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Rg3 Is Prima Donna-Ish


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We've probably all forgotten this since we haven't had one in 20 years, but Redskins QB is the 2nd most important job in DC.  He's the face of the franchise, he's going to constantly get asked questions.  I prefer that he answer openly.  


I also feel that this is a major case of the media blowing something out of proportion.  All of the local outlets and ESPN get a TON of page views by making something out of not much.  


I'm right there with you, I would love to see him continue to answer openly and honestly.  The problem is that we are seeing and I'm imagining he is learning that doing so gives the media opportunity to **** with you and make stories out of thin air.  It's crazy because the public and the media bemoan the coach speak "one day at a time" crap but as soon as anyone steps outside that mold even a little bit it eventually leads to problems for that player.  I don't think RG3 has done or said anything wrong per se except possibly to not understand the aforementioned fact of the modern sports world.  The longer his career goes the more and more likely that people will use his open and honest style against him.  Sad but unfortunately appears to be true.

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The bolded covers the last 3 games of the season, so Philly, Dallas, & Seattle.. They used a more traditional attack vs Philly to keep Robert in the pocket and not on the edge. That's how Robert wanted to ride out the season playing injured, less risk on the knee & he felt he could win games from the pocket, just like he did vs Philly. Dallas & Seattle saw more read option & Robert running it. 

Was this something that needed to said in the GQ article though... if you got caught a glimpse of this and were able to dissect it, imagine if the social media got ahold of this. 

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I think RG3 is a good guy but he likes attention.  No big deal.  The more an athlete talks, the more attention they get.  RG3 likes to talk and get attention.  He's not driving drunk, getting caught with drugs, shooting people, fathering 20 kids with 20 different mothers.  I'm fine with him.

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I think RG3 is a good guy but he likes attention.  No big deal.  The more an athlete talks, the more attention they get.  RG3 likes to talk and get attention.  He's not driving drunk, getting caught with drugs, shooting people, fathering 20 kids with 20 different mothers.  I'm fine with him.

This is the main premise of the thread. 

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This is the main premise of the thread.

I don't disagree that might have been your intention, but your execution was terrible. Your edited title is slightly less inflammatory than the original, but still quite annoying/trollish. That's why people are pissed at you. Honestly Kleese did a much better job arguing your point than you did, throughout the entire thread. I'd call it quits and ask for a merciful thread lock, but that's just me.

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how could anyone be surprised by the coverage, given the season he had as a rookie and the injury.


does anyone really think Mike Shanahan gives two hoots about what the media says about him or the organization? (remember benching of McNabb)


Not to hijack the thread but your sig has AMAZING quality. Where did you find that image?

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Fair point...but that's more an indictment of the current culture, not the people entertaining them. The reason your TV is riddled with horrible shows about marginally famous people, fake reality shows, etc. is because people want that.

not to completely hijack this thread, but....i can't stand this ideology.  the concept that it's somehow entirely society's fault for the media & entertainment being entirely slanted towards sensationalist material is ludicrous.  while it may be true that people en masse are readily willing to digest this garbage does not necessitate that this is what they in fact WANT.  furthermore...i disagree entirely that the media has any responsibility other than providing facts in a way that allows one to form their own opinion about those details aside from CORRECTLY & EXPERTLY explaining those details....not SLANTING or SKEWING them.  additionally, it is the responsibility of a JOURNALIST to not be concerned at all with your opinions on a subject, rather that you understand it.  


it's an easy out to indicate that it's the spectator's fault for not complaining en majorum to the source about the way that stories are fed to them.......but it is not their responsibility to write the article....only to read it.  i get that there is a fear involved that if the material is not provided in such a way that the source may go on to become irrelevant as the masses, as it were, seek out the alternative forms of information proviso....but i reiterate that the JOURNALIST has a pious responsibility to provide the information thusly regardless of who remains interested.  




i think the main point within the outside shell i have here is that information need not be concerned with ratings & the fact that it has become this way falls at the feet of the media outlets for giving in & not remaining steadfast in their principles.  



Media has changed too. What good is a "news story" these days when Twitter pushes facts out instantly. Are you really going to pay too many people to write news articles that will be hours old before they are published? Opinions are really the only things left in news that aren't time-sensitive.

Twitter pushes out minimal details in a chopped up way in a cryptic fashion.  a JOURNALIST...if he is good at what he does, then he is capable of providing the facts within the framework of a story that allows the information to provide the story by itself.  a journalist only needs to piece that information together in such a way that the facts become more interesting & comprehensive to the reader than if they were simply posted as a bunch of data.

