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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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No half of the country didn't still approve of Nixon when he resigned. He had a 25% base bottom and that was it.  Don't listen to Kellyann... Sorry I mean twa's "memory" and cherry-picked poll outliers. 



Nixon’s approval rating by the time he left office was at 24 percent, down from 67 percent at the time of his second inauguration. After July 1973 — when Nixon refused to turn over to the Senate investigation tape-recorded conversations from the Oval Office — his approval rating was never again above 38 percent.




Hell do yourselves a favor and don't listen to him period. 

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Ok, it's hot today and I am looking for an excuse to not go right back out in it, so you can just consider that the motivation behind this..............


Pearl Harbor........................ Dec 7, 1941, day which will live in infamy, blah blah blah, the US was shocked, stunned and militarily pantsed. Our defenses in the Pacific were in a shambles and equipped with a lot of cheap, old crap. Overall, nothing looking too rosy that day.


Fast forward a tad to the Battle of Midway, by and large the war was decided that day, the Japanese Navy lost four fleet carriers and more importantly large numbers of their best aircrews and the momentum. Looking back now it appears that the tide turned. Ok, quick quiz, what was the date?................ Ahhh, you cheated, I know a bunch of you Googled it, it was June 1942. Six months after Pearl Harbor, years before the industrialized might of the nation could be harnessed to the war effort, but in terms of the broader currents of history, the Japanese lost that day.


It took another 3 1/2 years for it to sink in. Millions of deaths. Horror on a level unseen in history.


There are parallels that might be drawn to our current woes. Trump and his trogs have been torpedoes amidships, the Russia thing is not only not going away, it is picking up speed.


But it will take a long time, huge amounts of treasure and millions of lives in the breech before this gets settled.


Take a breath, this will not, can not and should not be put to rest quickly and easily. There are too many questions, too many have exposed themselves defending the indefensible, too many have been threatened (and yes, it is not hyperbole when to use "threatened" when food, education and healthcare are on the chopping block) for this to all reach some happy bouncy denouement.


Things are going to get worse.

Ugly will be redefined to a level you didn't think possible.

Nasty things will be shouted (that's where I come in!)

Accusations will be leveled, lawyers will get richer, political careers will be burnt to the ground.


But it ain't gonna happen today.


Or tomorrow



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4 hours ago, @SkinsGoldPants said:





Like I said before, if Donald goes down so does Pence.

3 hours ago, skinsfan_1215 said:

Really wonder as this starts to unfold how long the GOP can hold out before considering impeachment. I said back before the inauguration they should just do it on day 1 and have two years to recover before the 2018 elections. That would have been the politically savvy solution, as well as being a very good thing for the country. 


Now? This investigation will probably drag on for months longer before indictments are handed down. Trump has only been President for 6 months. It feels like 6 years. I think Trump holds an approval rating somewhere between 30-35% as his absolute floor. Enough people that the GOP congressmen can't afford to be against him because they'll risk losing a primary. But also low enough that a motivated Dem party can really swing some House seats. 


So now? We're quickly approaching too late in the game for the GOP to do anything about Trump before the midterms. It might already be too late. The only thing left is to rally around the wagon and hold out as long as you can. Paint everything that comes out as fake, a witch hunt, Dem conspiracy theories, etc. Hold onto that 30% base. If they can do that until after the 2018 elections, they probably hold onto the Senate and lose the House. House will vote to impeach. It will still be a "witch hunt" to the 30%. There are just enough swing Senators to remove him from office imo.


Again what will be really interesting is whether Pence is implicated, because if both are removed after 2018 and Dems hold the House, you end up with a Dem President. That scenario would make what should be a common sense bipartisan impeachment into a bitter partisan affair... and it could be really ugly.

You need 3/4 or 2/3 of senate to remove a president, no?

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49 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

Listen to him and remember that he is an excellent representative of the GOP.

There was a time where I'd argue with you on this


But given how they've reacted to this as more and more evidence has come out, I can't argue it anymore.


What a shame.

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5 hours ago, codeorama said:


Here's the thing... From what I see, most diehard conservatives do not think Trump has done anything wrong and in a lot of cases, they are saying what he has done is ok. My best friend is in the navy and he is very conservative. With each new bit of info, he just doesn't think its a big deal.  I have to believe that that's how most Trump supporters are. IF it comes out that he did make deals with the Russians or money laundering or what ever, many are just not going to believe it.  I was too young for Nixon, was it that way then?  People are so partisan now. its scary

Your post made me think...I wonder if we need a new term like anti-liberal.


I don't think a true diehard conservative would actually support Trump in any way.  If we consider conservative in a positive light, these are people who hold strong to their values (often religion-inspired, though not always) and prize things like fiscal responsibility, personal honor, small government, (real) homeland security, responsible gun ownership and a strong desire to defend the value of what it means to be an American.


Some of those values overlap with what we'd currently call a liberal and some of them don't, but none of them are, in and of themselves, bad.  More importantly, almost none of them overlap with what people could honestly say about Trump.  He doesn't have a core set of (traditionally positive) values that guide him, isn't a man of his word, isn't fiscally responsible and isn't interested in actual homeland security or preserving the value of the American reputation.


As such, I don't see people who will stand by them as being diehard conservatives, I see them as being diehard anti-liberals.  They are so scared of what the word liberal implies about a person that having Trump is seen as better than having a liberal in office, despite the nearly objective falsehood of that view.

Edited by dfitzo53
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10 minutes ago, dfitzo53 said:



As such, I don't see people who will stand by them as being diehard conservatives, I see them as being diehard anti-liberals.  They are so scared of what the word liberal implies about a person that having Trump is seen as better than having a liberal in office, despite the nearly objective falsehood of that view.


Agree 100%.  Trump supporters have basically picked a team, and that is their team no matter what.  It's like rooting for the Raiders.  They are totally incompetent and occasionally often do criminal things, but they are MY TEAM dammit, so I'll forgive them for all transgressions and failures.  

Edited by PleaseBlitz
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2 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


Agree 100%.  Trump supporters have basically picked a team, and that is there team no matter what.  It's like rooting for the Raiders Redskins.  They are totally incompetent and occasionally do criminal things, but they are MY TEAM dammit, so I'll forgive them for all transgressions and failures.  


I think this is what you meant to say. 

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10 minutes ago, dfitzo53 said:

 I was too young for Nixon, was it that way then?  People are so partisan now. its scary


It absolutely was, in some ways worse than now. At least the interwebs allows everyone to search out other voices, at least until the net neutrality goes away.

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14 minutes ago, dfitzo53 said:

prize things like fiscal responsibility,


This isn't a fiscally responsible member of any party so far as I can tell. Not to get sidetrack, but this one just bugs me to know end about the entire system. 

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