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Seattle Times:Girls in California latest to seek to become Boy Scouts


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Girls in California latest to seek to become Boy Scouts




SANTA ROSA, Calif. — Five girls wearing pink and black shoes and makeshift scout uniforms stood before top Boy Scout brass this month and made an announcement: We want in.

“I want to be a Boy Scout,” Allie Westover, 13, told a panel of men in khaki uniforms weighted by pins and patches. She dropped a scout application in front of them. Then so did her sister, Skyler, and three friends: Ella Jacobs, Daphne Mortenson and Taylor Alcozer.


Rest at link.




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Seems completely ridiculous to me.

I haven't read the link, but Girl Scouts already exist.

I guess I will have to read it, I probably still won't understand why.


Not even stating that in a sexist way, just don't get it.

Kinda how I feel. Even the Girl Scouts said they were open to changing to accommodate these requests.

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Some of it is due to the focus of most girl scout groups. Top badges for girl troops historically include Child Care, Fashion, Makeup, Cooking.


Top badges for boys include Archery, Canoeing, Fishing, Kayaking, Wilderness Survival etc.


Any youth prrogram depends on its volunteers and their interests.

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Read the article,

Girl Scouts should adjust their program to include the same things those things if that is the case.

Makeup and fashion seem silly.

Perhaps the Boy Scouts could add child care and cooking to their program.

Pretty sure Girl Scouts go camping also though, so what are they not taught ?   

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Top badges for boys include Archery, Canoeing, Fishing, Kayaking, Wilderness Survival etc.

Seriously OT humor post. Feel free to ignore.

One of my favorite scenes from Hill Street Blues was during one of the "morning roll call" scenes.

SWAT team commander Howard Hunter takes the podium, to announce that it is once again time to begin fund raising and promotions for the precinct's charity. 


Camp Guadalcanal is a summer camp for inner city youths, jointly sponsored by Hill Street precinct and the US Army Special Forces.  Here, our local youths can grow and learn in a rugged outdoor setting, where they can participate in activities like swimming, archery, hiking, marksmanship, desert survival, camping, and escape and evasion. 

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Read the article,

Girl Scouts should adjust their program to include the same things those things if that is the case.

Makeup and fashion seem silly.

Perhaps the Boy Scouts could add child care and cooking to their program.

Pretty sure Girl Scouts go camping also though, so what are they not taught ?   

It's about being excluded. Even if the Girls Scouts changed their program to mirror the Boy Scouts, the fact that the Boy Scouts is closed to females would prompt outrage. You can't be exclusive anymore. Any esclusivity is twisted to discrimination, no matter how minimal. Hell, even private clubs are met with public outrage at excluding certain groups. You know, clubs that have the right to refuse anyone, for any reason, at any time.

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It's about being excluded. Even if the Girls Scouts changed their program to mirror the Boy Scouts, the fact that the Boy Scouts is closed to females would prompt outrage. You can't be exclusive anymore. Any esclusivity is twisted to discrimination, no matter how minimal. Hell, even private clubs are met with public outrage at excluding certain groups. You know, clubs that have the right to refuse anyone, for any reason, at any time.


Yeah, it really sucks the way some people insist of referring to exclusion of demographic groups based on nothing other than the desire to exclude them, as discrimination. 


And they act like private clubs that do so are doing something wrong, even though they have made themselves exempt from laws that say it's illegal, too. 


The nerve of some people. 


(Did I lay it on thick enough?) 



Now, having said that? 


I've been of the opinion that I think some businesses ought to be allowed to discriminate.  And the two examples I give, of businesses that ought to be exempt, are the Boy Scouts and Hooters. 


The way I've come up with, to make most discrimination illegal, while still allowing it in some places, is: 


I think any business ought to have the ability to declare itself exempt from anti-discrimination laws, through the following procedure: 


1)  They must file a declaration, somewhere, in which they state that discrimination is a fundamental part of their business's identity.  That, if they were to stop discriminating in certain ways (which must be listed), then their business would no longer be the business that it is (or wants to be). 