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I don't think he's Prima Donna-ish.


I think he's competitive as hell, feels like he's as healthy as ever, and frustrated as hell.


He's also 23. For those of us that are a little older, I can definitely remember the arrogance of youth, and at 23, not having a lot of patience.  Especially when I thought I was right.


I think he's fine.  I think he needs to cool it with some comments, because he's coming off as a bit of a brat, but overall, he's competitive, frustrated, and wants to get on the field.  I'm sure he's going out of his mind not being able to play when he thinks he can.


I also think that somebody paid him a visit after his presser earlier this week. And I'm not sure it wasn't the owner. And we'll never know if it was, but I could definitely imagine Dan going to Robert, putting his arm around him, and saying, "Robert, we love you. The fans love you. You're coming across like a bit of a jerk.  Settle, Bevis. We'll take care of you."



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This thread is SOOOOOO is ****ing stupid.  I have, for days, tried to not post here.  EVERYTHING RGIII related will be blown up.  It sells=money.  Why does McBad hang on?  Not for any heartfelt "goodness"; to main relevant in some  minuscule way.  Get a god damned grip and ****ing relax.  STOP analyzing every ****ING word or article written.  I think my fellow fans piss me off worse than anyone.  Our fanbase has serious issues-stop already god dammit and enjoy.  Why do we look for a way to be down/pessimistic? ENJOY!  God damn this thread infuriates me.  HTTR

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Can't believe this thread is still going this strong. 



Has anyone mentioned how the very premise of this thread is incredibly faulty because it omits the fact that there's no way to know how much the media SEEKS RG3 HIMSELF? 


It's basically assumed he talks whenever he gets a chance, which is utterly ridiculous. If, for example, he's gotten offered to have 50 different interviews this offseason and yet has only taken up 3 or 4, what does that say about him? As much exposure as those 3 interviews have gotten and end up getting, with keeping the amount he's declined in mind, doesn't that say THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE ABOUT HIM?


 And how do you know that's not EXACTLY what has happened? 


The evidence is actually there to indicate that it's more likely to be the case that he tries to stay out of the spotlight as much as possible considering just how in demand he is. For example, just recently Rich Campbell stated:


…I have some mixed feelings about this. This explains all the frustrating denials of media access to Griffin during his knee rehabilitation. Griffin and his corporate partners stand to profit from the film’s exclusivity. I’ll end my rant here.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/redskins-watch/2013/aug/8/rg3-be-featured-espnnfl-films-documentary/#ixzz2cGJhMZ9x 

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He has amazing qualities, a strong will to win beyond what I have potentially ever seen. Now this can also be a detriment, I know he wants to play week 1, but any limp or favoritism on the leg then he should hold off. I personally don't like a runner playing with a brace, it limits normal knee motion creating potential extra stress in the joint. We have a winner, would it matter to the long term success of the organization if he starts game 1 or game 8 this year? Now if he changes his style, will he be as efective? Will he be a supertar? Will he take off with the ball? Can he beat teams as a pure pocket passer? Either way my stomache will be in knots if he starts week 1.

In most cases, the answer is no, at least as best we can tell. No study has clearly shown that post-operative knee braces protect the healing graft after an ACL reconstruction. In multiple studies, patients who have had ACL reconstruction surgery were given a knee brace and compared to patients who did not wear a knee brace. None of these studies were able to demonstrate any significant difference between these groups of patients.

Some Brace Information:

It is possible that we simply don't have a good enough test to detect a difference between these groups of patients. However, even if there is a small difference between patients who have a knee brace and those that do not, it is likely a very small difference. Therefore, whether or not you were given a knee brace after ACL reconstruction surgery depends more on surgeon preference than on scientific data.

Pros of Post-op ACL Braces-

May protect you if you slip or fall

Allows the knee to rest

Helps maintain extension of leg

Cons of Post-op ACL Braces-

May make patients more likely to slip or fall

Can be uncomfortable

May prevent normal motion of the knee

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The bolded covers the last 3 games of the season, so Philly, Dallas, & Seattle.. They used a more traditional attack vs Philly to keep Robert in the pocket and not on the edge. That's how Robert wanted to ride out the season playing injured, less risk on the knee & he felt he could win games from the pocket, just like he did vs Philly. Dallas & Seattle saw more read option & Robert running it. 


