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Miami Herald: I’m done trying to understand Trump supporters. Why don’t they try to understand me?

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A shocking number of Americans believe God personally anointed Trump to rule the country


Why do so many evangelical Christians support former President Donald Trump despite his decades of documented ungodly behavior?


An in-depth report from The Economist shows that it has a simple explanation: They believe that God personally appointed him to rule the United States.


In fact, the report cites a survey conducted by Denison University political scientist Paul Djupe that around 30 percent of Americans believe Trump "was anointed by God to become president."


The Economist traces the origins of this line of thinking to Lance Wallnau, a self-declared prophet who has long been seen as a fringe figure but who gathered a following arguing that Trump was God's personal pick for the White House.


Click on the link for the full article


I'm not sure I believe 30% of Americans.  Maybe 30% of Republicans, but that would only be about 15% of Americans.  Still a lot, but significantly less.

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Tim Alberta Confronted By Trump Fans at Funeral For His Pastor Father: They Didn’t See Me as a ‘Grieving Son’


Tim Alberta spoke in depth of how Donald Trump supporters accosted him during his father’s funeral over his various criticisms of the former president.


The Atlantic reporter joined NBC’s Kristen Welker on Sunday’s Meet The Press to talk about his new book: The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory: American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism. In the book, Alberta speaks about the Christian values he held as the son of a pastor, Trump’s relationship with evangelicals, and how the Christian right has changed amid the former president’s political ascendance.


Alberta, in the book, wrote about his father’s death in 2019, and the memorial services his family held at the church where he grew up. In Alberta’s recollection, the remembrance took a turn for the worse when attendees repeatedly brought up Rush Limbaugh, who recently went after Alberta on his radio show over his “unflattering” Trump reporting.



They kept on coming. More than I could count. People from the church—people I’d known my entire life—were greeting me, not primarily with condolences or encouragement or mourning, but with commentary about Limbaugh and Trump. Some of it was playful, guys remarking about how I was the same mischief-maker they’d known since kindergarten. But some of it wasn’t playful. Some of it was angry; some of it was cold and confrontational. One man questioned whether I was truly a Christian. Another asked if I was still on “the right side.” All while Dad was in a box a hundred feet away.


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1 hour ago, China said:

A shocking number of Americans believe God personally anointed Trump to rule the country


Why do so many evangelical Christians support former President Donald Trump despite his decades of documented ungodly behavior?


An in-depth report from The Economist shows that it has a simple explanation: They believe that God personally appointed him to rule the United States.


They believe this, because the pastor at their church along with the social media "newsfeeds" they are following keep repeating it to them, just a slow trickle at a time, which makes it so cunning 

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"sick of the grift".

THIS is the breaking point. She's had enough NOW.

This woman has been bathing in excrement and is complaining that someone farted.

Besides. It's not a grift. She and her target audience have bought ALL of it. It is only a grift if there is an unwitting victim.

Witless, yes. Victim, not even close.


Even when they try to sound reasonable, they just show their ass again.



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The documents state that during the event — which started Sept. 29 and went past midnight — Schillinger’s then-boyfriend allegedly grabbed a 16-year-old by the neck for intervening in a fight between the couple and hit a 15-year-old in the face during an argument over football. According to the allegations in court papers, her intoxicated mother also punched the older teen in the eye and chased him around the kitchen island. Police said they had cellphone recordings of some of these reported events.



Schillinger had been throwing a 17th birthday party for her daughter that night, hosting about 20 teens in her basement, where there was a bar stocked with New Amsterdam vodka and Malibu Bay Breeze rum, police wrote in the affidavit. In addition to supplying the underage group with alcohol, she allegedly poured liquor for the teens, asked them to take a shot with her and played beer pong with them, witnesses later told authorities.



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‘Vision of the Trump campaign and Dordt were incongruent’: Sioux Center Trump rally moved to new venue


Dordt University has put out a statement about former President Donald Trump’s planned rally in Sioux Center, saying the event has moved. 

The university said they invite presidential candidates of all political parties each campaign cycle, with the intent of the event being “educational in nature, including questions directly from Dordt students to the candidates.” Meanwhile, the Trump campaign desired a rally format.


In addition, the university also said that it understood that nothing would be publicized about Trump’s visit until the format was finalized after the new year.

“Ultimately, the vision of the Trump campaign and Dordt were incongruent, and the event will not take place at the university,” the statement read.


Click on the link for the full article


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8 minutes ago, skinsmarydu said:

Yeah, I don't know about other states, but GA's are always unannounced...we just know who to look for--a person carrying a stainless steel clipboard wearing a lanyard that has credentials.  (Then we run to alert the kitchen staff and everybody gets their giddy-up on.)   


Remembering a Frasier episode where he buys a restaurant. He's in the kitchen (because his chef quit). Niles comes in and breathlessly announces that table 7 just seated the Mayor and the head of the immigration office. 


And everybody in the kitchen runs out the back door. 

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Former Trump Officials Reveal Ongoing ‘Death Threats’ Silencing Republicans on Jan. 6 — Will Vote For Biden


During an appearance on ABC News, Sarah Matthews, a former deputy press secretary for the Trump administration, disclosed that a climate of “death threats” is the key factor muzzling ex-Trump officials from speaking out about the tumultuous events of January 6.


During an exclusive year-end interview with host Jonathan Karl, Matthews, joined by former Trump officials Alyssa Farah Griffin and Cassidy Hutchinson, provided insights into their collaboration with the Jan. 6 Committee. Matthews delved into the reasons behind the lingering silence among Republicans.


Matthews revealed a chilling truth behind the reluctance of ex-Trump administration officials to speak out—ongoing death threats. While acknowledging personal ambitions as a contributing factor, Matthews highlighted the genuine fear among Republicans that coming forward would lead to threats against their lives and their families.


“I knew that coming forward and speaking out against Donald Trump, I could potentially face security threats or death threats, online harassment,” Matthews stated, emphasizing the risks she and others faced.


Alyssa Farah Griffin echoed these concerns, pointing not only to the fear of retribution from Trump but also the disturbingly intense loyalty of his followers. Griffin described the threats, harassment, and intimidation as “horrifying” and unprecedented in her decades-long political career.

In a stark warning, Griffin highlighted the unprecedented impact of Trump’s influence, stating, “Listen, I’ll say this with Donald Trump is, what scares me as much as him and his retribution is the almost cult-like following he has over his most diehard supporters. The threats, the harassment, the death threats that you get when he targets you and he’s deliberate in targeting is really horrifying and has no place in our American discourse, and it’s unlike anything I’ve seen in the decades-plus I’ve been in politics.”


Click on the link for the full article 

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2 hours ago, China said:

Matthews revealed a chilling truth behind the reluctance of ex-Trump administration officials to speak out—ongoing death threats. While acknowledging personal ambitions as a contributing factor, Matthews highlighted the genuine fear among Republicans that coming forward would lead to threats against their lives and their families.


"The Republicans who have spent the last decade trying to convince people that teenaged trans kids, people who wear the wrong clothes while reading children's stories, librarians, and public school teachers, M&Ms, Bud Light, Disney, and books, are a threat to your children's genitals, are complaining that intentionally stimulating people's threat reflexes might result in harassment of them.  


(Not that they have any intention of stopping pushing it.  It's the only tool in their toolbox.)

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