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Daily News: Eric Holder, top U.S. officials no-shows at Paris unity rally


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Well, to be completely fair, European leaders didn't march with the masses either. They simply all got together and took a photo, that was then photoshopped to appear like they stood at the front of the 3.7m protesters.







Well they can photoshop in a representative from the US too. Such as Abraham Lincoln..

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Following up from my earlier post, but doesn't it seem that this administration makes the same type mistake over and over again? Besides this they were really raked over the coals for the Thatcher funeral and I think there was another event prior to Thatcher which drew some criticism.  Maybe just a blind spot.  

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Following up from my earlier post, but doesn't it seem that this administration makes the same type mistake over and over again? Besides this they were really raked over the coals for the Thatcher funeral and I think there was another event prior to Thatcher which drew some criticism.  Maybe just a blind spot.  


Nope.  It's no big deal and it will be quickly forgotten.  We can all move along.

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Following up from my earlier post, but doesn't it seem that this administration makes the same type mistake over and over again? Besides this they were really raked over the coals for the Thatcher funeral and I think there was another event prior to Thatcher which drew some criticism.  Maybe just a blind spot.  


The American conservamedia raised a big stink about the Thatcher funeral, as did a couple of the more belligerent Fleet Street British tabloids that share their conservative views.  That's not really representative of much.   They complain about everything Obama does or doesn't do.


We sent two former Secretaries of State who had worked with Thatcher, along with former VP Dick Cheney and others.  With the rare exception of a Winston Churchill or Nelson Mandela-type, Its hard to imagine the US sending a larger delegation for the non-state funeral of a foreign politician who had been out of power for decades, especially someone who was controversial in their own country.  

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Can see both sides, but probably more secure to leave Obama out of this one, especially with more then one terroritst attack in that country in a week. Ya, we could've sent someone with a higher profile, but we've also been sending an unprecidented amount of blood and resources towards fighting terrorism on a global scale. Damned if we do, damned if we don't...

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you are hopeless.   


says the guy who thinks Obama can do no wrong, ever.



Can see both sides, but probably more secure to leave Obama out of this one, especially with more then one terroritst attack in that country in a week. Ya, we could've sent someone with a higher profile, but we've also been sending an unprecidented amount of blood and resources towards fighting terrorism on a global scale. Damned if we do, damned if we don't...


except that Holder was actually IN Paris at the time.

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Wow, a unity march.   Obama should've sent Kerry or Biden but this march is nothing.


France reaped what it sowed.  You have a very liberal immigration policy and you basically allow Muslim immigrants free reign over where they live. They are allowed to have  Non-Muslim areas and police don't even come to that area.  So what do you think is going to happen?  Ripe breeeding ground from extremist thoughts.



I fully expect a full fledge war waged by terrorists and the common citizens.  The citizens of Europe will no longer wait for their government to do something and state taking things into their own hands.  I expect more terrorist attacks in Europe and I also expect Joe Europe to strike back and start attack Muslims in Mosques, etc...


Eventually, there will be some horriffic attack here and it will not suprise me one day, if all Muslims in the U.S. be required to be chipped in order to stay in the U.S.

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Yeah this is pretty embarrassing.

Honestly, if this is embarrassing then what is the Iraq War? I mean if we're going to redefine the every word in the dictionary that's fine, but we'll need to establish some standards. I'm not even remotely embarrassed.


They all stood in the street for their photo then went about their business...this did NOTHING to stop terrorism. This did NOTHING to show solidarity with European nations in opposition to terror. This was a fricking photo op and for once a US President didn't feel the need to butt in as an attention whore. If you guys want photos fine, we'll have our President stand and take photos all day long, but then you'll deride him as an attention whore.


Seriously STHU, you won't give him credit for ANYTHING, you find fault with EVERYTHING you've done this same BS for 6 years and the act has honestly worn thin. Get original.


I remember when everyone on the Right was all keyed up about Obama's birth certificate and Donald Trump, what was Obama doing? Hunting down Bin Laden and ordering a gutsy raid on his compound and killing the guy that everyone else forgot about. What happened then? Oh that's right...Obama really didn't do it. Just shut up already.

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Honestly, if this is embarrassing then what is the Iraq War? I mean if we're going to redefine the every word in the dictionary that's fine, but we'll need to establish some standards. I'm not even remotely embarrassed.


They all stood in the street for their photo then went about their business...this did NOTHING to stop terrorism. This did NOTHING to show solidarity with European nations in opposition to terror. This was a fricking photo op and for once a US President didn't feel the need to butt in as an attention whore. If you guys want photos fine, we'll have our President stand and take photos all day long, but then you'll deride him as an attention whore.