It's certainly a good point to bring up. That being said, Robert does understand that the read option is, uhm, an option play, right? And that he could've handed it off to Morris every single time the play was called? And that he showed no signs of regret when he pretty much did the entire game against Dallas where Morris ran for 3 TDs and 200 yards? And that he kept it only two or three times, one of which ended in a TD where he was quite pleased? 


I think Robert just cares a little too much about how he's perceived than he should, that's all. Which is totally understandable considering how annoying it is for us fans when we hear people call him a run-first QB that'll always be injured. Imagine how annoying it is for him, knowing full well his capabilities in the passing game.  


Still, whenever he talks about this subject, he also should mention, that the pockets he was given due to the read option allowed him a ton of time whenever it was a play action pass and saved him from MANY HITS because the defense couldn't tee off. 


I mean, Mike has stated repeatedly that the zone read is incredibly effective EVEN IF THEY HARDLY RUN IT. Just giving the defense the look is enough to put them on their heels. That is probably why Mike stuck to it. The Eagles did shut us down almost entirely in the 4th Quarter if I recall correctly and almost tied/won the game in the end as well.  


This is really my only problem with Robert thus far. I'm not mad at him at all. I'm glad he wants to pass more and believes in his abilities to do so. But he's wrong in talking about this in public in anyway other than to mention just how awesome this offense was and how thankful he was to have the opportunity to have the best rookie season for a QB EVER. If he's not saying that, he's wrong about it PERIOD. The read option was so devastating to defense's that we saw two teams last year adopt it exclusively after they saw us running it to the amount of success we did.


One even benched the friggin QB that was playing well for them at the time to do it!


Before that, teams barely used it and it was still a massive question mark if one could be successful with it in the NFL. Tim Tebow ran it but it was still a gimmicky offense that could barely put up points, relying on the defense to win games. Cam Newton ran it intermittently with some success. NO ONE RAN IT FROM THE PISTOL WITH ANY CONSISTENCY.


WE DID THAT. US. The Shanahan's need to be given massive credit and, yet, even their QB is implying that they should've toned it down. So sick of the media overlooking just how much the game changed last year due to the Shanahan's and, instead, focusing on all this bs. That's why I'm annoyed Robert seems to be helping them out a bit. I stress the "bit" part, of course. A lot of it is the media blowing everything out of proportion and I know that. 


That being said, I think Robert knows fully well everything he's saying and what it means. I just think he's a bit hard headed and also understands how the public perceives him as a run first QB which annoys him and, so, this is a way for him to show the world he can and wants to pass more.


So, again, I'm not really mad at him. I just don't agree with him. And I wish he kept it more to himself and didn't care about how people view him or his knee injury. That'll come with age and it's easier said than done to let go of what people say or think about you.         

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After getting back to ES, though, I think it was thesumbittedone who talked about how lucky I was to have missed the ES meltdown after Shanahan's comments, so I went back and looked at what was being said on here at the time....holy stinkin' kumquats lol. Never in a million years did it seem like the tone and feelings expressed on ES at the time reflected what I was experiencing being away from the internet.


Just noticed this post and, yeah dude, exactly. You were VERY LUCKY, lol. :lol:  

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No, the Coach and medical staff are responsible for protecting the player. A fierce competitor like RGIII will want to remain in the game. However RGIII (and Coach) were wrong to assume that a crippled Griffin offered ths Skins a better chance to win (than Cousins)

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The players and coaches do these press conferences for the fan experience and in return we tell them to stfu?

I guess I dont understand what the big deal is? There is nothing coming from the players about a locker room separation.


The problem is the media making a mountain out of a molehill, then fans start speculating (see Extremeskins.com), then the player / coach needs to do a press conference to clear stupid drama up, instead of focusing on the game of football. 

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RG3 is a great talent, super focused and a very hard worker. He also likes to be the #1 guy, and would probably like it when/if KC is traded. Although he knows he is the starter, he doesn't seems to like it when KC does well, and wants to try to keep the attention on himself.


If KC lights it up tonight, prediction is that RG3 will make another statement about playing in the preseason, and do some workout in pads, etc. in order to keep himself in the spotlight.


He needs to just chill out, let himself heal fully, and go lead the team when he can. If that means game 6 after the bye instead of game 1, I would rather he is fully ready to go, not rushed back with the risk of re-injury.

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RG3 is a great talent, super focused and a very hard worker. He also likes to be the #1 guy, and would probably like it when/if KC is traded. Although he knows he is the starter, he doesn't seems to like it when KC does well, and wants to try to keep the attention on himself.


