardly anyone covering this thinks that Christmas isn't coming.  


Keim hasn't let me down in eons and that goes double when he talks about a point with just about total conviction.  He among others say just stay cool its a billion plus dollar negotiation, the timeline here isn't unusual, it is happening.  What's unusual is the clamoring of fans that want to see this owner gone so the waiting feels more excruciating than the standard fan base. 


As for Dan not stopping once he's gone.  Great I'd love to see him flutter around and make a fool of himself.  I am guessing like his pal from Fox Business News said, he's somewhat checked out and living in London.  But if wants to fight whatever and embarass himself I'll enjoy it. 


Since once he doesn't have control anymore, he's not overriding our scouting staff and making his own draft picks.  He's not ruling the building by fear.  He's not hiring the next Cerrato or Bruce Allen. 




To be clear, I never made fun of anyone who was happy. My response was direct to Spaceman. He is pissed because he had an expectation. I did not. 


Nothing wrong with being excited. I won't be until it happens but I also don't care if others do it different.


My whole point was: I'm not pissed about anything because I didn't expect ****. With Snyder I am always, "When it happens it happens, if it doesn't happen it hasn't."


Seems obvious, but it's my way of thinking with him. I don't give three ****s what anyone else feels, to be honest. Buy streamers and confetti and celebrate weekly. 

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Given the timeline of this process since it began, it was clear that this season is going to be a lame duck year.  I’ve resigned myself to that, at least.


So even if this runs through Oct… things would still be on the same timeline.


But what’s evident here is that a lot of people are struggling with delayed gratification. 😂😂😂




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3 minutes ago, KDawg said:


To be clear, I never made fun of anyone who was happy. My response was direct to Spaceman. He is pissed because he had an expectation. I did not. 


Nothing wrong with being excited. I won't be until it happens but I also don't care if others do it different.


My whole point was: I'm not pissed about anything because I didn't expect ****. With Snyder I am always, "When it happens it happens, if it doesn't happen it hasn't."


Seems obvious, but it's my way of thinking with him. I don't give three ****s what anyone else feels, to be honest. Buy streamers and confetti and celebrate weekly. 


I didn't think you were making fun.  But I was explaining why to me its so a big deal.


We got Dan Synder whose indentity is locked up with being an owner of this team, who is still is one of the youngest owners in the league who not only would never sell but plans to keep it in the clan and hand it to his son. 


So we have to live with being fans of the team with an incompetent version of Darth Vadar running it and its just an ugly reality for being a fan of this team and something we got to accept for likely our whole lives




Darth Vadar is now selling, do we wait a few more days, a few more weeks, or a few more months and we can't take it a second longer.  That's a long way we've come from to we got Darth Vadar forever.

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14 minutes ago, Die Hard said:

Given the timeline of this process since it began, it was clear that this season is going to be a lame duck year.  I’ve resigned myself to that, at least.


So even if this runs through Oct… things would still be on the same timeline.


But what’s evident here is that a lot of people are struggling with delayed gratification. 😂😂😂




True. It’s just that until this thing is finalized, there is a chance (no matter how small) that the whole thing could blow up, and we’re back to being stuck with him in perpetuity. So yeah, after a 20+ year nightmare we are anxious for closure. 

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He cleared out his office and he is refusing to interview with Mary Jo White. That refusal alone is conduct detrimental to the league and  can get him ousted absent anything else. He’s selling. 


However, I still hypothesize that he will try to keep 15 to 20% in his son’s name and will try to sell to a group where the lead owner has around 30% and he has a delusion of regaining control in the future through his son. 

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2 minutes ago, SoCalSkins said:

He cleared out his office and he is refusing to interview with Mary Jo White. That refusal alone is conduct detrimental to the league and  can get him ousted absent anything else. He’s selling. 


However, I still hypothesize that he will try to keep 15 to 20% in his son’s name and will try to sell to a group where the lead owner has around 30% and he has a delusion of regaining control in the future through his son. 

Can be ousted by the NFL, but would they? After all, we know at this point that the NFL has covered for him, even to the point of covering up financial crimes and Lord knows what else. Who’s to say the MJW report doesn’t get buried in the same hole as the Wilkinson report?

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1 hour ago, KDawg said:


To be clear, I never made fun of anyone who was happy. My response was direct to Spaceman. He is pissed because he had an expectation. I did not. 


Nothing wrong with being excited. I won't be until it happens but I also don't care if others do it different.


My whole point was: I'm not pissed about anything because I didn't expect ****. With Snyder I am always, "When it happens it happens, if it doesn't happen it hasn't."


Seems obvious, but it's my way of thinking with him. I don't give three ****s what anyone else feels, to be honest. Buy streamers and confetti and celebrate weekly. 

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15 minutes ago, woodpecker said:

Can be ousted by the NFL, but would they? After all, we know at this point that the NFL has covered for him, even to the point of covering up financial crimes and Lord knows what else. Who’s to say the MJW report doesn’t get buried in the same hole as the Wilkinson report?

He doesn’t have the money to continue. A 40% stake as his minority owner was worth under a billion less than 2 years ago. He probably has to sell a majority stake. 

If he sells 80% at a 6B valuation he will have money a line of sight to regain control for his kid in about a decade after the new stadium is built and the ownership group starts dying off or fracturing if the lead owner only has a position of around 30%.

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Rivera referencing more about new ownership right now including running into one of the groups visting thre facility, between that and Wright referencing new ownership, for the optimists about this happening, which is most of us here, its a good day


Listening deeper and deeper into this, Ron basically coming off like the sale is happening, he does't push back on questions relating to it which he's getting in different forms.

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