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BBC: Lurking clown arrested in Kentucky woods near apartments


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On 9/24/2016 at 7:46 AM, Bang said:

so to be clear, everyone on the internet is afraid of spiders and clowns.

Collectively, we are 4 year olds constantly at the edge of hysterics..   ****ing ridiculous.


I'm sorry bang, I didn't realize until now that clowns meant so much to you.  Funny how easy it is to miss things that later seem so obvious. 



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On September 23, 2016 at 10:37 PM, Spaceman Spiff said:

Odd, when I was a kid I never thought clowns were creepy.  Now that I'm older, they are ****ing terrifying.  It's a good thing that guy wasn't near my apartment, I'd be swinging on him like Muhammad Ali in '74.

Mistake #1.


but you wouldn't have known it was a mistake until you made contact. And realized it wasn't human flesh you just hit.

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I learned a new word:  coulrophobia, the irrational fear of clowns.


The psychology behind why clowns creep us out

For the past several months, creepy clowns have been terrorizing America, with sightings of actual clowns in at least 10 different states.

These fiendish clowns have reportedly tried to lure women and children into the woods, chased people with knives and machetes, and yelled at people from cars. They’ve been spotted hanging out in cemeteries and they have been caught in the headlights of cars as they appear alongside desolate country roads in the dead of night.

This isn’t the first time there has been a wave of clown sightings in the United States. After eerily similar events occurred in the Boston area in the 1980s, Loren Coleman, a cryptozoologist who studies the folklore behind mythical beasts such as Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster, came up with something called “The Phantom Clown Theory,” which attributes the proliferation of clown sightings to mass hysteria (usually sparked by incidents witnessed only by children).

It’s impossible to determine which of these incidents are hoaxes and which are bona fide tales of clowning around taken to the extreme. Nonetheless, the perpetrators seem to be capitalizing on our longstanding love-hate relationship with clowns, tapping into the primal dread that so many children (and more than a few adults) experience in their presence.

In fact, a 2008 study conducted in England revealed that very few children actually like clowns. It also concluded that the common practice of decorating children’s wards in hospitals with pictures of clowns may create the exact opposite of a nurturing environment. It’s no wonder so many people hate Ronald McDonald.

But as a psychologist, I’m not just interested in pointing out that clowns give us the creeps; I’m also interested in why we find them so disturbing. Earlier this year I published a study entitled “On the Nature of Creepiness” with one of my students, Sara Koehnke, in the journal New Ideas in Psychology. While the study was not specifically looking at the creepiness of clowns, much of what we discovered can help explain this intriguing phenomenon.

Click on the link for the full article

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3 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:

Wouldn't feel bad if they lost them, though. Painfully

On a semi related note...

There was a pic of a "crazy clown" up here surrounded by children. Some paranoid person decided to call police because she saw the pic on facebook. Turns out it was a guy who was wearing his clown costume for a bunch of neighborhood kids, and the parents were all aware of it.


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It's strange that people haven't found where the motivation for this is coming from yet.  Obviously people aren't coming to the same original idea of weird clown costumes.  I really expected a 4chan link or a viral marketing gimmick to be exposed by now.  Maybe it's a lesser known creepy message board. 

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In all seriousness, I truly wonder if whoever these people are have death wishes.

Scaring someone or running up on them and threatening them with a blunt instrument or whatever... You're just asking for it. And the more people that join in, the more likely one of them runs into the wrong person and gets lit up.

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