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Harvey Weinstein, Fired Amongst Sexual Harassment Allegations

Spaceman Spiff

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8 minutes ago, grego said:

I agree with a lot of that. 


I'm wondering though if you see that many white people are afraid to say anything against a POC for fear of being called a racist? 


(I'm totally comfortable talking about race, btw) 

They haven't been afraid before.


And Jon Conyers is a Civil Rights icon who has gone down.


It is not about being called a racist. It is not an interesting story since it has been discussed for many years.


When a rapper gets outed, the story will be more of a "see, we told you so" versus the surprise of the names we are seeing now.

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Penis size, the asshole told penis size jokes. 


And thanks for proving my points. 


You can ask the men I interact on here whether they think I hate men. I don't. I have no use for men in my intimate life, not in general. 


And since you're not female, you have no ****ing idea what women go through on a daily basis, how we are raised to sit with our knees together, watch where we go, what we wear, and so on.

Edited by LadySkinsFan
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10 minutes ago, MondayNightCowboyKilla89 said:


Oh please.


The past couple years, this idea of "rape culture" has been exaggerated in my view.


Just because your own personal anecdotes. which lean heavily towards hating all men, that doesn't mean every woman is or should be walking around, going to work, the gym, etc. scared that every man is a potential predator.


I do agree that many men are disrespectful of women, talk to strangers however they like, and sometimes cross the line with the catcalling where it is obnoxious.


However, with all due respect your "call to action" rings hollow because you come off as an extremist. Men being sexually attracted to women and letting it be known is why most of us are breathing and it is a highly evolved biological impulse to do so. Sorry. You can claim men and women are equal all you want, but we are coded to be more direct, sometimes, even aggressive at times. Sometimes it crosses the line, much of the time it doesn't. Well, at least in my arbitrary assessment. Yours are obviously much different.


I'm not delegitimizing sexual assault and harassment but there's a NUMBER of things wrong with society, including all the extremist Post Modern third wave feminists trying to scare young girls and women into thinking all men are secretly the boogeyman.


And really, size jokes?? That's a nice bylaw you created. Many Americans should be shamed for being obese, men and women alike. It should be with tact but family's need to start shaming in as gentle as fashion as possible. It's shameful and we have the education and resources so that people can take it upon themselves to quell the problem, unless that person is disabled.




Now THERE'S a much bigger problem that affects our society.

You are not a woman and you don't seem to like them either, based on this post.

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5 minutes ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

You are not a woman and you don't seem to like them either, based on this post.


LOL fool.


I was raised by women, classy ones at that. Also ones that don't find gender and sex problems wherever they look. They are tough.


I love women more than most, lol I have great taste in them and they seem to enjoy my passion ans sensibilities. I'm not some nerd SJW white knight but I am respectful around them, although we all have our dolt moments. Doesn't mean I'm groping or even being abusive verbally.


If you want to quote my post, you should dissect it or ignore it. Your dookie say-nothing response tells me you don't have much to add other than, "Weell you're not a WOMAN!"


Myself and the rest of this board aren't NFL players or coaches either, but that doesn;t mean we can't assess their strengths and where they fall short. Regardless of what some of you may believe, your moral superiority is often feigned in my view. You condemn people in specific categories while often ignoring the transgressions of those who align with your political views or personal tastes.


I've seen you post. You come off as an extremist too.

Edited by MondayNightCowboyKilla89
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"In the 1990s, the push to include gender in hate crimes was brought to the mainstream by organizations like NOW. Feminists argue that sexual violence is a tool to sustain the systematic subordination of women within society. Chen, a feminist legal scholar, finds that men who commit gender-bias crimes seek to maintain power and dominance over women through sexual terrorism, reinforcing socially constructed views about the nature of men and women, vent their personal frustrations, exert superior status in comparison to other men, or punish women who choose to compete in areas traditionally reserved for men.  Similar to other hate crimes, women are often called names during assaults, they are targeted because of their membership to a group, and other women in the community will fear for their own safety when another woman is assaulted."


