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Anti-Vaxxer thread (New York Reports 1st Polio Case in Nearly a Decade)


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Judge denies order letting unvaccinated kids go to school


ALBANY, N.Y. — A civil rights lawyer representing parents opposed to vaccines for their children said Monday he will appeal a judge’s decision upholding a New York state law that ended religious exemptions from vaccinations required to attend schools and day care programs.


The state Legislature repealed the religious exemption in June amid the nation’s worst measles outbreak in decades. Families who previously held religious exemptions sued, arguing the repeal action was unconstitutional because it violated rights of religious expression.


State Supreme Court Judge Denise Hartman denied an injunction against the law Friday, citing extensive legal precedent supporting compulsory vaccination laws. She quoted a 1944 U.S. Supreme Court ruling saying “The right to practice religion does not include liberty to expose the community or the child to communicable disease or the latter to ill health or death.”


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Revised CA vaccine bill would revoke exemptions from infamous anti-vax doc [Updated]


Hundreds of dubious medical exemptions handed out by California’s infamous anti-vaccine pediatrician, Dr. Robert Sears, would be revoked under fresh amendments to a state bill designed to boost vaccination rates.


The bill’s author, state Senator (and MD) Richard Pan (D-Sacramento), came to an agreement on the amendments late last week with California Gov. Gavin Newsom.


The bill, SB 276, aims to crack down on bogus medical exemptions, which surged in the wake of the state’s 2015 law eliminating vaccine exemptions based on personal and religious beliefs. Dr. Pan was prompted to author the bill after discovering that some “unscrupulous” doctors had been exempting children from vaccine requirements based on questionable or outright sham medical reasons—sometimes for hefty fees. The exemptions left some communities under-protected from vaccine-preventable illnesses.

As originally written, SB 276 would require doctors in the state to use only federally accepted criteria for issuing the exemptions and install state oversight of the exemptions and the doctors who issue them. State health officials would have the power to revoke exemptions found to be fraudulent.


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Anti-vaxxer whose son contracted measles says she played 'Russian roulette' with boy's health


A New Zealand woman who chose not to vaccinate one of her children was candid when describing how her decision ultimately put her son’s life in jeopardy.


Ally Edward-Lasenby told the radio station “The Hits” she chose to vaccinate one of her children but not her son Cameron, who later contracted the measles and became very ill.


When probed by the radio hosts as to why she made the choice not to vaccinate Cameron, Edward-Lasenby said a “research” paper that claimed there was a link between vaccinations and autism influenced her decision.


The paper Edward-Lasenby was seemingly referring to was published in the medical journal The Lancet in 1997, but was retracted in 2010 due to its incorrect elements and ethical violations, among other reasons. Separate studies conducted following the report’s initial release did not find a link between any vaccine and autism, ultimately debunking its claims.


“I made what I thought was an informed decision at the time,” she said.


Edward-Lasenby’s son Cameron later contracted the measles, an experience she said she “wouldn’t wish on anybody” and which she noted could have been prevented if her son had been vaccinated against measles with the MMR vaccine.


After initially being diagnosed with the flu, Cameron’s condition quickly worsened, Edward-Lasenby said. He suffered from a rash and conjunctivitis — common signs of measles.

"[The doctors] took one look at him and said, 'You can get him to the hospital first or we can get an ambulance here,'" she said.


Once they arrived, Cameron was confirmed to have measles.


“Initially, he had white spots on his mouth," she said. "He had conjunctivitis. He was really unwell. He continued to deteriorate, and a rash came all over his body. Then they were talking about brain damage — potential brain damage — and the potential loss of life too because it was quite serious."


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  • 2 weeks later...

Where's they guy with the AR-15 when you need him?


Anti-Vaxxers March on ‘Nazifornia’ Capitol, Chanting ‘No Segregation’ and ‘We Shall Overcome’


Over the past two weeks, protesters have flooded the California state capitol to oppose a bill that restricts the medical exemptions parents have been using to avoid vaccinating their children. The outcry comes four years after state lawmakers eliminated personal-belief and religious exemptions for public-school attendees, which were the most common workarounds used to get kids enrolled without having them vaccinated. The anti-vax movement has been ridiculed widely. Critics lambast its adherents for willfully exposing other people’s children to preventable diseases — like the measles — often based on dubious medical beliefs, like that vaccines cause autism. But amid their subsequent claims to victimhood and oppression, anti-vaxxers had largely avoided marching in major cities singing “We Shall Overcome” and chanting, “No segregation, no discrimination, education for all!” while carrying signs that read, “Welcome to Nazifornia.”


Until now.


“This is misappropriation of a movement [the civil-rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s] that really is not over and proves to be challenging to overcome,” Assemblywoman Sydney Kamlager-Dove, a Los Angeles Democrat and member of the California Legislative Black Caucus, told Politico of the mostly white women protesters’ antics in Sacramento this week. “The whole conversation around vaccinations is actually one about privilege and opportunity. It’s a personal choice. It’s a luxury to be able to have a conversation about medical exemptions and about whether or not you think your child should be vaccinated.”


