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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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Somehow I got on Tucker's email list a couple of months ago. Most of the time I just delete them but I take a split second to read the conspiracy du jour they use to fundraise. This is one from today from "Attorney Larry Klayman":


On January 6, 2021, Jesus Rivera, a Marine combat veteran, peacefully protested the stolen 2020 presidential election in Washington, D.C.
Around 7:30 AM on January 20, 2021, between 12 to 20 heavily armed FBI agents raided his home with guns drawn. There was no probable cause, and the search warrant was obtained through lies, even outright fraud. Jesus was forcefully handcuffed, put on his couch, then moved to the FBI building. His wife asked for the warrant several times but didn’t receive it until after the FBI agents finished searching their home. Jesus survived rocket attacks and exploding roadside bombs trying to bring freedom to Iraq and Afghanistan. But his freedom gets trampled on right here at home by the FBI! IN AMERICA! Friend, that’s why I filed a critically important class action lawsuit on behalf of Jesus Rivera. And on behalf of each and every January 6 Peaceful Protester who is getting brutally abused by the justice system as I write you this urgent email.


A quick Google search reveals...

                                           Florida Man Found Guilty of Charges for Actions Related to Capitol Breach

                                                        Defendant Crawled Into Building Through Broken Window

June 17, 2022 WASHINGTON – A Florida man was found guilty today of four misdemeanor charges for his actions during the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol breach. His actions and the actions of others disrupted a joint session of the U.S. Congress convened to ascertain and count the electoral votes related to the presidential election.

Jesus Rivera, 38, of Pensacola, Florida, was found guilty of entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly conduct in a Capitol Building; and parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol Building. The bench trial was before U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly.

According to the government’s evidence, in the early afternoon of Jan. 6, 2021, Rivera illegally crossed a perimeter set up by law enforcement officers and entered the Capitol grounds, initially in the area of the Northwest Lawn. He joined a crowd that surged forward towards law enforcement officers attempting to secure that area and then moved to the area of the Upper West Terrace. He encouraged the mob with shouts of, “Come on, come on.” He also posted videos while on the Capitol grounds, including one in which he declared, “My birthday is in three days, but I’ll take it as this one. Today is my f---- birthday! “ Rivera joined rioters outside the Senate Wing Door, as officers struggled to keep the crowd outside. He crawled into the building through a broken window. He continued to record videos as he roamed the hallways, including in the Crypt.




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On 10/10/2022 at 11:10 AM, EmirOfShmo said:

Somehow I got on Tucker's email list a couple of months ago. Most of the time I just delete them but I take a split second to read the conspiracy du jour they use to fundraise. This is one from today from "Attorney Larry Klayman":



I knew I had heard that attorney's name before lol...


Larry Klayman, Conservative Wingnut Lawyer, Gets Reprimanded By Florida Bar, Is Broke





Judicial Watch founder Larry Klayman suspended from legal practice in DC





Nutbag Lawyer Larry Klayman Files $20 Trillion Suit Against China For Coronavirus 'Bioweapon'





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28 minutes ago, Cooked Crack said:



Same point I made last election. 

If your plan is to wait till after the election, and then pick and choose which boxes of ballots you need to throw out, to win .....


... then you need for the boxes of ballots to have differing ratios of D vs R votes. Otherwise, throwing out a box of ballots won't affect the results. 

It's why Team R was stressing telling their voters to vote on Election Day. So they could wait till after the election, and the election day ballots would be a win for them. 

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Uh, I'm pretty sure I've read reports of people described as having adverse reactions from taking too much ivermectin. (Supposedly, taking a horse dose instead of a human dose.). 

And I'm pretty sure that "overdose" is the correct term for "taking too much of a medication". 

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On 9/23/2022 at 1:52 AM, China said:


Writer E Jean Carroll to file new lawsuit after accusing Trump of rape


E Jean Carroll, the writer who accused Donald Trump of raping her more than two decades ago, plans to file a new lawsuit against the former US president.


In a letter made public on Tuesday, a lawyer for the former Elle magazine columnist said she planned to sue Trump for battery and intentional infliction of emotional distress under New York state’s Adult Survivors Act.


That law, recently signed by the governor, Kathy Hochul, gives adult accusers a one-year window to bring civil claims over alleged sexual misconduct regardless of how long ago it occurred.


Trump has denied raping Carroll and accused her of concocting the rape claim to sell her book.


Carroll’s lawyer Roberta Kaplan said her client planned to sue Trump on 24 November, when the state law takes effect, and that the claims and Carroll’s existing defamation case against Trump could be tried together in February 2023.


Alina Habba, a lawyer for Trump, said the former president “adamantly” objected to combining both cases, which would occur after both sides finished gathering evidence for trial, and that it was “extraordinarily prejudicial” to add the new claims.


“To permit plaintiff to drastically alter the scope and subject matter of this case at such time would severely prejudice defendant’s rights,” Habba wrote. “Plaintiff’s request must be disregarded in its entirety.”


Carroll has accused Trump of raping her in the dressing room of the upscale Manhattan department store Bergdorf Goodman. She sued him in 2019 while he was serving his presidency, saying he slandered her by denying her allegation that he raped her in a New York department store in the 1990s. Trump said she was “totally lying” and was “not my type”, among other remarks.


Click on the link for the full article


Trump can’t get out of deposition in E. Jean Carroll defamation lawsuit, judge rules


A federal judge rejected former President Donald Trump’s attempt to pause his deposition in a defamation lawsuit scheduled for later this month saying Trump’s efforts to delay the case are “inexcusable.”


Trump is scheduled to be deposed on October 19 in the defamation lawsuit brought by E. Jean Carroll, a former magazine columnist who accused Trump of raping her in a department store in the mid 1990s. Trump has denied the allegations.


Judge Lewis Kaplan said the lawsuit wasn’t over yet and as they wait for a federal appeals court to rule on a key element of the case, “completing those depositions – which have already been delayed for years – would impose no undue burden on Mr. Trump, let alone any irreparable injury.”


“The defendant should not be permitted to run the clock out on plaintiff’s attempt to gain a remedy for what allegedly was a serious wrong,” Kaplan wrote.


The judge said that Carroll would face “substantial injury” from further delay, citing the lengthy appeal process, which has already taken 20 months and is still not over, and the ages of Carroll and Trump, who are both in their 70s. Carroll’s deposition is scheduled for this Friday.


Kaplan noted Trump’s efforts to delay the lawsuit and said his production of “virtually” no documents was “inexcusable.”


An attorney for Trump could not immediately be reached.


Click on the link for the full article



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11 hours ago, Larry said:

Do I want to know what "totally false disinformation" he's ranting about?  Afraid I might get infected if I follow the link. 

Maddow’s tweet quoted a Rolling Stone article about rural hospitals getting backed up from people being admitted for taking too much Ivermectin…The article itself quoted a doctor who was making the claim. The doc was associated with some large established hospitals but also worked with small rural hospitals and was only talking about those smaller ones. Spokespeople for the larger hospitals he was associated with said they were not running out of beds due to Ivermectin use, and antivaxxers ran with it saying the doctor lied. Not sure anyone checked with the small rural hospitals.

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