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4-2 By Denver (The Wishful Thinking Thread)...


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Is it possible this team could be 4-2 by the time we play Denver?  If we were talking the 2012 Redskins I would say no problem, but now?


Well we are the 2012 Redskins technically, we even have some key players back we didn't have then.  Hey even SF scored only 3 points last weekend - anyone can underperform.


So maybe this is a wishful thinking thread but hell, as fans that's our job right?  Who would have guessed when we were 3-6 last year we would win the NFC East?


So here is the question of this thread, realistically, how does this team get to 4-2 by Denver?  What needs to change on offense and defense?  We play 4 increasingly difficult opponents so we can grow each game.  How do we get there from here?

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The next four teams we play (Lions, Raiders, Cowboys, and Bears) are good teams. I'm just looking at the offense, and I find it very hard to believe we will go 4-0. The Lions offense i feel will shred our defense to pieces, and as much as I hate to say it, the cowboys with dez bryant and miles austin will run all over our young secondary. The bears defense is looking real good this season, and their offense isnt half bad either with Marshall and J Cut. The raiders I feel we should beat but even that might be a stretch with the way our defense looks. I think at most, we will go 3-1, but realistically I feel we will go 2-2, beating the raiders and bears.

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I'd be stunned if we are 4-2. Stunned. I think our best case is 3-3, with 2-4 probably being most likely... 1-5 or worse would obviously be a disaster.

Assuming I am right we would then be 2-5 after losing in Denver--- that's what I think will happen.

But I would still give us a chance after that. Chargers, at Vikings, at Eagles..... That is manageable and hopefully by then we would have worked out kinks and be ready for a strong finish ala last season. Even if we start 2-5, I could see us at 5-6 heading into the Sunday Night game with the Giants--- we'd likely still be alive at that point.

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Believe it or not I think the Lions game is winnable at home if the offense shows any type of improvement.


I still say the defense won't perform as bad once the offense is clicking and they aren't forced to be on the field 90% of the first half.


That's not to say the secondary will magically perform well, but the front seven has been generating pressure and putting teams in bad spots at times.

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I'd be stunned if we are 4-2. Stunned. I think our best case is 3-3, with 2-4 probably being most likely... 1-5 or worse would obviously be a disaster.

Assuming I am right we would then be 2-5 after losing in Denver--- that's what I think will happen.

But I would still give us a chance after that. Chargers, at Vikings, at Eagles..... That is manageable and hopefully by then we would have worked out kinks and be ready for a strong finish ala last season. Even if we start 2-5, I could see us at 5-6 heading into the Sunday Night game with the Giants--- we'd likely still be alive at that point.


well, depending on what the giants, cowboys and eagles records are at the time we play the giants, we might not be alive for a playoff spot. thats why we have to be 2-2 at the bye week realistically.

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Detroit Lions.  That's who we play on Sunday. It's not that hard.


We have one 3rd down conversion in the first half of two games and zero offensive points scored.


Do we really need a new one of these threads every three or four days?

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I'm sorry but I think we're still an 11-5 football team. I don't get to caught up in September/early October ball games.


When I look across the NFL I see playoff contending defenses that allow points but generate turnovers. Moreover, the playoff contending offenses are capable of lighting up the scoreboard. This is exactly what we did last season. There is no such thing as a perfect team with all the pieces in place. The 2007 NYG had a very weak secondary that was constantly exposed throughout their season and their playoff run. For example, former Redskin QB Todd Collins was able to lead our Skins to a victory throwing TDs in the wind against that defense.


Robert Griffin will continue his slowed progress until he's 100% comfortable. Every week he'll get his timing with WRs down and you'll see 3rd and 7 3rd and 4 become 1st down. 


Roberts biggest issues besides extending plays with his legs are poor footwork and dropped passes by WRs. Of course some of the passes have been off but no QB is perfect. Robert's worst games look better than allot of starting QBs best games.


Alfred Morris will pick up the pace when Robert begins to regain his confidence. The duo compliment each other and make the offense go. Alfred also is having issues breaking tackles. As he regains regular season form your going to see him hit that cutback harder and break the first defender that hits him. I also expect to see more Roy Helu Jr used in 3rd situations.


Our WRs & TEs have been dropping way to many passes. I have no doubt that is going to change as the season progresses. 


This 0-2 start was a blessing in disguise. Its humble pie from last years hangover but this young group is very talented and well coached. They will beat the Lions and Raiders and go into the BYE 2-2.





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Detroit Lions.  That's who we play on Sunday. It's not that hard.


We have one 3rd down conversion in the first half of two games and zero offensive points scored.


Do we really need a new one of these threads every three or four days?


And do you have to find a reason to be an obnoxious jerk in a positive thread about our skins?  Or I guess according to you all "Hey I think we can win this threads" should be off limits?  Maybe you can give us a list of topics you deem worthy since talking about how our team can turn this around is not?  If you've given up on our team after only 2 games that's fine, I haven't.


BTW, did you notice that you were the ONLY person to make a snarky comment?  Everyone else is contributing.

Guys, if I had created a thread when we were 3-6 last year saying, "We can win the NFC East", that would have seemed even crazier than imagining going 4-2.


I'm a fan and we can turn this around.  BTW, we have outscored the 49er's by 10 points so far this season and they are Superbowl favorites.  We were one bobbled onside kick away from beating the Eagles when they just played the game of their lives with an offense no one had ever seen.

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I like the idea of a wishful thinking thread, I just think that it's going to be tough to get everyone on the same page here.

Times are tough in these parts.

0-2 is far from the end of the season but what what most have seen isn't very inspiring. It's possible that we win the next 4 in a row, most would think that there is a greater chance of hell freezing over.

