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The Reason for the Switch from RG3? and Related News and Noise Issues

The Wicked Wop

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I'm a Robert fan even now but 'The Wicked Wop', he can't continue being THAT bad. It was time to go to Cousins not because it's right in a vacuum or on metrics, but b/c it's right for this staff, and this FO. The guy has a $16 million dollar injury insurance clause and he's getting blown up every drop back, he can't continue to "learn on the job" even if it had shown promise, which up to now just hasn't. The goods since his ROTY have been almost non-existant and the bads are way, way, way too bad.


His athleticism is off the table, why? Nobody knows, it just is and if he isn't gonna use it or work with coaches to incorporate it into the offense (or vice versa), he simply doesn't work. He isn't the guy they drafted in essence. In the big picture the RG3 trade not working IS a huge disaster, but in the short term, pulling off the band-aid really isn't that big of a deal, b/c honestly I think even the most ardent defender of Griffin was prepared for it to happen pretty soon anyway.


I'd reserve my criticism for Gruden and Gruden alone at this point. Primarily b/c the main culprit is our dark lord who we can do NOTHING about and b/c Gruden is the HC, which to me holds ALOT of weight and responsibility in terms of what gets put on the field good or bad. You either make due with what you have or you improve on it and Gruden did neither when it came to the QB position last year and then proceeded to make ZERO changes with regard to it this offseason. I don't care if his hand was forced, quit if you can't coach the team the way you want to coach it, have some ******* integrity.


He so much as admitted having made a decision at starting QB solely on the basis of avoiding controversy in the media, how pathetic is that? Sounds like something Jim Zorn would say. Now, halfway through the preseason it's back to this "who best can lead the team" rhetoric, oh, go **** a goat Jay.


The Scot's wife thing is a non-issue to me. It's his wife making an accusation, it's embarrassing for those involved but doesn't affect me in anyway. It's connected to the Redskins circumstantially at this point. "Leaks" don't bother me b/c they've always existed and will always continue to. That's how you get NFL insiders reporting things before they're official. Plus, the nature of that leak specifically was innocuous, it was a roster decision. The stuff that bothers me is the character assassination **** that comes out that serves no purpose and can be divisive. Thankfully that latest infection seems to be specific to the Gruden/Griffin relationship which for all intents and purposes is over now.


Problem is that there'll be another infection in short order and it will involve Gruden/Snyder. Hopefully the team culture might finally get healthy once Scot cleans house and a fresh staff comes in.

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I feel like I was duped by Gruden. I wanted the team to hire him and I still like him as a person but I never really understood why Bengals fans were excited to see him go but now I think I do.

The sad thing is we had one of the bright young minds in football on this stuff and it just didn't work out. I blame RGIII for not fixing his relationship with Kyle Shanahan. And yes I know this is a bit of revisionist history on my part and jumbo may wipe the floor with me over it but that's how I feel.


I agree that losing Kyle stings.  I'm not sure if the Shanahan era could have ended differently had we never drafted rg3, but there's always an alternate universe where Mike gracefully retires after 3 disappointing seasons because we have tannehill in 2012 and he gives up the reins to his son here.  I can't help but feel like Kyle is going to make a great HC somewhere else some day.  He seemed far less dictatorial than his dad.  Probably would have excelled with McCloughan.

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So what is this guy in the video saying the timeline was? That Griffin was bad talking (or something like that) the OL before and they finally gave up on him and as a result didn't play well for him vs the Lions, or that they just really sucked vs the Lions and Griffin trashed them (or something like that) after they he nearly got killed in the game?


If it is the latter, then I'm really curious what he could have said after that game that was so bad that they just didn't want to deal with him anymore. I mean it would have to be something pretty damn bad for the OL to be MAD AT HIM after that Lions game where they looked like a bunch of middle school kids playing against an NFL defense.

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So what is this guy in the video saying the timeline was? That Griffin was bad talking (or something like that) the OL before and they finally gave up on him and as a result didn't play well for him vs the Lions, or that they just really sucked vs the Lions and Griffin trashed them (or something like that) after they he nearly got killed in the game?


If it is the latter, then I'm really curious what he could have said after that game that was so bad that they just didn't want to deal with him anymore. I mean it would have to be something pretty damn bad for the OL to be MAD AT HIM after that Lions game where they looked like a bunch of middle school kids playing against an NFL defense.


According to Cooley (and since this Miller guy is saying something similar, I guess that corroborates Cooley's statements on this), it's not about what he said, it's about what Griffin didn't say.  The OL was taking an incredible amount of heat over that game, and Cooley believes that, as soon as possible, that Griffin should have said to the press that all of the sacks were his fault and his fault alone. However, Robert allowed himself to be prevented from talking all week, and then when he did speak the most would he say is that he wasn't assigning blame to anyone. I'm guessing this added to the perception among some in the locker room that Griffin never takes enough blame when he plays poorly, allowing others to get attacked in his stead. So, this all came to a head after the Lions game, but to some was a culmination of perceived issues prior to the game.


