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Es Coverage & Interactive Game Day Thread: Redskins At Cowboys Final


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Our talen dictates that we have to move the pocket.  Last year showed that and yet Kyle still insists on dropping back in shotgun on just about every pass play in every game this season.  That is why our offense has been unproductive.  Our runs are not good out this new style and therefore it is not a threat.  No run threat means more coverage on our WRs.  Our WRs can not get open for the most part on their own.  A mobile pocket and QB change the game for us.  Why Kyle is not moving RG3 more is a mystery to me, but this offense does not even come close to looking like last year.  It does in spurts...when we use the read option, but for 90% of the game it does not.  This is on Kyle and he needs to get back to the plan from last year in a hurry or the season is lost.

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Now trade rg3 for picks? Really **** all you arm chair owners. If you trade your best QB you're franchise guy no one will want to play for you but old vets looking for a retirement check.

RG3 is not our franchise QB. Luck is a franchise QB, and the Colts knew better. 

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Im disgusted with this team but i wont give up on them. Everyone has their hard times and we will be stronger for it in the long run. I liked some things tonight and hated others but it was mainly a total team failure and the cowaboys D played well. I hope to god we win next week or else the blow it up chatter will reach a fever pitch.

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If there's one thing this game epitomized, it's that you will not win in today's NFL without offensive playmakers.  The Redskins have none, hence, they cannot score.  This is a passing league.  The read option masked our lack of offensive weapons but this year, the league caught up and now you see the result of having one very good but not great WR and a bunch of nobodies.  Assuming no coaches are fired on the offensive side of the ball this offseason, the priority HAS to be to get a possession receiver and to build the o-line to win 1 on 1 matchups.  This is a zone blocking like that is no equipped to give time for pocket passing.  RGIII is indeed wildly inaccurate but hell, when you have to run out of the pocket every play, you will never get into any sort of rhythm.  There will be no playoffs this year, it is what it is but at least it will reveal that there actually are tons of holes on this roster.

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Come on man. He's a young player. His skills are incredible. But he has never been a pocket passer. It's just going to take some time. 

Luck, Wilson, and Kappernick are all young players, and are tearing it up. RG3 is tearing it down, and looked awful tonight.

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Griffin looks more frisky tonight. His throwing mechanics are still a mess, but that's something that should eventually come back. I'm not sure if it can come back in a season though.


Something to ponder (and this would be something I would put in an original thread if I still wrote original threads): Medical advances have made players come back faster than ever while the practice rules have made it more difficult for players to get their old techniques back. I think RGIII is as healthy as he is going to get this year. But I think he probably needs a full year to get his technique, mechanics, whatever you want to call it back.

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Sad thing is our best play on D by Hall tonight, he will get in trouble for not dropping into his zone.


It never ceases to amaze me week after week, how bad our OL is in basic pass pro. Sure RG3 may not help, but Kyle doesnt help either.


Don't we have a single backup OL that can improve anyone anywhere?

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Trading a quarterback in reality doesn't work like madden. By virtue of the fact that you would want to trade someone so integral to a football team's success it can be inferred by any interested parties that the player in question is not worth it.


"Well if the ****ty and desperate Redskins don't want Robert Griffin, why would we?"


This inherently lowers the player's value. Basically he is not worth very much at all in a trade, and we're better off not slitting our wrists and sticking with our young star while he gets back to form. How quickly we forget. It's such a shame. We don't deserve a winner or talented players because we're too ****ing impatient.

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I realize that I'm going to take heat from Cowboy fans after this loss but the worst part is I have to buy a case of beer for a guy at work due to this...his brand....Busch... I didn't even know they still made that shizz. I guess I'm out a cool 6 bucks.

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