I hope you're right. Don't worry if everyone doesn't share your same hopeful spirit. Tough times makes for a testy fan base.

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I'd be stunned if we are 4-2. Stunned. I think our best case is 3-3, with 2-4 probably being most likely... 1-5 or worse would obviously be a disaster.

Assuming I am right we would then be 2-5 after losing in Denver--- that's what I think will happen.

But I would still give us a chance after that. Chargers, at Vikings, at Eagles..... That is manageable and hopefully by then we would have worked out kinks and be ready for a strong finish ala last season. Even if we start 2-5, I could see us at 5-6 heading into the Sunday Night game with the Giants--- we'd likely still be alive at that point.

Cmon Kleese, lol, did you speed read the thread title? 

I thought this was an idea for a new D. 


I am slightly disappointed. The thread fails to deliver what I was expecting. 



I think they already tried the 4 lbers, 2 DT's and 5 DB alignment. IT failed hard. 

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I think we were too optimistic to start the season and are too pessimistic now.


C'mon, we have scored 49 points in 2 games, 10 more than the mighty 49'ers high powered offense.  We lost to 2 good teams with a wobbly QB coming back from a major injury. We came very close to winning the Eagles game despite playing horribly for 3 quarters.


4-2 is as doable as 10-6 last year was when we were 3-6 to start.


We have played our worst possible football and yet haven't been blown out and fought back both times.  If we can manage even normal Redskins football we have a shot.

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And do you have to find a reason to be an obnoxious jerk in a positive thread about our skins?  Or I guess according to you all "Hey I think we can win this threads" should be off limits?  Maybe you can give us a list of topics you deem worthy since talking about how our team can turn this around is not?  If you've given up on our team after only 2 games that's fine, I haven't.


BTW, did you notice that you were the ONLY person to make a snarky comment?  Everyone else is contributing.

Guys, if I had created a thread when we were 3-6 last year saying, "We can win the NFC East", that would have seemed even crazier than imagining going 4-2.


I'm normally a pretty positive guy... this is just on the heels of the thread right before the Eagles game of "Can the Packers Compete With Us" or whatever.


If it was just called the "2013 Positive Thread" then I guess I wouldn't be ****ing so much.  I apogologize if I have offended.


I just think we should look at three things before we start with a "Lets go 4-0 over the next 4 games" thread....


1)  Convert a 3rd down in the first half


2)  Score a touchdown in the first half


3)  Win a game and go to 1-2.

Cmon Kleese, lol, did you speed read the thread title? 


That's actually pretty optimistic, lol.


Based on the product you see now.  5-6 going into December with 5 games left (Giants, KC, Falcons, Cowboys, Giants)... I would probably take that right now if it was offered to me.

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Broken record time.  SF is pretty much everyone's pick to go to the Superbowl this year.  Amazing QB, amazing defense, the whole package.


They scored 3 points this week.  3.  We suck, we call terrible plays, we can't get a 1st down.  We scored 20.


My point is as horrible as we have played we are still competing with some pretty damned good teams. I think RG3 is pissed. He doesn't like how Shanny is holding him back. I would not be surprised at all if he didn't have the "Let me play my game or bench me!" talk with the coaches this week.


Other than having a dinged QB, we have actually improved our personnel situation over last year. The problem has been we are playing scared. We are playing tight. The play calling is predictable on both ends of the ball. I believe that if the coaches decide to play some Redskins football instead of pattycake we can turn this season on a dime.


Just like last season, one win at a time.

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Broken record time.  SF is pretty much everyone's pick to go to the Superbowl this year.  Amazing QB, amazing defense, the whole package.


They scored 3 points this week.  3.  We suck, we call terrible plays, we can't get a 1st down.  We scored 20.


3 points against a team that has given up 10 points in 2 games (that's 5 per game).  Seattle is going to be in the discussion and they are impossible to beat at home.


Oh by the way, running the zone read... they scored 3 points.


I hate Lavar Arrington, but he brought up a fantastic point the other day... if the road to the Super Bowl goes through Seattle, and they just ate the 49ers for lunch while the 49ers were running the read-option, why not take our lumps and let Robert get comfortable throwing the football in a more conventional offense?

My point is as horrible as we have played we are still competing with some pretty damned good teams. I think RG3 is pissed. He doesn't like how Shanny is holding him back. I would not be surprised at all if he didn't have the "Let me play my game or bench me!" talk with the coaches this week.


I'm not convinced that Shanny is holding him back.  I'm more convinced based off the evidence that we have, that Robert wants to be a more conventional QB.


I do agree the season can turn on a dime, and we have plenty of time and by no means are we out of it.  Heck, we could win our next 4, absolutely, not likely though based off the sample size.


Other than having a dinged QB, we have actually improved our personnel situation over last year. The problem has been we are playing scared. We are playing tight. The play calling is predictable on both ends of the ball. I believe that if the coaches decide to play some Redskins football instead of pattycake we can turn this season on a dime.


No arguments here.  One hand washes the other.  We have to win the first half, and then we need to play a complete game.  The personnel we have is either the same or has improved, but the defense won't work without a lead.  One hand washes the other.


Just like last season, one win at a time.


Let's start with one win :)

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there is no doubt in my mind that we takeoff in the 2nd half of the Raiders game and never look back. Therfore I think we will be atleast 3-3 and actually beat the Broncos. The question is will we be 4-2. I think we could break out of our rut this week but it still may take a lil longer. Hopefully the HFA will pull it off. I could see an OT win but trust me, RG3 and this team will be dominant in the 2nd half against the Raiders and look like a SB contender the rest of the year

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