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Ahead of Thanksgiving, the Turkeys are uprising...


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First they went after a bobcat...



Now they're after people:


‘They go to attack you.’ Aggressive gaggle of wild turkeys terrorize 55-and-up community


Wild turkeys are running amok at an over-55 community in Ocean County.


Residents say turkeys in a large flock are blocking their doorways, pecking at cars and behaving aggressively.


"I can't get out of my door," says one resident. "Sometimes I can't get out of my car. They go to attack you."


Just in time for Thanksgiving, an aggressive gaggle of 40 to 60 wild turkeys is terrorizing the community in the Holiday City section of town.


Residents say that shooing the birds away doesn't help, and that they actually bite. Some say that the turkeys have even broken windows in people's houses.


Meanwhile, Toms River says its animal control officers are powerless to stop the turkeys because they are not licensed to trap wildlife.



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New Jersey announces plan to address Toms River wild turkeys


New Jersey has announced a plan to remove some of the aggressive wild turkeys that have been wreaking havoc in one of its communities.


The state Department of Environmental Protection will trap flocks of turkeys from Toms River and relocate them to an unspecified location, the agency said in a statement.


The move comes amid furor from town residents — including ex-Mets players Todd Frazier — over the rouge gobblers.


The third baseman on Sunday shared a photo to his Twitter account of the birds standing on top of his car. A day earlier he called the Turkey infestation “a big problem here.”


“They have come close to harming my family and friends, ruined my cars, trashed my yard and much more,” he tweeted.


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NIMBY turkey menaces visitors at Oakland rose garden


Gerald the turkey is not practicing social distancing.


The male turkey, who has taken up residence at a public park in the Grand Lake neighborhood of Oakland, has been aggressively approaching visitors, disrupting their picnics and frightening children.


There have been reports of the tom pecking, clawing and stealing food. One victim said spending time with Gerald was like spending time with the dinosaurs in the “Jurassic Park” movies. Another victim got chased into the restroom.


“It was traumatic,” said Jeanne Silver, 76, a retired Oakland church administrator out for an afternoon walk the other day. “All of a sudden it attacked me. It happened so fast. He got me with his talons and his wings.


“I didn’t know turkeys did things like that.”


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Aggressive Turkeys Cause Trouble in Woburn Neighborhood


Meaghan Tolson lives under constant attack from some unruly neighbors in Woburn, Massachusetts — a flock of about five wild turkeys that roam freely on Nashua Street.


"I am being described as the turkey whisperer," said Tolson. "You definitely hear them before you see them."


About two years ago, Tolson began to find them in her front yard.


"It started with one turkey. His name is Kevin. I named him," she noted.


They usually come out at sunrise and sunset looking to feed and cause some mayhem. Everyone is fair game.


"I feel like Kevin kind of hypes them up, and Kevin is like 'Let's chase these people,' and they're like, 'Let's do it,'" Tolson imagined them saying.


Neighbors came flocking to talk to NBC10 Boston about the terrifying turkeys after noticing the news crew in their neighborhood.


"I do have some crazy stories to tell!" said Devin Farren. "They're up at 6 a.m. in my lawn and start chasing us, trying to pop the tires. It's wild!"


"A turkey was literally right at my front door. I opened it and I was like, 'Oh my god,' and I'm slowly backing away from it. I was freaking out," described Farren's older sister, Reese.


No one living on the block knows where they came from or why the turkeys are being aggressive, but 8-year-old Leo Tangu proposed a solution.


"Kill them and eat them," he suggested.


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  • 2 months later...

‘He kind of amps them up’: ‘Kevin’ the ringleader as turkeys terrorize Massachusetts town


It’s the time of year when millions of turkeys across the US might justifiably fear for their safety, but in one Massachusetts town the birds have turned the tables, ganging up to “terrorize” residents with pecks, kicks and loud clucking.


People in Woburn, north-west of Boston, have been subjected to a barrage of attacks and intimidation by a group of five wild turkeys, with the situation forcing some to take up improvised weapons and residents reporting being trapped in their homes.


The turkeys, led by a male bird nicknamed Kevin, arrived two years ago. Initially the birds were docile, but as time passed they have become ever more pugnacious, leaving Woburners fearful for their safety and forced to adapt their behavior.


“They don’t let you out of your house,” said Meaghan Tolson, who lives in Woburn and has named the turkeys.


“They peck at cars, they stop traffic. They go after kids on bikes. If you’re walking or jogging, or anything like that, they come for you.”



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