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It's funny that some of you are calling out this movie and the series for being something less than high art. I don't think it ever aspired to Independent film status, I mean the book it was based on wasn't some literary wonder that English Lit majors will be studying 200 years from now. 


Until Andy Serkis suits up to be a dinosaur, I don't think anyone ever believed this could be more than a flash-bang movie. 


While that may be true the first movie did a great job developing its characters and delivering a good plot. I didn't realize until I rewatched it the other night but JP1 is just under 2 hours long, minus credits, and the T-Rex doesn't break out of his pen until the 1 hour mark. That's a film that spend over half its runtime developing characters and building up before getting to the action and it feels perfectly paced. Few films these days have that type of patience.

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It's funny that some of you are calling out this movie and the series for being something less than high art. I don't think it ever aspired to Independent film status, I mean the book it was based on wasn't some literary wonder that English Lit majors will be studying 200 years from now. 


Until Andy Serkis suits up to be a dinosaur, I don't think anyone ever believed this could be more than a flash-bang movie. 

No one is claiming that JP is expected to be high art...but when each movie has the same exact plot sequence then it gets old.

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Sorry, but this trailer looked bad and trailers are suppose to get you excited for the movie. The dialogue was awful, even from Chris Pratt, who I have really started to enjoy. Old jurassic park movie forumla, like two kids similar to the grandkids in the first movie. Bad movie cliches, mad scientist thinking they are about to do great things only to see how wrong they were (which every character and the audience saw the whole time), mostly like followed up with their death. Then we have the 'Hybrid" dinosaur, that is like Sharknado level bad.

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The first one is an all time classic to me. The first movie I ever saw in theaters as a kid too. I was ****ting bricks the whole time. It was glorious and sparked my love for both the Theater experience and dinosaurs in general. 


I don't think movies today look as real as that T-Rex did stomping all over the Jeep in the mud. That will never be replicated with the overuse of CGI now. The T-Rex and the rest of the JP cast were tangible and real and it made for a better movie.


The plot was basic but it had well established characters for the most part which their only real purpose was to set the stage for the jaw dropping stars of the movie, the dinosaurs. In that regard, it was a triumphant success. 


The sequels never matched that pacing, level of authenticity, wonder or excitement. This one doesn't look to impressive either, honestly, which is disappointing because I had high hopes when it was announced. 

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dude, if they used Octopus DNA and endowed the 40-foot tall raptor with Octopintelligence—could be a very worthy adversary. I mean, I give my hunter friends **** all the time that the prey is at a severe disadvantage. 


Yeah, add Torosaur plating or some kind of bony body armor . . . yes, yes. 


Stupid human hubris, messing with nature yet again. Two will barely escape with their lives having learned a valuable lesson that is lost on the whole. I mean, it would be fantastic if the dinosaur just flat out wins this one. 

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The original Jurrasic Park was a fantastic theater experience at the time it came out. It was loud and fast when it needed, quiet and patient when it wanted you to suffer, and the dinosaurs dangerous to characters with more than a few lines. They actually succeeded in catching important characters and eating them. I mention that because too often the very scarey monsters are only good for killing extras and people that get 2 lines or less. Those monsters suck at their jobs. JP introduced you to characters only to make watching them die later. That kind of cold hearted dedication is important when it comes to telling a good story.

Too bad they screwed up on that magical ledge/drop that was there when the characters ran in terror from the TRex, but obviously not there when the TRex broke through the fence initially. Maybe that's been explained since, but it seemed like a big dumb mistake at the time.

Also, because I'm that guy, the book was so much better.

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I saw the first JP when I was 6 at a drive in movie theatre in southern Cali. The theatre was surrounded on all sides by Palm trees which made it the perfect place to watch the movie. Perfect to scare a little kid that is since it made feel like I was in the movie and my little kid mind was sure T-Rex was gonna come through those trees at any moment and attack me. Didn't help that it was dark and windy and the trees were swaying back and forth. Looking back on it it was awesome though. Still one of my favorite films to this day

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Too bad they screwed up on that magical ledge/drop that was there when the characters ran in terror from the TRex, but obviously not there when the TRex broke through the fence initially. Maybe that's been explained since, but it seemed like a big dumb mistake at the time.


Always wondered this myself. I've read that it's explained better in the book, the difference in terrain on the T-Rex side. Anyway:


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