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Election 2018 Thread (An Adult Finally Has the Gavel)


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Interesting article about who is organizing in this election season against Republicans/Trump in rural counties who voted Trump/Republican in 2016. 


Again older women are generally discounted in the rush to embrace young and minority persons.  BTW, this study doesn't find any Our Revolution/Sanders persons participating.







response to BenningRoadSkin's post above mine: 


Traitors  all who voted against this bill. They should all be voted out this year, the ones not retiring, and should be a question for every Republican running everywhere including state and local government.

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More on the election security grants that Republicans shot down:





U.S. intelligence officials and security experts have spent years urging states to shore up their elections’ digital defenses, and the latest indictments from special counsel Robert Mueller drew fresh attention to Russia’s cyberattacks on the 2016 presidential election.


But less than four months before the midterm elections that will shape the rest of Donald Trump’s presidency, most states’ election offices have failed to fix their most glaring security weaknesses, according to a POLITICO survey of all 50 states.


And few states are planning steps that would improve their safeguards before November, even after they receive their shares of the $380 million in election security funding that Congress approved in March.


Only 13 states said they intend to use the federal dollars to buy new voting machines. At least 22 said they have no plans to replace their machines before the election — including all five states that rely solely on paperless electronic voting devices, which cybersecurity experts consider a top vulnerability.

In addition, almost no states conduct robust, statistic-based post-election audits to look for evidence of tampering after the fact. And fewer than one-third of states and territories have requested a key type of security review from the Department of Homeland Security.


Almost none of the 40 states that responded to POLITICO provided full details of how they plan to spend their shares of the money.


The holes in states’ preparedness contrast with the alarming details that Mueller offered Friday about the extent of Russian hackers’ operations in 2016 — as well as Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats’ warning the same day that election systems and the other “digital infrastructure that serves this country is literally under attack.”


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If the 2018 cycle has made anything clear, Donald Trump is the best fundraiser Democratic candidates have ever had. Democrats only need to pick up 23 GOP seats for House control, but their donors' desperation to thwart the president helped Democratic candidates out-raise a jaw-dropping 55 GOP House incumbents in the last three months. And 18 Democrats in GOP-held seats raised more than $1 million (not including self-funders).

For context, in the GOP wave of 2010, 44 Democratic incumbents were out-raised by GOP candidates during the same period, according to Politico's Elena Schneider. But that year, Republicans needed to pick up 40 seats for control, nearly twice what Democrats need now.

Here are five quick takeaways from the latest batch of House FEC data:


1. The NRCC and pro-GOP Congressional Leadership Fund will need to shoulder an enormous burden this fall.
In 37 GOP-held districts — including 16 held by Republican incumbents — a Democrat entered July with the most cash on hand (in 2010, only eight incumbent Democrats trailed a Republican at this point). In races like NJ-11, where Sherrill has a $2.9 million to $171,000 cash advantage, Democrats are poised to control the narrative in cost-prohibitive markets.


The CLF raised an impressive $51 million between April and June and has $71 million on hand. The NRCC had an additional $61 million on hand at the end of May. But outside groups pay higher rates than candidates for ads, and as March's special in PA-18 showed, there's no substitute for candidates communicating directly. Soon, Republican groups will need to decide which seats are worth the expense of trying to save.


2. Democrats' fundraising success has been particularly striking in California, New Jersey and Texas.
Those three donor-rich states accounted for 12 of the 18 Democrats who raised more than $1 million: Josh Harder (CA-10), Andrew Janz (CA-22), Katie Hill (CA-25), Katie Porter (CA-45), Mike Levin (CA-49), Andy Kim (NJ-03), Tom Malinowski (NJ-07), Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11), Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07), Gina Ortiz Jones (TX-23), M.J. Hegar (TX-31) and Colin Allred (TX-32).


More at link.  

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I have to say, I seem to see a remarkable amount of naïveté on the part of some people, if they were willing to screw with a presidential election, what makes you think they'll flinch at screwing the midterms?


I try and go back to basics, kinda like reading a detective novel and figuring it out before Inspector Gadget reveals the killer. The Rs are TOO complacent, they aren't anywhere near concerned enough. This is a big fat clue staring us right in the face. They know the fix is in, there is already a plan in motion to deal with it.


Here's a weird thought that a couple of people I know have been kicking around. The Russians and the Republicans-under-contract-to-the-Russians and the Trumpers and the whole deluded deplorable mess have to do barely anything. The Russians are known for finding one fragile spot and pressuring it for maximum effect. Everybody's all wound up over dumbass in Helsinki, etc., so all they would need to do is quite overtly get caught, intentionally get caught, trying to conduct some bumbling interference in a few carefully selected locales with compliant voting management and voila! THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING! THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING!! They declare electoral martial law and freeze the results "until a thorough investigation can be made", no one is seated, no one is unseated, we just maintain the status quo until we look into it (which of course may take YEARS), and the resulting uproar is stymied with catcalls of "Well you all wanted us to do something about Russian interference, we are and now that's not good enough either. See? Snowflakelibtardcrybabies are never happy!"


No House flip

No investigations

No new committees

No shuffling morons like Nunes or Gowdy off to a closet where they belong



Happy thought for the day

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@visionary‘s post, that is a wild story. It’s not surprising that Confederate Corey is already full-on desperate and trying to throw anything he can against the wall to see if it sticks. The latest poll (the Q) has Kaine up by 18 points. Additionally, candidates are usually in trouble if their fundraising has only raised half of their opponent, especially if their opponent is an incumbent with no obvios scandals. 


As i postd earlier in the week, Kaine is outraising Stewart not by double, or triple, or quadruple. It’s 66 to 1


Does anyone know if there is precedent for someone to give away some of their war chest to other competitive races?  Some Virginia Democratic house challengers could really use some of Kaine’s $10 million. Especially considering the House is in play and the Senate probably isn’t. 

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1 hour ago, BenningRoadSkin said:



Well, duh.  That's who the disenfranchisement efforts have been targeting.  


(Openly.  I mean, even twa will defend it by saying that 'Well, yeah, we're intentionally disenfranchising them.  But it's not because of their race, it's only because of how they vote.  So that makes it OK."  Heck, various courts have used that justification to allow it.)  

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On 7/20/2018 at 5:48 PM, PleaseBlitz said:

@visionary‘s post, that is a wild story. It’s not surprising that Confederate Corey is already full-on desperate and trying to throw anything he can against the wall to see if it sticks. The latest poll (the Q) has Kaine up by 18 points. Additionally, candidates are usually in trouble if their fundraising has only raised half of their opponent, especially if their opponent is an incumbent with no obvios scandals. 


As i postd earlier in the week, Kaine is outraising Stewart not by double, or triple, or quadruple. It’s 66 to 1


Virginia GOP has been on a steady downhill trend since 2008. Corey Stewart is going to tank them into California GOP like irrelevancy.


The GOP is going to be non-existent in most of America's major economic hubs.

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3 hours ago, No Excuses said:


Virginia GOP has been on a steady downhill trend since 2008. Corey Stewart is going to tank them into California GOP like irrelevancy.


The GOP is going to be non-existent in most of America's major economic hubs.


Yea, not sure what the path to victory is for Stewart. Not sure “be a bigger asshole than Ed Gillespie” is gonna be a winning stategy in Virginia. I also think having Stewart at the top of the ticket hurts GOP congressional candidates like Comstock. 

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