Hence, the OL being done with him. I understand the point of view even though I would never agree with it. People say Griffin needs to grow thicker skin, but he's certainly not alone there. However, if enough players feel this way, and his play doesn't justify telling all of them to just STFU and do their jobs, I can see it as one possible reason for the switch. An incredibly minor one, but something to consider.


EDIT: It appears that this was posted earlier:




This is why I don't post often. :)

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“He’s got to see the independent neurologist one more time early this week,” Gruden said.

Once Griffin is healthy enough to play, Gruden says, he’ll have a role on the 53-man roster.

We feel like he’s a quarterback that’s young and talented that’s done some good things,” Gruden said.

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If this premise in the short video is the reason behind why Gruden made the switch from RG3 to Cousins all I have to say is we're likely going to have more problems ahead as this is ridiculous.  I'm really not trying to start a debate on who should have the job, I'm really not.



I don't put a lot of credence into that (asinine) report that you referenced, but let me get this straight:



The O-line which SUCKED in the Detroit game, and which FAILED to keep Robert from getting nearly killed and concussed because THEY sucked, was angry and lost trust in Robert as the starter .. because THEY suck?! So, now they like Kirk .. because THEY suck.




IF true (which I seriously doubt), then this team is more of a total joke than I thought!



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Man, somebody needs to make a rule on the word "resigned". When writing that a guy re-upped his contract, use re-signed. My heart skipped a beat when I read that Kerrigan resigned. Whew.



Thank you! This is one of my pet peeves .. when someone types "resigned" instead of "re-signed," which are two nearly complete opposite terms. This is right up there with "Kurt" Cousins!

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I don't put a lot of credence into that (asinine) report that you referenced, but let me get this straight:



The O-line which SUCKED in the Detroit game, and which FAILED to keep Robert from getting nearly killed and concussed because THEY sucked, was angry and lost trust in Robert as the starter .. because THEY suck?! So, now they like Kirk .. because THEY suck.




IF true (which I seriously doubt), then this team is more of a total joke than I thought!

My thoughts exactly. To even entertain that a player would be benched because the OL was mad at him.....well, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

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My thoughts exactly. To even entertain that a player would be benched because the OL was mad at him.....well, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

But something must have happened for Gruden and SM to do the 180 they did after talking about Griffin being the starter and how he was improving, etc. Its not like Kirk played lights out. He was pretty good but nothing amazing...and it was still just a preseason game. Griffin played pretty well and showed some of those improvements (IMO and in the opinion of others) during the Browns game. Then got absolutely wrecked vs the Lions due mostly to horrible OL play and suddenly Gruden and company completely change their tune after that? Unfortunately I don't think we'll ever know what the full story is.

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I had heard Cooley infer the Oline was unhappy because on some of Griffins sacks in the Detroit game Griff made a protection call that slid the online away from the pressure. Then after doing that didn't say anything about it and let the Oline take the heat for those plays. I guess they did enough wrong on their own, but then publicly getting blamed for Griffins calls made the unhappy.

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But something must have happened for Gruden and SM to do the 180 they did after talking about Griffin being the starter and how he was improving, 


I think its what didn't happen or what the coaches didn't see, seems there was always a QB competition but they wanted Robert to feel as though he had full support to help his confidence.  Once it was clear Robert was the same player he was the year before I think the team went into damage control and realized they couldn't waste the season on Robert which would prevent them from finding out if Kirk had progressed.

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Ridiculous junk...  Nobody has killed RG's career, than RG..  The owner whom I've defended is a joke to keep this man around, if that is indeed the truth.. People need to remember this isn't the damn RG3's.. it's the Redskins..   Grab your box of tissues for your third string QB and hopefully we can move on to actually trying to win games.

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Primarily b/c the main culprit is our dark lord who we can do NOTHING about and b/c Gruden is the HC, which to me holds ALOT of weight and responsibility in terms of what gets put on the field good or bad. You either make due with what you have or you improve on it and Gruden did neither when it came to the QB position last year and then proceeded to make ZERO changes with regard to it this offseason. I don't care if his hand was forced, quit if you can't coach the team the way you want to coach it, have some ******* integrity.


Gruden gets paid $7M/year.


For that much money, I would say, "Yes, Mr. Snyder", "Who should I start at QB this week, Mr. Snyder", and "That suit makes you look tall and muscular, Mr. Snyder".  And I would never, ever quit.  Not even if they brought in a bingo caller to run my offense.

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Ridiculous junk...  Nobody has killed RG's career, than RG..  The owner whom I've defended is a joke to keep this man around, if that is indeed the truth.. People need to remember this isn't the damn RG3's.. it's the Redskins..   Grab your box of tissues for your third string QB and hopefully we can move on to actually trying to win games.



 With all the straws some people grasp at to defend Griffin they could feed a horse for a month.

 When my dog would get out of the yard, I didn't blame the fence.

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