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Assorted Militia/SovCit news,(formerly Bundy thread)


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Watching the press conference in Burns right now. They showed aerial video from one of two planes circling the area where Bundy and the group were arrested. They show them getting out of the truck and getting cuffed. Lavoy's truck sits there in the middle of the road for at least 5 minutes. Suddenly he took off at a high rate of speed. He gets to the next road block and tries to get around it and gets caught in the snow,(nearly plowing into LE officer in the process). Lavoy gets out of the truck hands spread out to his sides. He keeps walking through the snow,his hands go to his waist,then right back up. Repeats that.  He then turns,and reaches down to his waist,(right arm across the body),apparently to go for his weapon. That's when he was shot. Looks like one officer who came in from the trees shot him.  Full video should be up at the FBI youtube site. Not fun to watch that last part. Warning.  I'm sure the militia wingbats will yell about doctored videos and such. 

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Well that didn't take long. The wacky doodles are on their own streaming radio analyzing it. They are convinced that this was an assassination. One of these jokers claims to have spent time in LE. Yeah right. 

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Well that didn't take long. The wacky doodles are on their own streaming radio analyzing it. They are convinced that this was an assassination. One of these jokers claims to have spent time in LE. Yeah right.

These are the people who already left, right? Could you post a link to it? I wanna hear it for a bit.
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Interesting. Thanks. I'll take your word for it as I have no desire to watch the end.


It's a super high up in the air video. It's not gory. You do see them shoot him. But you can barely make out the gestures people are making. I'm not saying you should go see it, just telling you what it looks like in case it changes your mind. Of all the things i've seen on the internet, that's not even close to being on the list of things i wish i never saw.


It's interesting comparing responses to that video to responses by the same people on other police shootings. I am not talking about here. I'm talking about elsewhere on the internet. The racism is glaringly obvious.

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These are the people who already left, right? Could you post a link to it? I wanna hear it for a bit.

Nope. A higher ranking member of Pacific Patriots Network and someone else talking about it. It's done and over right now,but I'll keep an eye out for it to show up again. 


The looney tooner movement is ramping up. This was an ambush. Claiming the real shooting started when Lavoy's hands were outstretched and that's when he was shot. Well at least according to the modern day high tech surveillance "drones" they were using. No sound because they want to cover things up. Sigh.  To me,it appeared the good guys with the guns showed courage and restraint by not shooting him the first two times he reached down. I think when he turned to the side and reached down that third time,they lost site of the hands and that was that. 





And this clearly shows him reaching for "something", a sec before being shot #oregonstandoff

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Thanks by the way. There's a lot going on with this whole thing and much of it is something I'm interested/concerned with. Living where I do,it's tough not to be. I will say that my curiosity and search of more knowledge took me to all kinds of places and my front door wasn't caved in by the Feds. ;)

...yet.  ;) 


Well that didn't take long. The wacky doodles are on their own streaming radio analyzing it. They are convinced that this was an assassination. One of these jokers claims to have spent time in LE. Yeah right.

Doesn't being a mall cop count? Edited by The Sisko
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Yet. LOL. Truth be told,I did double take and then stare at an SUV that sat at the end of my street for about an hour plus with it's driving lights one. Pointing right up where I live. Left a few minutes after I gave it a hard stare. Decided that was my overactive imagination. ;) 

The way these guys talk,I'm thinking mall cop or Mcprivate security. 


Don't have to click on it,but this is an example of what's going on out there. The Walking Brain Dead are in full dumbass mode now. 



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I clicked to go to youtube and dislike it.  The number of crazies in there is really sad.  It's like their brains can't process the very clear several second period where he reaches down towards and across his jacket.  We all know people have been killed by LEOs for way less than that.


I'd comment on the video, but I know the channel owner will delete it, and if they don't, my google+ account would be bombarded for weeks from people who are now probably on a government watchlist.


Also, I love how the video poster talked in one comment about "finding" the video, like he had to search hard for it.




+Ben Armstrong They are not letting me see this, I found it.


Thing is right there on the FBI youtube page, it took all of 20 keystrokes and four clicks for me.


I must be some sort of "finding" prodigy!


Also, this guy:


Ben Armstrong 1 hour ago

+Andy Black but why are they showing us their murderous guilt. is this more of the psyop or is this the turning point when they let america know they have no problem killing you if you are not going to play nice??? I'm not trolling I'm confused and concerned.


LOL psyops.


Riiiiight.  Because when the government wants to let you know it's gone full tyranical, it'll kill only one of over a dozen and leave the ringleaders alive.


What are we, a tyrannical parody of the parody of Canda?  Got to be polite about how we oppress the civilians, eh.



Or this guy:


Bigolbeardog 1 hour ago

there is a lot of fishy stuff going on with this. keep your eyes on the symbolism and numerology.



Or this guy, who literally has a legitimate youtube channel devoted to Planet X/Nemesis.  Apparently NASA covered it up by saying the object in the sky was a super nova or something?  Also, of course, MOAR PSYOPS


Nemesis Now 1 hour ago

What if it was a psyops to bring about civil unrest to accelerate martial law as Planet X approaches ?



New "theory" on Lavoy is he wasn't reaching for a gun but rather was holding his side because they shot him first, then again.


I want to comment so badly something to the effect of:

"Lavoy was an FBI plant who created a charming persona (tarp guy) with a heartwarming background (raised kids) with the purpose of dying and causing outrage among the militia community.  The FBI released the video so it would be copied and replayed on channels like this to get comments.  They've likely IP logged every person who commented and will use that information for their tyrannical ends!  Even viewing probably isn't safe; if you're reading this IT'S ALREADY TOO LATE!"



Also maybe something about how Walmart raising wages is part of a joint plan by Feds and Walmart to put a bunch of Walmarts out of business to enable them to have buildings for FEMA roundup?  And all those Walmart Expresses that are closing are execution chambers and/or military barracks.  If we're going conspiracy theorist, might as well go for it 100%.

Edited by DogofWar1
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Bundy Ranch Facebook page is a refuge for the Walking Brain Dead. He was actually positioning himself between LE and the truck.  Then of course he was shot several times hence the reaching down thing,and of course the whole ambush thing. I think it was Santilli who started the whole psyops thing and man the fruit loops took that and ran with it. They're coming out of the woodwork now. 

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Okay here it is.....He was singled out to be killed before this incident, a SNIPER intentionally shot him in the side so it would apear he went for a gun when he instintavely reached toward the pain and.............. THATS when he was shot again point blank and then he was most likely shot many times after he was down to disguise the SNIPER shot that was inflicted on his side....BAM

Premeditated COLD blooded MURDER!!!


Edited by mistertim
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