2)  And there must be a symbol of some sort, placed at every entrance of said business, which tells people that the business has declared itself to be a business that discriminates.  That way, the public can chose whether they want to support said form of discrimination. 


(I require Part 2, because it occurs to me that a lot of forms of discrimination, if a business discriminates, I could be a customer of theirs and never know that they discriminate.  The sign makes sure that, if I support said business, then I'm knowingly doing so.) 


in short, while I think these girls have an absolutely iron clad case of discrimination, I can see the argument that, in this case, it's discrimination that maybe we should allow. 

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Yeah, it really sucks the way some people insist of referring to exclusion of demographic groups based on nothing other than the desire to exclude them, as discrimination. 


And they act like private clubs that do so are doing something wrong, even though they have made themselves exempt from laws that say it's illegal, too. 


The nerve of some people. 


(Did I lay it on thick enough?) 



Now, having said that? 


I've been of the opinion that I think some businesses ought to be allowed to discriminate.  And the two examples I give, of businesses that ought to be exempt, are the Boy Scouts and Hooters. 


The way I've come up with, to make most discrimination illegal, while still allowing it in some places, is: 


I think any business ought to have the ability to declare itself exempt from anti-discrimination laws, through the following procedure: 


1)  They must file a declaration, somewhere, in which they state that discrimination is a fundamental part of their business's identity.  That, if they were to stop discriminating in certain ways (which must be listed), then their business would no longer be the business that it is (or wants to be). 


2)  And there must be a symbol of some sort, placed at every entrance of said business, which tells people that the business has declared itself to be a business that discriminates.  That way, the public can chose whether they want to support said form of discrimination. 


(I require Part 2, because it occurs to me that a lot of forms of discrimination, if a business discriminates, I could be a customer of theirs and never know that they discriminate.  The sign makes sure that, if I support said business, then I'm knowingly doing so.) 


in short, while I think these girls have an absolutely iron clad case of discrimination, I can see the argument that, in this case, it's discrimination that maybe we should allow. 

1. Is Boy Scouts a business?

2. Boy Scouts has an exemption from Title IX, so the girls actually do not have an iron clad case.

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These girls are getting really bad advice and guidance from their parents. What these girls should be doing is founding a new national organization with more of an emphasis on what they are wanting to do. They should imagine 50 years from now when they are recognized for starting a great new organization for girls built around outdoor activities the same way the boy scouts are built.

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Well, Major Harris wants to waitress at Hooters. Can't have everything we want


You want Major Harris to waitress at Hooters?

These girls are getting really bad advice and guidance from their parents. What these girls should be doing is founding a new national organization with more of an emphasis on what they are wanting to do. They should imagine 50 years from now when they are recognized for starting a great new organization for girls built around outdoor activities the same way the boy scouts are built.


The girls would need parental supervision and the parents can't be bothered. So they **** on someone else's parade.

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Twenty years down the line, I would not be surprised to see a fully integrated Scouts.  


As a former member of the organization, I can't say I would have lost all that much in terms of experience if there were (ew) girls around.  Frankly, some of the just-us-guys stuff got annoying.

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Seems completely ridiculous to me.

I haven't read the link, but Girl Scouts already exist.

I guess I will have to read it, I probably still won't understand why.


Not even stating that in a sexist way, just don't get it.


boy scouts and girl scouts aren't at ALL the same 

(or at least they weren't when i was young....)


boy scouts, we went camping once a month, every month (in my troop, we weren't allowed to use tents, we had two old canvas army tarps, string, a shovel and a hatchet, and we were expected to build a tent with tree branches we cut down, and with a trench dug around it in case it rained.  We went skiing, and hiking, and canoeing and boating.    all the time.   


girl scouts (at the time) did fundraising, and crafts.  and planned all year for one camping trip, that was one night car camping at a KAO in mobile campers.   My sister HATED girl scouts, and was jealous as ****. 

Maybe you could pull off wearing booty shorts ?


i look AWESOME in booty shorts.

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