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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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Rest of the fam tested this morning.


Wife and 6 year old had negative AG results so they had them take a PCR test to be sure due to better accuracy.


16 month old tested positive on the AG test though so no need for PCR.


I'm pretty sure he's on the upswing considering he had a fever Monday into Tuesday and since then has maybe had a little runny nose and sneezing more than normal.  But he's acting completely normal.

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11 hours ago, mojo said:

I agree: Just think; the CDC knowingly sent out tests kits at the beginning of this pandemic with a failure rate of over 33%. How many lives and businesses were altered due to nothing?





I assume that the failure rate was a positive result bias.  If so, that might explain why my wife's grandmother tested positive twice in 2020 while in nursing home but had no symptoms.

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2 hours ago, zskins said:


I have been working since the height of the pandemic. I only stayed most of the days during the lockdown in the beginning. I was cleaning my hands constantly and had a rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle in all my cars. So far so good. I even did a major network upgrade at the bar/restaurant I frequent not too long ago. I am a clean freak so always keep my hands clean and nose and mouth covered. 


I see people/employees using their cell phones and then touching other things and then cell phone again. I would always hand sanitize before touching my cell. It might seem strange to some but it is working for me. :)


I have the vaxx but never let me guard down because I had the vaxx like some did and got infected. This is probably the reason why this virus is not going anywhere. The non-vax are infecting the vaxx and the non-vaxx and the vaxx are spreading it again to others as well. It's not going to just die one day. Too many people on this planet and it is like having a huge petri dish in a bio lab. 


The government and the mis-information has played a major role in this pandemic that could have been easily contained when it first started. Now it is a huge wild fire and it will take a long time to put it out if even possible now. 


I have a feeling it might take 5+ years the way new mutations are coming out. We are already in year 3 now. :(




I got a nurse fired when I was hospitalized in '19 for cell phone usage in my room.  Those things are like money, ****in' nasty.  My stepmom is a nurse, I've known lots of things for a very long time.  

Even if it's just "cold-like symptoms"...don't want those, either. 

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Has anyone ever looked at the COVID numbers for Asian countries like Japan? 


Japan has roughly 1/3rd the US population.  1.7M cases, 18,389 deaths.  They require visitors to quarantine a set number of days prior to going out in public.  Currently it is 14 days and business travel to Japan is restrictive. 


US, with 3x the population. If we are running similar to Japan, that would be about 6M cases and 60k deaths. 


Nope.  53M cases and 820k deaths. We have 45 times more deaths.  


These numbers are shameful. This is a national embarassment.  Japan has a much higher population density.  What is our excuse for sucking at COVID? Half the country is choosing to suck at COVID and the other half thinks that getting the shot is good enough.  


People aren't isolating or quarantining... otherwise COVID would't be spreading. 

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7 minutes ago, clietas said:

One country's culture is centered around honor and duty. The other on being individualistic. 😬

Each value has its strengths and weaknesses. What makes America great (or any other country for that matter) is what also can kill it.


We’re definitely seeing it’s vulnerabilities under these circumstances. And it’ll be interesting to see what carnation arises out of it.

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6 hours ago, kfrankie said:


I assume that the failure rate was a positive result bias.  If so, that might explain why my wife's grandmother tested positive twice in 2020 while in nursing home but had no symptoms.

Yes, and it also couldn’t differentiate between flu and Covid which explains why the flu miraculously disappeared last year.

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2 hours ago, clietas said:

One country's culture is centered around honor and duty. The other on being individualistic. 😬


Asians view wearing the masks as taking care of those in their community not just themselves. We throw childish temper tantrums about having to wear them. 😑



Plus, Japan is an island.  The only surge they’ve really had is from the Olympics.


Also, Flu numbers were down last year because masks work.

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46 minutes ago, mojo said:

Read the article from NPR

There were two reagents in the test. One signals presence of flu virus, the other reagent signals presence of Covid virus. It was never designed to differentiate between the two viruses. And I say all this respectfully, I haven’t read up on this in two months. I did not find the npr article you are referring to, if you can link it. 

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34 minutes ago, Larry said:


Could you, you know, provide a link to "the article from NPR"?  The one that says that the 2020 Covid numbers were caused by falsely identifying flu as Covid?  


47 minutes ago, Elessar78 said:

There were two reagents in the test. One signals presence of flu virus, the other reagent signals presence of Covid virus. It was never designed to differentiate between the two viruses. And I say all this respectfully, I haven’t read up on this in two months. I did not find the npr article you are referring to, if you can link it. 


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NJ's Largest Hospital System Expects Hospitalizations to Exceed Worst of 2020 Soon


As COVID-19 hospitalizations rise 10% a day in New Jersey, the state's largest hospital system says it is a (short) matter of time until 2020's grim record is broken.


"If you look at what the (health) commissioner and governor are positing relative to their COVID models, sometime in the middle of January we’re likely to see the same level of hospitalization we were seeing back in March, April of 2020," Dr. Daniel Varga, the chief physician executive of Hackensack Meridian Health, told News 4.


HMH has 17 hospitals statewide and thousands of beds, but as more patients come in -- and more staffers get sick too -- the pressure on the system will rise.


"We’re already teeing up our process for how we will manage when we have to go to crisis standards of care, because I just think it's going to get there," Varga said.


Click on the link for the full article

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44 minutes ago, Larry said:


Could you, you know, provide a link to "the article from NPR"?  The one that says that the 2020 Covid numbers were caused by falsely identifying flu as Covid?  


This is the only thing I found via Googling for it: https://www.npr.org/2020/11/06/929078678/cdc-report-officials-knew-coronavirus-test-was-flawed-but-released-it-anyway

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16 minutes ago, mojo said:


I'm not seeing anything in there about the test identifying the flu as Covid.  Could you quote it?  Maybe I missed it.  


(I'm also not seeing anything about what kinds of errors it had.  False positives?  False negatives?  Positives and negatives combined?)  

Edited by Larry
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I know someone on one of those 😂 

I don’t know what the **** they were thinking


Cruise ships sound awful. Even before covid. 

god you’re trapped in this small room wondering if you’ll get sick before you get to leave 


what a ****ing nightmare 

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30 minutes ago, tshile said:

I know someone on one of those 😂 

I don’t know what the **** they were thinking


Cruise ships sound awful. Even before covid. 

god you’re trapped in this small room wondering if you’ll get sick before you get to leave 


what a ****ing nightmare 

Ive been on 10 music cruises pre-Covid.  I’ve gotten sick every time, either by day 3 or 4, or for a couple days after…


 They’ve been doing this round the clock at the 24 hour buffet since about 2015, just trying to get people to wash their hands.  But people don’t.




Edited by TryTheBeal!
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