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BREAKING: Trump fires FBI Director James Comey

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14 minutes ago, RedskinsMayne said:


You are are making a huge leap. There is as much evidence of the leap you are making as there is about Trumps wire tapping claims.


One claim is backed by all of the intelligence agencies and one is backed by none.

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You know, RedskinsMayne makes a good point. In fact, this is actually inspirational.


As long as FOX news keeps brainwashing people who think they are getting facts and don't find it odd at all that 100% of those facts conform to the GOP's political interests and pre-conceived biases, we have no hope. We need to be going after FOX News and we need to do that by cutting the snake off at it's head and cutting the head off at its wallet.


Boycott everything else that Murdoch owns. I suspect he might take notice if everybody who sees what his network's warped ideology is doing to this country stopped watching Bob's Burgers or whatever the hell shows are on Fox nowadays, they'd probably take notice. 

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6 minutes ago, RedskinsMayne said:



No. But we may have to soon. I heard several Americans were making a run for Canookistan. A wall keeps people out just as well as it keeps people in. Derp. Finally, you have it twisted. We don't want to keep foreigners out, or immigrants, we want to keep ILLEGAL immigrants out. I really don't get what's so hard to understand about that. The wall shall have gates that let people who are legally allowed to enter the country come in.


Do you know how most illegal immigrants come into this country?  They fly in or pass through border checkpoints legally and then overstay their visas.  Donald Trump's cartoonish, nightmare vision of hordes of rapists and drug dealers pouring across the border in the dark of night is a fantasy.  But it sure keeps Trump supporters chanting "Build That Wall" by day and tossing and turning in a nightmarish sweat by night. 

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14 minutes ago, RedskinsMayne said:



You know, your right. Walls. Total waste. Why put them around prisons to keep the prisoners in? Will never work. 


Why them around pools pools to stop kids from getting in and drowning. If a kid is gonna drown, he'a gonna drown.


In fact, why even put walls around vaults. You know, in banks? Pssht. Walls don't work, why do we keep building them. SAD!


What I'd suggest is look up some scholarly studies. Very serious people have been looking into the efficacy of a wall for decades. There is a ton of very good research done by scholars on the left, right, and in the middle. Even better, there's a ton of articles that were done by the military and don't have a political bent, but just look at risk/benefit.  If you look at these you will find that the people who have really looked at this issue from a military, immigration, and economic point of view think it's a bad idea. They think that you don't get enough bang for the buck.


Now,  if you want to make the argument that any improvement no matter how marginal or microscopic is worth it regardless of the cost then you probably get to win the argument. If you want to effectively pay ten billion dollars to buy a rubberband that you can shoot at a 21st century air force then more power to you, but the effectiveness of the proposed wall relative to the cost is a nonstarter according to our best military experts, economists, etc.


I doubt you'll believe me, but the articles are out there. Don't look for articles by CNN, FOX, Wash Post, NBC, Infowars or whoever you like getting your general info from. Read the first source material. Learn for yourself.

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Just now, RedskinsMayne said:


Uh, yes? Walls don't work is the stupidest reason to not build a wall. If walls didn't work we wouldn't keep building them. 


lmao.  Yes, this is so true.  Every wall between countries works to perfection.  If we just model ours after the one in......um.....er......

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I don't think it's a leap to think there's smoke.  Beyond that, maybe, but smoke?  Not really a leap at all.  Stone, Manafort, Flynn, and Page have all to some extent admitted ties to Russians.


Honestly atm the biggest tip of the hand that something is there is that Richard Burr suddenly decided to start playing hardball on the investigation after he and Warner had a meeting with Comey pre-firing where apparently Comey said he was gonna ask for more resources for Russia.  It is likely Comey mentioned why.  And then suddenly Burr is issuing subpoenas.

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1 minute ago, RedskinsMayne said:


Uh, yes? Walls don't work is the stupidest reason to not build a wall. If walls didn't work we wouldn't keep building them. 


The vast majority of walls are built to support a roof.  I believe you may be thinking of fences.  Have you seen any walled farms lately?

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1 minute ago, DogofWar1 said:

I don't think it's a leap to think there's smoke.  Beyond that, maybe, but smoke?  Not really a leap at all.  Stone, Manafort, Flynn, and Page have all to some extent admitted ties to Russians.

Heck, Ivanka Trump and Putin's girlfriend go on vacations together. You got to be in pretty close circles to do that, no?

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1 minute ago, Burgold said:

Heck, Ivanka Trump and Putin's girlfriend go on vacations together. You got to be in pretty close circles to do that, no?

And Eric Trump said a few years back about how they don't need American banks since they get all the money they need from Russian banks.

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2 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:



Honestly atm the biggest tip of the hand that something is there is that Richard Burr suddenly decided to start playing hardball on the investigation after he and Warner had a meeting with Comey pre-firing where apparently Comey said he was gonna ask for more resources for Russia.  It is likely Comey mentioned why.  And then suddenly Burr is issuing subpoenas.


McCabe testified there was no need for more.....is he lying or just uninformed?

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Also re: wall


Do you know how much of a logistical nightmare that'd be?  How many eminent domain cases they'd have to file?  They'd be fighting in court for longer than Trump will be President, even if he wins two terms.


3 minutes ago, twa said:


McCabe testified there was no need for more.....is he lying or just uninformed?


I mean, McCabe is allowed to have a different opinion than Comey on the adequacy of resourcing.  The main point was the underlying reason Comey sought more, which appears to maybe have shifted Burr's opinion.

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"One day after the acting attorney general warned the White House that its national security adviser was subject to blackmail, the president summoned the FBI director to dinner at the White House, people close to James Comey told NBC News.

At the Jan. 27 dinner, a week after assuming the presidency, Trump requested a loyalty pledge from Comey, people familiar with the dinner say. Comey replied that he could not offer loyalty, but he could pledge his honesty."


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3 minutes ago, visionary said:

Or he has a different opinion, or they already got or are getting what was asked for.  


A different opinion?....must be a Russian plant. :)

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24 minutes ago, RedskinsMayne said:


I'm pretty sure that is not correct. You may have misread what I said though.

"As for Russian Interference, it's a fact. It's also a fact that we saw it in France. We saw the same techniques used and the same strategies. Moreover, when you have a campaign's top staff that much in bed with Russia in terms of receiving money and exchanging favors... how can anyone pretend they don't smell smoke?"

Russian interference in U.S. election backed by all intelligence agencies.  Flynn, Manafort, and Page being paid by Russian interests is well established too.  Now there has not been proof of them being paid or paying for help fixing the U.S. election, but that claim is not made above.


Add:  Might be wrong about Page being paid by Russians but he had extensive contacts there, some (unknowingly) with spies.

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