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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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I wonder, will the press go after the Donald; since he's leading the Republican field?

I doubt it. They have to much interest in him staying in the race; as long as he can.

They are going after him.

Every time he says something stupid, they cover it.

(And the loony base says "look! The liberal media is attacking him!")

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This poll is deceiving in one sense. Look at the numbers a bit more closely an up to 40% don't know anything about Walker, 32% nothing about Rubio and 15% nothing about Bush (and who knows if they are thinking about the right Bush.....insert joke here)


Only 6% no nothing about Clinton.


The problem for Clinton as shown in the poll is the favorable vs unfavorable numbers.

I think that is the point. They know (or think they know) Clinton and that is why she is losing (In those polls). Democrats may not like it but the impression is essentially locked in that she is corrupt and that will have an impact in November 2016.

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They are going after him.

Every time he says something stupid, they cover it.

(And the loony base says "look! The liberal media is attacking him!")

I don't see a detailed expose on Trump.  Yeah, they are reporting on what he has been saying but that's it.  I don't see reports picking apart Donald Trump from Day 1- when he burst onto the national scene to now.  A look at his business dealings.  A look at why, he filed for bankruptcy?   A lot at how he espoused the opposite of what he was saying now; just 4 years ago.


I don't see a full fledge investigation into Trump from the MSM and even the RWM.  If everything about Trump was out there; I seriously doubt he will be polling that high.


I view him as nothing more than a clown show, a big distraction. Even though Hillary is still the fav; the Repubs have a 50-50 chance. I would rather hear from the people who have a legit shot of being president.


Right now, the 2016 Republican campaign is dictated by whatever Donald Trump feels like yapping his mouth about.

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I think that is the point. They know (or think they know) Clinton and that is why she is losing (In those polls). Democrats may not like it but the impression is essentially locked in that she is corrupt and that will have an impact in November 2016.


The point is wait until the negatives of all those other candidates go up when people get to know them before we have any real idea of the polls.

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I don't see a detailed expose on Trump.  Yeah, they are reporting on what he has been saying but that's it.  I don't see reports picking apart Donald Trump from Day 1- when he burst onto the national scene to now.  A look at his business dealings.  A look at why, he filed for bankruptcy?   A lot at how he espoused the opposite of what he was saying now; just 4 years ago.


I don't see a full fledge investigation into Trump from the MSM and even the RWM.  If everything about Trump was out there; I seriously doubt he will be polling that high.


I view him as nothing more than a clown show, a big distraction. Even though Hillary is still the fav; the Repubs have a 50-50 chance. I would rather hear from the people who have a legit shot of being president.


Right now, the 2016 Republican campaign is dictated by whatever Donald Trump feels like yapping his mouth about.


Are you kidding? Every time he's done something like giving out Graham's phone number, or claiming one thing where there is video of him saying another. Its covered non-stop. What investigation do you want? He's doing the leg work. The WaPo did a thing on his claims for what he's worth. Then he goes nuts and claims they are lying. They cover that too and show more stats about what he has vs. his debt. He continues to deny it and seems to become more popular.


How about this. Where are the other GOP candidates? Why aren't they able to get their message through? What is their message? They just wait for Trump to make a McCain joke and then tweet about it for a few days? If anybody can't afford to sit on the sidelines, it's them. When the debates come and they have to fight over his volume....how will they sound reasonable and focused?


At some point, folks need to realize that complaining about the media isn't winning elections anymore. We've had two digital elections already and a third is coming next year.

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Is he just trolling at this point, to see how many people he can piss off?




I think he's crazy enough to believe right now before anybody can vote in a primary, that he will win a bunch of early states.


When/if that doesn't happen. He'll claim it was for other reasons. To force the GOP to return to their roots. Maybe he'll take credit for Clinton winning.


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Is he just trolling at this point, to see how many people he can piss off?

"At this point"?

I think it was Predicto who summed it up. This is the same rude, bullying, a-hole schtick that he's been using all his life.

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Think about this for a moment Trump is a DEMOCRAT, gave money to 0bama and dems before him. The democrat PARTY has moved so far to the LEFT that Trump is now right where he always was (pretty much) and many are all freaking out about he is channeling the conservatives, he’s not. He is pushing the same position that he always was but the FIELD has moved SO FAR over that it seems radically to the right.

Remember when the democrats pushed their CHRISTIAN values and called Christine O’donnel a witch ? That was only 2010.

Trump is in the center of where the parties are right now, but since the dems have gone FULL BLOWN communist, anything he says sounds conservative against that backdrop.

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With much respect..you are out of your ****ing mind if you actually believe what you wrote.

The D party has moved increasingly to the middle since the first Clinton took office. 


edit..and I approve. Really, the only thing that has moved to the left when it comes to the Dems is the social policy of the party..and really that has only been under Obama in the last few years (with gay rights). Which more than likely was inevitable with the current millenial generation. 

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Now that's a nice theory. Please refer to the chart posted a page or so ago that demonstrates the conservative rating of the GOP contenders this year, compared to average GOP congressman from 10 years ago, in the 80s, etc.

You'll notice that we've gone way right. And the current Clinton would probably be lean right from the 80s.

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With much respect..you are out of your ****ing mind if you actually believe what you wrote.

The D party has moved increasingly to the middle since the first Clinton took office. 


edit..and I approve. Really, the only thing that has moved to the left when it comes to the Dems is the social policy of the party..and really that has only been under Obama in the last few years (with gay rights). 


I think you are mistaken

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Trump is in the center of where the parties are right now, but since the dems have gone FULL BLOWN communist, anything he says sounds conservative against that backdrop.


Wow, at first I was like, "Hmmmm what's this guy saying....interesting thought...." then I read this and I knew you were speaking $%#& out your butt.

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Trump is in the center of where the parties are right now, but since the dems have gone FULL BLOWN communist, anything he says sounds conservative against that backdrop.

I don't think you know what the word 'communist' means...


The democrat PARTY has moved so far to the LEFT that Trump is now right where he always was (pretty much) and many are all freaking out about he is channeling the conservatives, he’s not.


Yeah...except, he is.

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Trump threatens third-party run


NEW YORK — Donald Trump says the chances that he will launch a third-party White House run will “absolutely” increase if the Republican National Committee is unfair to him during the 2016 primary season.
“The RNC has not been supportive. They were always supportive when I was a contributor. I was their fair-haired boy,” the business mogul told The Hill in a 40-minute interview from his Manhattan office at Trump Tower on Wednesday. “The RNC has been, I think, very foolish.”
Pressed on whether he would run as a third-party candidate if he fails to clinch the GOP nomination, Trump said that “so many people want me to, if I don’t win.”
“I’ll have to see how I’m being treated by the Republicans,” Trump said. “Absolutely, if they’re not fair, that would be a factor.”
RNC Chairman Reince Priebus called Trump earlier this month asking him to tone down his controversial rhetoric. More recently, the RNC rebuked him for saying that Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) is not a war hero. Trump didn’t apologize but has since said that the 2008 Republican presidential nominee is a war hero.


More from the link.
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I think we've found a real life Trump supporter! I was beginning to wonder where they were hiding.

The reasoning skills are as I expected.


And disheartening as it is, he is realistically more electable than Sanders, which is a reflection of the population.


But then again, Michael Jackson leaned really far to the left, but everyone seemed to love him, so....

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