Sexual Violence is a Hate Crime

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5 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

"In the 1990s, the push to include gender in hate crimes was brought to the mainstream by organizations like NOW. Feminists argue that sexual violence is a tool to sustain the systematic subordination of women within society. Chen, a feminist legal scholar, finds that men who commit gender-bias crimes seek to maintain power and dominance over women through sexual terrorism, reinforcing socially constructed views about the nature of men and women, vent their personal frustrations, exert superior status in comparison to other men, or punish women who choose to compete in areas traditionally reserved for men.  Similar to other hate crimes, women are often called names during assaults, they are targeted because of their membership to a group, and other women in the community will fear for their own safety when another woman is assaulted."


Sexual Violence is a Hate Crime


Bolded...aka Competition. One of the forces that drive all male animals. But hey, social construct right?


Some of the claims are true to some extent but yeah, Good Luck with all that. I went to the link and yeah... these ladies' tenets are not objective reality

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43 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Not reality for you maybe. 


Since you went to the link, you recognize that the bolded text is the copied bolded title from the article.


Quit with the manipulation. It shows how weak your argument is.



Wait, what?


Haha I went to the link because I am open-minded enough to get different perspectives, despite my own convictions. I'm not a Facebook "Headline" reader like you probably are in many of these sexual harassment claims. You seem intelligent enough to have read further than that and educated yourself but please, I went college and took many sociology courses so I know what material is being fed there.


I am even open enough to read some crap smear campaign on Gal Gadot. I felt for the lady, as she was an aspiring model who was drugged and raped. IT was an awful and disturbing tale. She called Gadot a wolf in sheep's clothing, a sexual predator in her own right, etc. etc. Then I read the lady's credentials and area of "expertise". Yeah.


It reeked of attention seeking, calling out Wonder Woman at the height of her mainstream popularity...


Edited by MondayNightCowboyKilla89
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12 hours ago, MondayNightCowboyKilla89 said:



I'm not delegitimizing sexual assault and harassment but there's a NUMBER of things wrong with society, including all the extremist Post Modern third wave feminists trying to scare young girls and women into thinking all men are secretly the boogeyman.







Probably learned from conservatives who have been successfully scaring white people into thinking brown people and muslims are boogeymen for centuries. 

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3 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:

I love it when things like how women are treated in society are mansplained to me. 

Why didn't you say so before?  I have a lot of thoughts on how you should live your life.  Next time you're in D.C. you can buy me a coffee and I'll set ya on a better path ;)  

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6 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:

I love it when things like how women are treated in society are mansplained to me. 





I love it, and simultaneously hate it (humans are complex with opinions!) when an outraged man-hater resorts to language designed ONLY to shut down a valid point of contrast from the shortsighted speak of postmodernist third wave feminist.


Sorry you have a problem with heterosexual relations and how they are sometimes engaged. I'm NOT with harassment or intimidation when "courting" a woman but I simply don't take your slanted views all that seriously. 

6 hours ago, Elessar78 said:

Probably learned from conservatives who have been successfully scaring white people into thinking brown people and muslims are boogeymen for centuries. 


Oh ok.


So now you want to shift the conversation to racial profiling and religious oppression when the whole discussion is regarding sexual assault and creepy behavior that can violate a woman's rights.


Also funny is the notion you call out Conservatives in a thread about sexual harassment when the liberals haven't exactly been composed themselves:


Al Franken 

Harvey Weinstein

Kevin Spacey

Bryan Singer

Matt Lauer

Jeffrey Tambor

Danny Masterson


Anthony Weiner lol


the list goes on. Sure, you can list an endless amount of Conservatives or whatever, even though I loathe them too.


Liberal fanatics sure are good at mental gymnastics

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Coming from someone who essentially called me a "mansplainer" which, by the way, isn't a real word.


