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"Israel is for Jewish people only" - Netanyahu

Bozo the kKklown

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2 minutes ago, Riggo-toni said:

The problem boils down to demography versus geography. The Israelis don't want to formally annex the territory because the higher birth rate among Palestinians would make the Jews a minority in their own country - similar to how the Christian/Sunni power sharing in Lebanon was upended by the burgeoning Shiite population. 

Occupation is the only way to control the area without extending voting and other rights to the Arab population.


I agree, last time I checked the populations were actually really close to each other.  I'm not saying it wont be ugly at first, it may take a generation or two, but I dont think anyway to peace will work except sharing the land. 


A second state is always going to be susceptible to manipulation by outside parties as a way to get back at Isreal for taking the land in the first place, along with having little to no resources to be anything more then a struggling third world country.


It could be incremental because I'm not buying that every Palestinian would turn down Isreali citizenship if offered.  Isreal giving that is a different story, because you right, they want a type of control that they should not have in the first place.

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Or he could have said "no", and Bibi walked out of the meeting and claimed he agreed.  


Or he could have told both people what they wanted to hear.  


Or he could have told the two of them different things, and not even realized that that wasn't what he said an hour ago  

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Every time this thread gets bumped a couple hundred more Israeli Jews have left Israel for the greater Los Angeles area. Mr Prime Minister himself wanted no part of living in Israel for about a third of his life if I'm not mistaken. The irony in that statement will never cease to amuse me. 

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Weary and divided, Israel goes back to the polls


JERUSALEM (AP) — For the third time in under a year, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seeks re-election, and once again the Israeli leader is on the ropes.


After two inconclusive elections last year, opinion polls forecast another stalemate — a troubling scenario for Netanyahu who will go on trial on corruption charges just two weeks after Monday’s vote.


This election campaign has been especially tumultuous. President Donald Trump launched his long-awaited Mideast plan, a proposal that heavily favored Israel and was seen as an election gift to Netanyahu. The Israeli leader, meanwhile, was forced to drop his bid for immunity from prosecution, and just this week, Israel battled Gaza militants in a two-day round of fighting.


Monday’s election is seen as another referendum on Netanyahu, the country’s longest serving prime minister. And once again, the country seems hopelessly divided.


With seeming boundless energy, the 70-year-old Netanyahu has taken to the airwaves and hit the campaign trail, presenting himself to adoring audiences as a global statesman uniquely qualified to lead the country through its many complicated challenges. In recent weeks, he jetted from the White House to Moscow to bring home a young Israeli woman jailed there on drug charges, and flew to Uganda for a meeting with a leader of Sudan, a longtime enemy country.


“We have turned Israel into a world power, a leader in cyber technology, natural gas, water, agriculture, technology, intelligence,” Netanyahu boasted at a recent campaign stop.

He claims credit for a strong economy and boasts of his close relationships with world leaders, first and foremost Trump, while deriding opponent Benny Gantz as a lightweight. In a message that has drawn accusations of racism, he also accuses Gantz of plotting with Arab lawmakers to oust him. In recent days, Netanyahu and his Likud surrogates spread unfounded allegations claiming his opponent is corrupt, unstable and susceptible to blackmail by Iran.


Click on the link for the full article

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On 1/29/2020 at 12:05 AM, Renegade7 said:

Just annex the territories and give Palestinians all Isreali citizenship.  At this rate they gonna take the rest of land anyway, get it over with.

To piggyback on Riggo-toni’s comments, if Netanyoohoo comes through on his promise, it will pretty much set in stone Israel’s identity as an apartheid state. Also, I’m sure one of their closest Arab allies, Jordan would be royally pissed. Personally, I hope he does it. It’s time for the 💩 to meet the fan so the world can formally recognize them for what they are.

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Israel takes step toward emergency government as Gantz is elected parliament speaker


JERUSALEM —Israeli lawmakers took what could be a significant step Thursday toward forming an emergency government and ending the country's year-long political deadlock by electing opposition leader Benny Gantz as speaker of parliament.


The unexpected development looks to be part of a deal between Gantz and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to form a unity government as Israel battles the coronavirus pandemic. Under the deal, Netanyahu could remain prime minister for now.


The sudden turn of events prompted the immediate breakup of Gantz’s Blue and White party. Two of the three factions comprising that party have consistently said they will not join a governing coalition or participate in a political scenario that allows Netanyahu to remain in office while he faces criminal indictment.

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