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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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BTW, I don't believe for a moment that Trump is a Christian.

Look at his actions...look at his ideology...look at the things he says about others.

There is no love in his words or actions.

Trump is not a Christian in any way that extends beyond "in-name-only."

I don't know why everyone is so sensitive about the Pope pointing out what we already know.

Trump is not a Christian.


Oh and yeah, being a Christian is more than saying a prayer in church and getting dunked/sprinkled with water.

Truly, if Trump is a Christian then being a Christian means nothing.

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BTW, I don't believe for a moment that Trump is a Christian.

Look at his actions...look at his ideology...look at the things he says about others.

There is no love in his words or actions.

Trump is not a Christian in any way that extends beyond "in-name-only."

I don't know why everyone is so sensitive about the Pope pointing out what we already know.

Trump is not a Christian.

Oh and yeah, being a Christian is more than saying a prayer in church and getting dunked/sprinkled with water.

Truly, if Trump is a Christian then being a Christian means nothing.

I believe a big part of the backlash against the Pope was based on previous stances he has taken with regards to economic disparity, etc. He is seen as a leftist by conservatives. Now he questions their wall, the centerpiece of their immigration policy. Plus Trump is going to lash out at anyone who looks at him sideways.

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I think the concept of "conservative principles" "judeo-christian values" and "evangelical vote" in general have been officially thrown into the ash heap of history with Trump winning so big in SC


There are no conservative principles, when conservatives vote in mass


Judeo-Christian values (whatever the hell that means) is even more obsolete if you vote for Trump


Evangelical vote? They sold out mighty quick in this election 

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I think it is Predicto that has already stated in this thread, these are pretty meaningless given the Republican machine has not focused its attention on Bernie yet.

I remember him making that argument yes, but I'm no more convinced by it now than I was then. The idea seems to be that the "socialism" label will scare voters, but I think that cat has been declawed.

Anyway that's just speculation. The real data consistently shows Bernie outperforming Hillary in potential general election match ups. This latest poll shows that result even more drastically. Bernie beats GOP contenders and Hillary loses to them.

It is true that a lot of people don't like Hillary and that's her issue even in the primary, but I wouldn't extend to that that people like Bernie.

People do like Bernie. He has the highest approval rating in the Senate (83% in Vermont).


Which is why he consistently wins his elections and re-elections among people who know him best.

Bernie also has the highest favoribility rating of any candidate, and he consistently gets high marks for things like honesty and caring about voters.

People don't know Bernie.

I think there is a grain of truth to this, but it doesn't follow that once they know him they won't like him. In fact I think the opposite is true, the more people know him the more they like him. I think recent history backs me up on that.

Who wouldn't like Bernie? Truthfully the only people who wouldn't like him are people who were never going to vote for a democrat anyway.

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Oh and yeah, being a Christian is more than saying a prayer in church and getting dunked/sprinkled with water.

Truly, if Trump is a Christian then being a Christian means nothing.


Well then there aren't many Christians on this earth, because there are a lot of messed up people in the churches.  Pope Francis thinks about 2% of Catholic Priests are pedophiles.  I'd prefer he clean up his own house before engaging in American politics.  You gotta master your own flaws first Asbury before you come to judge others.


Now on to more important matters.


Minority vote still slaying the Sanders dragon.




Six Things We Learned From Hillary Clinton's Nevada Victory

4) Sanders may have exceeded expectations with minority voters, but it wasn't enough. Early entrance polls showed Sanders leading Clinton by high single digits among Hispanic voters, a margin that political experts are eying with skepticism after seeing the final results in the state. But even if Sanders did better than expected with Latinos, Clinton's apparent dominance with African-American voters - who made up about 13 percent of the electorate -- boosted her to an overall double-digit lead among non-white voters and helped underscore her campaign's argument that Sanders can't be as competitive with minority voters as she can.

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I think Hillary would match up better with Trump than Sanders.

That's not what the polls say.

Add: I would hope anyone could beat Trump, and if it is a Trump Clinton race I hope you will reconsider voting against him.

I'm not voting for Hillary, no way, no how, especially not after seeing the dirty tricks she's already pulled in this campaign. I don't trust her as far as I could throw her.

I just don't believe in her, and I cannot be part of a cause I don't believe in. I refuse to support any candidate who gets her biggest contributions from Wall Street, and votes for things like the Iraq war, the Patriot Act, and the bank bailouts.