It is a weak ad hominem, random, goal post moving arbitrary term that is utilized to dodge avoiding actual points. I noticed you didn't even attempt to refute the majority of my posts. It's cool, hopefully you're busy improving. We all should strive for that.

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21 hours ago, MondayNightCowboyKilla89 said:

Just because your own personal anecdotes. which lean heavily towards hating all men, that doesn't mean every woman is or should be walking around, going to work, the gym, etc. scared that every man is a potential predator.

Are you kidding me with this?  The rate women experience physical or sexual violence in relationships over their life times is around 1 in 4.  I suspect that for older women, that had the misfortune of existing in times where things were much worse, that rate sounds low.  Yet somehow you think it unreasonable for them to view men with suspicion?  You're not alone, women are constantly told their fear are unfounded. 


It's well past time to stop asking them to stop saying things we don't want to hear, and just listen to them. 


Have you ever wondered if your date is in a public enough place because she might rape you?  I haven't.  Have you ever worried about being alone with a woman because you might be harmed?  Have you ever worried about breaking up with a women because they might come after you?  If we manly men faced the same dangers dating that women do, we'd show up to dates armed.    




I'm not delegitimizing sexual assault and harassment but there's a NUMBER of things wrong with society, including all the extremist Post Modern third wave feminists trying to scare young girls and women into thinking all men are secretly the boogeyman.

I'm not a huge fan of third wave feminism either but there being a number of things wrong with society doesn't matter in this context.  We can deal with more than one problem at a time, and we should never tell women (or anyone) that violence directed towards them isn't a priority.  Violence is always a priority. 



21 hours ago, MondayNightCowboyKilla89 said:

I was raised by women, classy ones at that. Also ones that don't find gender and sex problems wherever they look. They are tough.

My mother is a warrior.  Not once did she lament being a women or her lot in life.  I asked her once to compare today to the world she grew up in terms of sexual discrimination.  The question was prompted by the recent birth of my daughter.  I'm not sure what I expected but it broke my heart.  It's a conversation worth having with the older generations.  Progress has been made and listening is a good way to figure out how we can help make more. 



21 hours ago, MondayNightCowboyKilla89 said:

LOL fool.

No more of that.


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29 minutes ago, Destino said:

Are you kidding me with this?  The rate women experience physical or sexual violence in relationships over their life times is around 1 in 4.  I suspect that for older women, that had the misfortune of existing in times where things were much worse, that rate sounds low.  Yet somehow you think it unreasonable for them to view men with suspicion?  You're not alone, women are constantly told their fear are unfounded. 


It's well past time to stop asking them to stop saying things we don't want to hear, and just listen to them. 


Have you ever wondered if your date is in a public enough place because she might rape you?  I haven't.  Have you ever worried about being alone with a woman because you might be harmed?  Have you ever worried about breaking up with a women because they might come after you?  If we manly men faced the same dangers dating that women do, we'd show up to dates armed.    



I'm not a huge fan of third wave feminism either but there being a number of things wrong with society doesn't matter in this context.  We can deal with more than one problem at a time, and we should never tell women (or anyone) that violence directed towards them isn't a priority.  Violence is always a priority. 



My mother is a warrior.  Not once did she lament being a women or her lot in life.  I asked her once to compare today to the world she grew up in terms of sexual discrimination.  The question was prompted by the recent birth of my daughter.  I'm not sure what I expected but it broke my heart.  It's a conversation worth having with the older generations.  Progress has been made and listening is a good way to figure out how we can help make more. 



No more of that.



I was referring to her personal anecdotes not saying they were unique but rather anybody can use them to strengthen their position in a complex Macro political discussion. I am aware of how prevalent sexual crimes are, it's a major problem. I do not take it lightly but some people's tone is . . . well. I do not need to be scolded by ANYBODY how to treat women. I have a beautiful family that taught me just fine.


No, I haven't wondered about all those things. It's unfortunate that that is a reality for some women but if you are that suspicious of strange men, maybe don't date? Or date people you may know more fully, even though rapes are mostly perpetrated by those close to them?? What to do?


