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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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7 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:


I can't take 4 years. It has been a nightmare ever since the last votes were counted. I have to take news in small doses (mostly by reading and not listening) because it has been such an emotional drain.

What are you going to do, if it's 8 years.

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1 hour ago, Llevron said:


It wont be

You don't that.  Most of us, said there was no way he would be President.


We won't know the conditions of the actual 2020 race until the summer of 2020.


How's the economy doing?  Who is he running against?  Did he have a primary challenge?

Has the Mueller investigation been completed?  Is he still President?


So many factors that won't be known for 2 more years but to outright dismiss the possibility that he could win again, you're fooling yourself.


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Just now, Rdskns2000 said:


How's the economy doing?  Who is he running against?  Did he have a primary challenge?

Has the Mueller investigation been completed?  Is he still President?






I'll add:  how much more sophisticated have the Russians gotten?  Remember, 2016 was their beta test.  

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1 minute ago, PleaseBlitz said:



I'll add:  how much more sophisticated have the Russians gotten?  Remember, 2016 was their beta test.  

Well, Trump and the GOP will probably help the Russians do it.  If the Russians keep Trump and the GOP in power, they are all for it.

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Well I'm not saying it's impossible that would be foolish. But I feel like there will be way too much heat from Mueller and that the American people won't be dumb enough to let it happen twice. 


Let's remember this was one of the lowest voter turnouts ever. I don't expect that to be the case again after we have seen the results. I think democrats will literally vote for anyone, including Hillary, over him. A big reason he won is because no one thought he could. That's not the case anymore. 


Lots of kids going to be voting too. ****s gonna be different this time around. I hope. 

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1 minute ago, Llevron said:

Well I'm not saying it's impossible that would be foolish. But I feel like there will be way too much heat from Mueller and that the American people won't be dumb enough to let it happen twice. 


Let's remember this was one of the lowest voter turnouts ever. I don't expect that to be the case again after we have seen the results. I think democrats will literally vote for anyone, including Hillary, over him. A big reason he won is because no one thought he could. That's not the case anymore. 


Lots of kids going to be voting too. ****s gonna be different this time around. I hope. 


That's all well and good, but considering the stakes, people should be just shy of panicking.  Volunteering to knock doors, make calls, etc.  Donating money.  Talking to young people about the importance of voting.  Not assuming that America will do what you want it to do.  


[Yes, I will be doing all of those things (and other legal stuff) this year and in 2020].

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2 hours ago, Mr. Sinister said:


I can't take 4 years. It has been a nightmare ever since the last votes were counted. I have to take news in small doses (mostly by reading and not listening) because it has been such an emotional drain.

I hear ya. When my boss lady (the owner) says CNN, I gotta do it. But occasionally I tell her the remotes gone missing...


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1 hour ago, Llevron said:


Lots of kids going to be voting too. ****s gonna be different this time around. I hope. 


Unfortunately, relying on the youth vote has been a reliable way to lose elections for the past, oh, two centuries or so.


They just don't show up.

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2 minutes ago, Predicto said:


Unfortunately, relying on the youth vote has been a reliable way to lose elections for the past, oh, two centuries or so.


They just don't show up.

I'm not stopping. When they say "I can't vote" , I tell them to help register someone who thinks like you with a ride. Make your voice heard, even if it's not necessarily yours. 


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1 hour ago, Llevron said:

Let's remember this was one of the lowest voter turnouts ever.


Voter turnout has been estimated to 55.5%.




The average % voter turnout since 1972 (Watergate) is 53.66%.  Not only was vote turnout not one of the lowest ever.  It was larger than the post-Watergate average.  You could actually argue voter turnout was high (it wasn't 2008 high, but higher than normal).

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