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Packer fan here so don't be too harsh seeing I know you hate GB. I wanted to say I hope you guys pull off a huge upset over the Pats. That would be awesome if you did. Also hope you guys win the East. Your a likeable team. I can't stand the Eagles, Giants or Dallas. Cousins is the man, nice win over Tampa last week. Best wishes on the rest of your season!

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I don't think you'll find many people hating GB around here. Thanks for popping in. 


I went to Lambeau in 2013 and it was the best experience. The game sucked (I think it was roughly 817-0 at halftime) and I got sick of hearing the entire stadium sing about banging on drums all day. 


But the atmosphere, town, people, etc. was unbelievably enjoyable. We were treated like celebrities with every fan who stopped to talk to us being genuinely interested to hear about our weekend and if we liked the town. Also, the fried cheese curds at Curly's were pretty delicious. 


I hope the Pack win the North - great, classy team with great, classy fans. 

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Yeah, I haven't ever heard any negative talk about the Packers on here actually. 


All my brothers are Green Bay fans, I'm a Skins fan, but I cheer for the Packers as long as they aren't playing the Skins. I watched Green Bay begin their latest Super Bowl run when they beat the Giants in Lambeau. My brother bought the tickets and we drove up watched the game and drove back. It was awesome.


It comes in useful during the playoffs.......since the Skins are NEVER in the playoffs.

I remember losing in Washington the last time we faced you guys....

It must have been the year you guys won the SB, because the Skins always seem to beat the eventual SB winners (and be terrible every year).

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I would say 4 or 5 years ago at least. I remember another game where we got off to a 20-0 lead over the Skins and you guys rallied in the second half and we won 28-21. There was a bad call that negated a touchdown on you guys. That had to be in the mid 2000s. 10 years ago or more.

2004. Illegal motion call on James Thrash. Negated a TD pass from Brunell to Portis.

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You guys look to be in a division that is wide open except for Dallas unless they beat Philly. I would love to see the Skins upset the Patriots then the Bucs beat the Giants. That would put you guys in the drivers seat.

2004. Illegal motion call on James Thrash. Negated a TD pass from Brunell to Portis.

I remember thinking we dodged a bullet there.

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I've never actually disliked GB. Thanks for the classy post. While I hope we win against the Cheatriots, every win they get is pretty much a given with Brady behind center. The day can't arrive soon enough when he retires. GO SKINS. HTTR!!

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Appreciate the thread.


I'm not sure many of us dislike the Packers.  That's a well-run orgainization.


I think some of us feel that it'll be interesting how popular the Packers are when you don't have a HOF QB under center in a few years, but that's just envy! :lol:

2004. Illegal motion call on James Thrash. Negated a TD pass from Brunell to Portis.





We need a Pats memories thread, big brother!


Welcome back!  Please stay!

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But the atmosphere, town, people, etc. was unbelievably enjoyable. We were treated like celebrities with every fan who stopped to talk to us being genuinely interested to hear about our weekend and if we liked the town. Also, the fried cheese curds at Curly's were pretty delicious. 


Have never been, but this is what I hear and I think it's awesome.


One of the coolest stories I remember hearing or reading about was a Giants fan who went there for the NFC Championship Game in 2007/08 when they eventually beat the Pats in the Super Bowl.


He said he was very nervous about his vehicle because he had Giants stuff all over it.  When he got back to his car "Good Luck in the Super Bowl" was written in the snow on his windshield.  That's first class.


I don't think you'd see that kind of sentiment at Fed Ex, or any other stadium in the league for that matter.

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I would say 4 or 5 years ago at least. I remember another game where we got off to a 20-0 lead over the Skins and you guys rallied in the second half and we won 28-21. There was a bad call that negated a touchdown on you guys. That had to be in the mid 2000s. 10 years ago or more.

Ugh, the game Portis scored a late TD but they called him for a double shift for moving his hand while Thrash was in motion... That sucked.

I have no second favorite teams.... But I respect th Pack and typically root for them when on prime time or on the playoffs. Best if luck rest of the season.

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So tell me about the Skins D and their offense guys? Is Morris not getting the ball anymore? Matt Jones getting more touches? Our defense is 18th in the league and last I looked our offense was 22nd. You guys could beat us out there the way we are playing the last month.

Run game sucks (ran the ball well first 4 games or so and then fell off a cliff), like historically so... ditto run defense. The bright side is that Cousins has shown that there's a decent chance he can be a solid qb and we (finally!) have a legitimate GM in place that seems to be leading the team back to some sort of respectability. Also our young kickers look good (yes, it hurts to include kickers in our top three positives). Tons of injuries hasn't made things any easier, but at least we're seeing some pretty good contributions from our young guys.

If we "fix" our run game/D, then I think we could compete with most anybody.

To echo everyone else, I respect the Packers and wish you guys luck. Thanks for the kind words and welcome to the site. :)

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2004. Illegal motion call on James Thrash. Negated a TD pass from Brunell to Portis.

That's the first Redskins game that made me cry. Dad's friend asked me what was wrong, my response was "They keep doing that!"

Most Packer fans are cool, but aren't many teams I'm fond of anymore after watching pretty much every single one of them give us a beat down at least once in my life.

Edit: Had a flashback, because I remembered that like a play or two later Brunell threw an interception and the game was essentially over. I want to say that's what really sent me over the deep end. Oh man.

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That's the first Redskins game that made me cry. Dad's friend asked me what was wrong, my response was "They keep doing that!"

Most Packer fans are cool, but aren't many teams I'm fond of anymore after watching pretty much every single one of them give us a beat down at least once in my life.


Don't worry Packers fans knows they've been beaten down by almost every team in this league until Favre and White for quite some time...

Ask old patriots fans how was life before Brady/Bellichick and what it'll look like when both will retire at the same time. lol

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