I do not believe in walking through life with fear until danger presents itself. I do not think it is that much of a stretch for young dating women to exercise caution but to walk around fearful? That's not exactly somebody who may be ready for intersex communication, let alone trying to settle down with a guy.


I hear you on the name-calling. No more. My bad.


Oh, and I listen just fine. I've read a number of exposes, articles, text books, etc. regarding this issue and intersecting ones so, no. I'm not going to just be silent when I hear very charged statements and assertions regarding an entire gender of people. It's nonsense, it's ignorant and I fundamentally disagree.


If some of these crazy feminists can block traffic, cause commotion in cities across America while scremaing at the sky and looking ridiculous, than I can refute some claims on a message board. I'm not going to be "shamed" because people want to shout down at others with an again, feigned sense of moral righteousness.


People need to clean their own room before they want to sweep the streets with half truths, emotive nonsense

1 hour ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Why should I go point to point with you when you are woefully ignorant of the general female condition? 


Sorry not sorry, I won't rise to your baiting.


Because it may actually further a discussion and give some credence to your beliefs? I dunno, maybe you're not interested in being taken seriously but I assure you, I'm a fairly moderate person, not beholden to ideology and I very well may change my views if they were presented with any competency.


But of course, i's easier to paint people as ignorant when I am confident that I am more educated than you, just maybe not in Women's Oppression issues.



Tell me, who has a higher likelihood of going to college? Men or women? Oh.

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3 hours ago, Destino said:

Are you kidding me with this?  The rate women experience physical or sexual violence in relationships over their life times is around 1 in 4.  


Where is that stat from,  Des? 


(I've heard a similar one regarding women in college, but I'm not sure if this is the same one you're talking about) 

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5 hours ago, MondayNightCowboyKilla89 said:



I love it, and simultaneously hate it (humans are complex with opinions!) when an outraged man-hater resorts to language designed ONLY to shut down a valid point of contrast from the shortsighted speak of postmodernist third wave feminist.


Sorry you have a problem with heterosexual relations and how they are sometimes engaged. I'm NOT with harassment or intimidation when "courting" a woman but I simply don't take your slanted views all that seriously. 


Oh ok.


So now you want to shift the conversation to racial profiling and religious oppression when the whole discussion is regarding sexual assault and creepy behavior that can violate a woman's rights.


Also funny is the notion you call out Conservatives in a thread about sexual harassment when the liberals haven't exactly been composed themselves:


Al Franken 

Harvey Weinstein

Kevin Spacey

Bryan Singer

Matt Lauer

Jeffrey Tambor

Danny Masterson


Anthony Weiner lol


the list goes on. Sure, you can list an endless amount of Conservatives or whatever, even though I loathe them too.


Liberal fanatics sure are good at mental gymnastics

Sorry you couldn’t make the mental long jump required to stay in the conversation.

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19 minutes ago, grego said:


Where is that stat from,  Des? 


(I've heard a similar one regarding women in college, but I'm not sure if this is the same one you're talking about) 

2010-2012 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey put out by the CDC.  I used the wrong number.  In their findings 32.4% of women experience intimate partner physical violence in their lifetimes.  The number I had in my head was from the severe physical violence which was reported by 23.2%.  So my one in four characterization was low. 


Page 118 on this:  https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/NISVS-StateReportBook.pdf



7 minutes ago, Elessar78 said:

Sorry you couldn’t make the mental long jump required to stay in the conversation.

No more of that.  Thanks. 


@MondayNightCowboyKilla89 do not make the mistake of replying in kind. 

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4 minutes ago, MondayNightCowboyKilla89 said:

Oh, so now I'm barred from responding to some condescending person.


Amazing how people react when an opinion or even a thought dissents from the brainwash received via chosen channels

I think @Destinowas saying to not reply in the same disrespectful manner.  You could probably get away with a well thought out but respectful post though.

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