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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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his presser is not adding anything to him "needing" to brief the pres...it's too soon to me to declare foul with confidence, but based on what hes' said so far live right now, it smells like a totally political "help the pres" move...i'm sure it will be geittng tons of blowback

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2 minutes ago, Jumbo said:

his presser is not adding anything to him "needing" to brief the pres...it's too soon to me to declare foul with confidence, but based on what hes' said so far live right now, it smells like a totally political "help the pres" move...i'm sure it will be geittng tons of blowback

I agree totally.  I listened to his original presser, and his most recent one outside the west wing seemed much more fishy to me.  


I'll keep an open mind, but the look on his face is similar to Spicer.  It's like he doesn't fully believe the words coming out of his own mouth.  

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I was around 20 yo at the time and my peers and I were raptly attuned to every day of Watergate. Even a couple of our favorite comedy albums of the day featured it (Nat'l Lampoon's "The Watergate Tapes"---hysterical-- & David Frye----impressionist/comic---come to mind). 


Lots of deja vu.

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1 hour ago, AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy said:

It feels like the Pubs are trying to light a backfire, but it feels desperate.  The Manafort stuff seems to have really hit a nerve.  Trump supporters will just see this as evidence that Trump was right about the surveillance, and I imagine Trump will gloat about it.  


I love listening to Bernstein.  I wish they would have a Bernstein, Gergen, Axelrod show.  I enjoy their insight.

Have you listened to the Axe Files podcast?  


If you haven't, it's very interesting, though more biographical regarding his guest as opposed to commentary.  

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4 minutes ago, haithman said:

Is Nunes allowed to do what he just did?


This is crazy, the GOP is totally, totally corrupt. I can't believe I'm witnessing this the dude is the chair of the ****ing oversight committee.  Horrifying. I have 0 confidence left that this investigation will go anywhere as long as there is not an independent investigation. 

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Listening to Bob Baer, it should be common knowledge that any time you speak with a foreign official, there will be a transcript of that conversation.  


So wouldn't it make sense for Trumps team to know this incidental collection must have occurred, to locate it, and then to have Nunes present it as a blowback to the fallout from Trump's wiretapping claims?  



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well now he's making it sound (answering questions in an int) like it is not much other than the unmasking getting  fresh energy from what he saw...its just making it more of a mess so far...trump will feel vindicated and it further enables him..

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yeah...now i'm watching him really dissembling...i'm strongly leaning to this was all political manuring by nunes....this is going to be like Watergate IF there is serious "there" there in any aspect re: the admin...these guys will make nixon look like a piker in digging in and the cut of the gop is more "party over everything" than it was during Watergate (hardly just my position--numerous people relevant to Watergate has made similar comment re: the nature of the gop)

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Ex-CIA Chief of Staff: Other House Intel Committee Members Likely ‘Horrified’ Over Nunes’ Actions



A former CIA chief of staff lit into House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes over his actions following the press conference on his briefing of President Donald Trump over the finding of “incidentally collected” communications of Trump transition members.


MSNBC security analyst Jeremy Bash noted that he served as counsel to the House Intelligence Committee in the past while pointing out that he “never heard of a chairman of an oversight committee going to brief the President of the United States about concerns he had about things he read in an intelligence report.”


“The job of the committee is to do oversight of the executive branch,” Bash exclaimed. “Not to bring them into their investigation or to tip them off to things they may be looking at.”


He continued, “I’ve gotta believe that other members of the committee are horrified at what they just witnessed. This is a chairman that’s supposed to be doing impartial, bipartisan investigations of the president’s inner circle and instead he basically goers and tells the president and his team everything he knows.”



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schiffs presser is what i'd expect...and yeah, it sure doesn't make things look more palatable from a sound investigative pov  in any way...he attacks nunes pretty forcefully too...but we'll see what transpires...


man...talking about this stuff to a couple trump voters nearby is like talking to someone who thinks the most important thing at a rape trial is to make sure we're grilling the woman fiercely about her past sexual history and loudly applying solid Puritan standards in judgment of her....maybe we get around to actually suspecting the suspect, maybe not, priorities first ...



i finally told one who kept pressing that i could not dredge up a single justifiable excuse  for anyone casting their vote for the guy who led the birther nonsense all those years. if that alone didn't make him totally unacceptable for this office, no matter what, even minus the endless list of things since, then that's a major and glaring cognitive deficiency on their part and that "capability"  likely permeates much of their cranial activity... 



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