If KC lights it up tonight, prediction is that RG3 will make another statement about playing in the preseason, and do some workout in pads, etc. in order to keep himself in the spotlight.


He needs to just chill out, let himself heal fully, and go lead the team when he can. If that means game 6 after the bye instead of game 1, I would rather he is fully ready to go, not rushed back with the risk of re-injury.


This is the kind of random speculation that causes ****storms like this. Of course he wants the #1 spot--I wouldn't want ANY player that doesn't--let alone the QB. However, there is no indication whatsoever that Griffin doesn't want Cousins to do well. There is no indication whatsoever that he wants to keep the attention to himself.


“The bottom line is I have to talk to coach more,” the Redskins quarterback told Hannah Storm. “Coach has a lot of stuff going on on game days, whether it’s offense, defense, substitutions, talking to the refs. Anytime you have a situation like mine you have to talk to the coach directly.” 

“Every good leader has to know how to listen,” said Griffin, who initially laughed when asked the question. “It’s hard to say that. ... Coaches coach. I’m a player. He doesn’t have to listen to me. I have to listen to coach. That’s just the way it goes. Everybody has a boss in this world. Our boss is Mike Shanahan. ... I trust him.” 


This sounds more like a kid who realizes his mistakes and wants to correct them. Not some selfish prima-donna that just wants the spotlight. 

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This goes even further to prove the OP.  Can RG3 just shut up already?  Now he's name-dropping Belichick to get even more publicity? 


Not to mention the voluntary interview he just did with ESPN.


Or the documentary that was filmed with his consent.


He's a great guy.  But he is definitely going over the top with his constant need for publicity. 


And I got this from a NFL forum, which should be as neutral as it gets.  Most of the replies on that forum echo the OP. 



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This goes even further to prove the OP.  Can RG3 just shut up already?  Now he's name-dropping Belichick to get even more publicity? 


Not to mention the voluntary interview he just did with ESPN.


Or the documentary that was filmed with his consent.


He's a great guy.  But he is definitely going over the top with his constant need for publicity. 


And I got this from a NFL forum, which should be as neutral as it gets.  Most of the replies on that forum echo the OP. 

Can we just lock this thread? (If I'm out of line, forgive mods but I can't be the one tired of this guy's act)


This is getting old. You clearly are the one that wants attention. 


He name dropped Belichick for more attention? What? That makes no sense.

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Why does he have to????


Because YOU want him too?


Do Manning, Brady, Romo sits to pee, Rodgers, Kaepernick, AP, or Eli stay out of the public eye?

None of those QB's seek media attention more than RG3.  And 3 of them have won Superbowls, with the other one going to a superbowl just last season. 


RG3 has only been in the league for one season.  Yet he has done more to enhance his "brand" than any of them.


And I don't blame him, Deion Sanders was a brand.  So was Ochocinco.  I just wish RG3 would be more humble like Alfred Morris.  How much do we ever hear from him?  And Morris had just as good of a rookie season as RG3 did. 

Why does he have to????


Because YOU want him too?


Do Manning, Brady, Romo sits to pee, Rodgers, Kaepernick, AP, or Eli stay out of the public eye?

Let me ask you a yes or no question.


Is there any GOOD reason to make the statement RG3 made regarding Belichick?  Yes or No.  This is just a case of a player running his mouth too much.  And I'd expect better from our franchise QB.


Is there any GOOD reason to have that interview on ESPN last week?  I understand he wanted to clear up misconceptions, but isn't that just seeking more attention and proving the OP?

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None of those QB's seek media attention more than RG3.  And 3 of them have won Superbowls, with the other one going to a superbowl just last season. 


RG3 has only been in the league for one season.  Yet he has done more to enhance his "brand" than any of them.


And I don't blame him, Deion Sanders was a brand.  So was Ochocinco.  I just wish RG3 would be more humble like Alfred Morris.  How much do we ever hear from him?  And Morris had just as good of a rookie season as RG3 did. 

Let me ask you a yes or no question.


Is there any GOOD reason to make the statement RG3 made regarding Belichick?  Yes or No.  This is just a case of a player running his mouth too much.  And I'd expect better from our franchise QB.

Alfred Morris does not have the appeal of RGIII, I don't know how you don't get that. If he did, I'm sure he'd be doing everything that Griff does. 


You only call him humble because he's not on commercials or magazines I guess? We'll if they offered, I'm sure he would do it in a heartbeat

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