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WSJ: Carrier Will Receive $7 Million in Tax Breaks to Keep Jobs in Indiana


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7 minutes ago, Hersh said:


I'm amused at how casually you dismiss personal responsibility.   


It's not personal, it's business. :)

7 minutes ago, Hersh said:


I'm amused at how casually you dismiss personal responsibility.   


It's not personal, it's business. :)

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41 minutes ago, Larry said:


So, you only dismiss corporate responsibility?  


Edit:  And you agree that corporations are not people?  



They are responsible for acting legally and making shareholders money.


I'll leave that to SCOTUS, you know how I hate to disagree with them......they do seem to have personhood issues though.


I hear they can't even vote.

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8 minutes ago, twa said:


They are responsible for acting legally and making shareholders money.


I'll leave that to SCOTUS, you know how I hate to disagree with them......they do seem to have personhood issues though.


I hear they can't even vote.

That is not what Trump believes. He believes they should be forced to hire American workers. Of course the entire point of this, as No Excuses highlighted, the man ran on what was the opposite of his actions. I guess the motto of the GOP is "Do as I say, not as I do."

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18 minutes ago, Hersh said:

That is not what Trump believes. He believes they should be forced to hire American workers. Of course the entire point of this, as No Excuses highlighted, the man ran on what was the opposite of his actions. I guess the motto of the GOP is "Do as I say, not as I do."


Hard to tell exactly what he believes from my seat.


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Threats and intimidation, and not just from state actors, from private citizens who are taking on a vigilante role, like that guy who shot up Comet Ping Pong Pizza because he was self investigating the fake news story about a sex ring.


Vigorous prosecution needs to happen to curtail this. 


Trump needs to call this out and stop it. 

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37 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Threats and intimidation, and not just from state actors, from private citizens who are taking on a vigilante role, like that guy who shot up Comet Ping Pong Pizza because he was self investigating the fake news story about a sex ring.


Vigorous prosecution needs to happen to curtail this. 


Trump needs to call this out and stop it. 

Trump needs to call this out??


Trump is the leader in this kind of behavior. The leadership in the GOP needs to talk very serious with him or I expect many lawsuits to eventually be filed against Trump. 


Of course they could be sitting back and allowing this to happen so they can impeach him eventually.

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Two reasons to start: Libel and if he causes stock prices of an individual company to go down saying anything false. He is playing with fire when he does this things in the position he is now in. Boeing's stock wouldn't have moved at all if Trump said what he did if he wasn't PEOTUS.  He cannot spread false information and do damage to stock prices. 

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I don't own Boeing stock, but we will see what happens as he goes after individual companies. Trump should feel collective push back by people in his own party for this targeting of individuals and of companies. Hopefully nothing bad happens to people he targets individually but should something happen he should be help accountable for his role.  

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12 hours ago, zoony said:

This seems to be going well

Buried under the dumb outrage about us becoming nazi germany, and facists, and whatever else, is the very real problem that we have elected a bonafide moron to the position of president.



re: union leader

"i've been doing this for 30 years and heard everything from people who want to burn my house down or shoot me ..."


well... maybe... you're not... doing a... very good job... then... ?

it is not normal to hear repeated threats about burning your house down or shooting you.


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This seems a reasonable explanation for Trump's action....perceptions matter




Trump Rediscovers an Old Form of Governance



If President Obama had done more deals like this and Secretary Clinton had appreciated their political salience, Trump would likely be an also-ran. This deal, and others which will no doubt follow, do not solve the problems of American blue-collar workers, and they won’t bring back the glory days of the manufacturing economy. And these deals often involve crony capitalism and various “incentives” that give pause to people who value logical public administration.

But they also transmit an important message: that the people at the top are aware of the problems of the people at the bottom. Occasionally reaching out to do a good deed for somebody “ordinary” and “insignificant” is one of the ways that rulers good and bad down through the millennia of human history have communicated with the people they rule. It’s smart governance, but it’s something that the technocratic progressive mind tends to undervalue—to its detriment.



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4 hours ago, twa said:

This seems a reasonable explanation for Trump's action....perceptions matter




Ah, still searching for justification to support terrible policy. Would be more fun to watch if it wasn't bad for the country.

2 hours ago, twa said:


He learned well from the Dems didn't he? ...even Trumped them :kickcan:


The other predictable response is: Hillary would have done it worse. 

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