Increased skepticism about vaccines — and fear of their alleged side effects — has since 2001 helped quadruple the percentage of American children under 2 years old who haven’t had any, according to the Washington Post. Research shows that in California, personal-belief exemptions were claimed overwhelmingly by well-off white people before being outlawed. 


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  • 3 weeks later...

I wish, in cases like this, they would publish whether this particular case is:  


1)  Kid can't be vaccinated, due to allergy or some such.

2)  Was vaccinated, but it didn't take in this case.  

3)  Or some member of the "everybody else should get vaccinated, so my kid doesn't have to" crowd.  


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This person was in stores just south of me. Actually near my daughter's and ex-SIL's areas.


In other news in my area, just down the street from me, some stupid man was waving a rifle around threatening to shoot passing cars and himself. He was arrested without incident to persons or police. However, dumb guy showed the rifle to police in a threatening manner and two police officers shot him. 

Edited by LadySkinsFan
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Thousands of Seattle students told to get vaccinated, or don’t come back after winter break


Seattle Public Schools is warning thousands of students that they will be excluded from school after Christmas break unless they get in compliance with Washington's vaccine laws.


The district sent letters home to families warning that students must get in compliance by January 8th.


A notice on the district website says, “Student records must reflect updated immunization status by January 8, 2020, or students cannot attend school until the required information is provided to the school nurse.”


The district is hosting three free immunization clinics over the winter break to help students get in compliance. 


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Immunize Nevada cancels events after social media harassment


Immunize Nevada, a nonprofit organization aimed at promoting vaccinations, canceled two events this month after it said anti-vaccination activists began harassing the restaurant vendors hired to host the events.


Several people posted bad reviews for each vendor for supporting the organization's events on Facebook and Yelp. The comments were bringing down the overall review ratings, according to Immunize Nevada executive director Heidi Parker. 


The events were scheduled for Dec. 6 in Reno and Dec. 13 in Las Vegas.


The idea was to host two breakfasts called “Big Shots,” which replaced the annual Silver Syringe Awards, Parker said.


“We planned the breakfast event as an end-of-the-year celebration, and we had Big Shot award nominees,” she said.


Instead, the coalition organized one statewide online event on Dec. 13 to celebrate the importance of vaccinations. It raised $14,726. 


Parker said the total was significantly more than the estimated $8,000 or $10,000 raised at a previous Silver Syringe Awards event. 


"We were actually able to make more on Big Shots, and the virtual event exceeded our expectations," she said. 


The change was made to avoid potential threats from anti-vaccination activists at the in-person events.  It was unknown who was behind the online comments.




Parker said the recent wave of harassment by activists known as anti-vaxxers isn’t new. In July, a small group of protesters attended the annual Family Health Festival in Sun Valley, an event where local organizations provide health care, free vaccines, and food to the community in Reno-Sparks. 



“Their goal was to get people to not vaccinate their kids and to file for an exemption,” Parker said of the protesters. 



Nevada is one of several states that allow medical or religious exemptions for children in public schools. 


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  • 1 month later...

The stupid, it burns...


Rodney Howard-Browne: Coronavirus Pandemic Is a Globalist Plot to Kill People With Vaccines


Amid the global COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, right-wing pastor and radical conspiracy theorist Rodney Howard-Browne held services at his The River church in Tampa Bay, Florida, on Sunday, where he encouraged congregants to greet one another by shaking hands because, as he said, “we’re raising up revivalists, not pansies.”


Howard-Browne, who was among evangelical leaders who laid hands upon and prayed over President Donald Trump in the Oval Office in 2017, dedicated most of his Sunday sermon to mocking fears about the spread of the coronavirus and calling it a “phantom plague” designed to terrify people into receiving vaccines that will kill them, which he claimed was all part of a plan laid out in a 2010 document called “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” produced by The Rockefeller Foundation and Global Business Network.


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Wondering when this thread would come back. They think it's funny, wait until the coronavirus vaccine comes out and not getting it forces them to continue social distancing.  I can't imagine this not being a mandatory school vaccine, some will die before we even get to that point.

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18 hours ago, DCSaints_fan said:

This is why they need to get the Covid-19 vaccine right, the first time.  Any major side effects and is giving the anti-vaxxers a truckload of ammunition

Perfection is the enemy of good enough. 

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Groups sow doubt about COVID vaccine before one even exists


A coronavirus vaccine is still months or years away, but groups that peddle misinformation about immunizations are already taking aim, potentially eroding confidence in what could be humanity’s best chance to defeat the virus.


In recent weeks, vaccine opponents have made several unsubstantiated claims, including allegations that vaccine trials will be dangerously rushed or that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious diseases expert, is blocking cures to enrich vaccine makers. They’ve also falsely claimed that Microsoft founder Bill Gates wants to use a vaccine to inject microchips into people — or to cull 15% of the world’s population.


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