I'd wager this is a big part of why these general election polls show the results they do. Hillary needs people like me to win the general, and she's lost us. There are a lot of people like me out there (see all the millions donating to Bernie's campaign). We're fed up with billionaires buying elections and the middle class being neglected, and we're pushing back.

If it comes down to Trump and Clinton, then I'll be voting for my dog. I'm not supporting either of them.

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That's not what the polls say.

I'm not voting for Hillary, no way, no how, especially not after seeing the dirty tricks she's already pulled in this campaign. I don't trust her as far as I could throw her.


I will say... if it comes down to Hillary vs. Trump or Cruz I hope you change your mind... for the Supreme Court's sake if nothing else.


Liar... there are no presents in this election. Lots of promises of gifts and winning, but no presents.

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I will say... if it comes down to Hillary vs. Trump or Cruz I hope you change your mind... for the Supreme Court's sake if nothing else.

Maybe I could hold my nose and pull the lever for her. I doubt it, but maybe.

But even then you wouldn't see me making calls, talking to my friends and neighbors, putting bumper stickers on my car, making donations, etc. In short, you wouldn't see me support her with any enthusiasm.

And that is what you will see if the Dems nominate Hillary, a complete lack of enthusiasm from a huge segment of voters that she needs to win, which is why Hillary won't win the general.

And this isn't just anecdotal either. The polls back me up here.

And I'll note that the more dirty politics Hillary plays to beat Bernie, the worse it gets for her. She's alienating Bernie's supporters, and she cannot win without us.

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Liar... there are no presents in this election. Lots of promises of gifts and winning, but no presents.

This election is going to come down to a woman that is the embodiment of everything everyone says they hate about politics, and a guy born into money with his biggest accomplishment being that he can afford to put his name in giant letters all over everything.

And what are the alternatives? An empty suit neocon in Rubio? A douchbag tea parties in Cruz? Pie in the sky Sanders?

I've given up. I knew Clinton was picked before it started, but I had no idea Trump was going to completely destroy the small chance at liking someone.

I'm guessing I'll vote for mickey mouse.

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I've given up. I knew Clinton was picked before it started, but I had no idea Trump was going to completely distroy the small chance at liking someone.


I was first to call Trump/Clinton.  When I originally called it I thought Hillary would be victorious.  Now I am leaning towards Trump.

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This election is going to come down to a woman that is the embodiment of everything everyone says they hate about politics, and a guy born into money with his biggest accomplishment being that he can afford to put his name in giant letters all over everything.

And what are the alternatives? An empty suit neocon in Rubio? A douchbag tea parties in Cruz? Pie in the sky Sanders?

Of those options, I'll take pie in the sky every time.

I've given up. I knew Clinton was picked before it started, but I had no idea Trump was going to completely distroy the small chance at liking someone.

I'm guessing I'll vote for mickey mouse.

If Hillary gets the nomination, then you can make that at least two votes for Mickey Mouse.

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Anybody else notice chipwhich has switched gears from attacking Hillary to attacking Sanders?

Maybe he sees the writing on the wall about who has a better chance against the GOP in the general?


I am not attacking Sanders.  I am just talking reality.  I don't dislike Sanders, he just has no chance in hell.  As for Hillary, well she hasn't had much of interest as of late.  The fun begins once Trump starts attacking her.  It's gonna be a riot.


And my Hillary issue has nothing to do with thinking she has a chance against the GOP.  I can't think of one reason I would ever want her as President. Nothing about her.

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And my Hillary issue has nothing to do with thinking she has a chance against the GOP.  I can't think of one reason I would ever want her as President. Nothing about her.

She probably won't start a war.

Only other candidate I'm sure of, in that regard, is Bernie.

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I do not share your confidence in that.

Trump and Sanders are the only two that fit that to me. And even trump is kind of shaky, if someone publicly insults him then all bets may be off...

1) Not sure what makes you think Trump wouldn't.

Heck, the guy gets kicks from telling his crowds to attack people who interrupt him. Dude's getting a power trip, just from abusing his power as a Presidential candidate.


I'm not sure he wouldn't start a war with the Vatican. 



2)  And I'm not saying that Hillary is a Quaker, or anything.  I'm saying that I don't think she's itching to start one. 

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Yes, I know. She's evil incarnate.

I don't know if she is evil incarnate, but she did heap praise upon Henry Kissinger, and I think you could say that about him.

She did a push poll.

That's one example among many.

I'll give you another: Did you see the false accusation made by Dolores Huerta (who received $100,000 from the Clinton Foundation)?


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