Seriously STHU, you won't give him credit for ANYTHING, you find fault with EVERYTHING you've done this same BS for 6 years and the act has honestly worn thin. Get original.


I remember when everyone on the Right was all keyed up about Obama's birth certificate and Donald Trump, what was Obama doing? Hunting down Bin Laden and ordering a gutsy raid on his compound and killing the guy that everyone else forgot about. What happened then? Oh that's right...Obama really didn't do it. Just shut up already.


Your christian ways are leaving you as of late my friend.  You doing ok?


Had this happened under Bush, the tailgate would have been blowing up.  Gotta love the double standards around these parts.  :)

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Honestly, if this is embarrassing then what is the Iraq War? I mean if we're going to redefine the every word in the dictionary that's fine, but we'll need to establish some standards. I'm not even remotely embarrassed.

They all stood in the street for their photo then went about their business...this did NOTHING to stop terrorism. This did NOTHING to show solidarity with European nations in opposition to terror. This was a fricking photo op and for once a US President didn't feel the need to butt in as an attention whore. If you guys want photos fine, we'll have our President stand and take photos all day long, but then you'll deride him as an attention whore.

Seriously STHU, you won't give him credit for ANYTHING, you find fault with EVERYTHING you've done this same BS for 6 years and the act has honestly worn thin. Get original.

I remember when everyone on the Right was all keyed up about Obama's birth certificate and Donald Trump, what was Obama doing? Hunting down Bin Laden and ordering a gutsy raid on his compound and killing the guy that everyone else forgot about. What happened then? Oh that's right...Obama really didn't do it. Just shut up already.

So because I said this is embarrassing you decided to go on some ridiculous rant about republicans? You do know I belong to neither party right? And yes, this is embarrassing. If this happened while Bush was president the liberals would be going crazy and celebrities would be making jokes about how much of an idiot he is.

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I am sure y'all libs forgot about the pet goat incident.  Ya know when George didn't react appropriately in front of elementary school children when reading a kids book.


Like I said, ya gotta love the double standards. 


You mean when he was told "we're under attack" and decided to sit around for twenty minutes reading a book to kids? Little bit different than not showing up for a photo op? Were you up in arms when President Blackenstein saluted a Marine while holding a Chi Latte? What about when Bush did the same while carrying his nasty little dog? 



 If this happened while Bush was president the liberals would be going crazy and celebrities would be making jokes about how much of an idiot he is.


George W Bush is, and will always be, a ****ing moron.

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Where were all these people flipping out when former President Bush didn't attend the marches in Madrid (and throughout Spain) after the train bombings that killed 191 people? 

Also to be consistent shouldn't people be freaking out that President Obama hasn't gone to Nigeria, I mean Boko Haram just massacred 2,000 or so people?

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'A storm in a D.C. teacup'


Washington (CNN)The Obama administration doesn't often admit it messed up.

But the White House is cutting its losses as stateside critics accuse President Barack Obama of snubbing America's oldest ally by not joining -- or at least sending a high ranking official -- to a huge anti-terror march that produced some of the most evocative scenes on the streets of Paris since World War II.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest acknowledged "we should have sent someone with a higher profile," not even trying to justify the fact that largely unknown U.S. ambassador Jane Hartley was the top American official at Sunday's events.

For all the ruckus, the White House won't likely pay a steep diplomatic price for its political clumsiness. Amid the outrage in Washington, the most significant -- and largely unnoticed -- reaction to the U.S. flub came from the French themselves.

France's skilled diplomats have rarely had trouble communicating displeasure with American actions during two centuries of a sometimes turbulent relationship between kindred nations built on common ideals but which often act with sharply different impulses on the world stage.

The reaction from Paris was temperate compared to that of the U.S. media and Obama critics, including some of the Republicans lining up to fight for his job in 2016.

*Click Link for More*

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Where were all these people flipping out when former President Bush didn't attend the marches in Madrid (and throughout Spain) after the train bombings that killed 191 people? 

Also to be consistent shouldn't people be freaking out that President Obama hasn't gone to Nigeria, I mean Boko Haram just massacred 2,000 or so people?


Uhhhh Bush did do plenty to honor Madrid.

Same reason we never went into Rwanda in 1994 when a million people were being slaughtered. Obama doesn't care about black people...Wait...


Again, you are making the double standard point.

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 What that Obama doesn't care about black people?



Fact is the French don't even feel slighted over this so called embarrassment. Only conservatives and the US media seem to, shocker.


Black people?  What are you talking about?


Even the white house says they made a mistake.  Again, ya libs love to live with double standards LOL.

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