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Per NFL.com: Brandon Browner threatens 49ers coach Jim Harbaugh (He wants to strangle him)


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"At the end of the day we gotta win football games," Browner said Friday

on KJR-AM, via the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. "He's a coach. He's

never gonna be out there lined up against me. I wish he would; I'd put my hands around his neck. At the end of the day, I'm about winning football games."




...Holy ****

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It's ok Harbaugh called out all the sea chickens saying he doesn't believe the chickens when they say their league leading 6 PED suspensions since 2011 were from adderal. Basically called them all liars on a media session showing on nfl network. Good rivalry we got going on out west.

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suspend him.


Yeah this is going to be fun to watch. I know the 49ers are a legit threat and a team we will have to overcome in our SB quests over the next several years but I will enjoy seeing them beat the snot out of Seattle.

I hope this whole culture they are putting in Seattle blows up in their face horribly.


there should come a point where if enough players are suspended the coaching staff gets punished

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Jim Harbaugh kind of has that Gary Busey/crazy like a fox feel to him, so it wouldn't surprise me if he calls a specific play to embarrass Browner, or a brawl erupted, and he ended up doing a Van Gundy and grabbed onto someones leg.


Sometimes you just look at his face, either on the sidelines or during pressers, and occasionally, he'll flash a look that gives you the impression that he can see dead people or something.

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Seattle talks a whole lot for a team that has as many Super Bowl rings as I do, and it's getting a little tiresome.


Oh well, the more the 49ers and Seahawks beat up on each other (and you can bet there's going to be someone injured or suspended following their games) the easier it will be for us to get to the Super Bowl.

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Being a USC grad, I really wanted to root for Carroll to succeed in Seattle, but Browner & Sherman are so over-the-top in their sheer douchieness that I simply cannot.  As for Harbaugh, I didn't have any use for his unsportsmanlike, running-up-the-score shenanigans at Stanford, and I don't have any use for him now.  The Niners and Seahags can both take a long walk off a short pier as far as I'm concerned.

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How do you get away with saying you'd assault a coach?


That goes beyond a division rivalry to me. These guys aren't fans, they're players. And the fact that Browner said what he said, and then Tate said the same thing, sort of proves there's zero accountability. No coach said "Hey, guys, I appreciate the fire, but this is inappropriate."



Friggin' jerk, the whole lot of them...

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It doesn't help that John 'the Seahag Homer' Clayton uses the media to support these clowns antics out here. 


It is June and I guess there is not much else to do. Like his theory of why Wilson is a better runner than RG III.

(per his radio show on KIRO; "RG III runs more which exposes him to a greater chance of injury therefore Wilson is a better runner.")

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Zero accountability is why that team will never win a SB. Carroll's loosy goosy atmosphere can work when you have  all of the talent in college football (that zero accountability is why, along with their 2 straight national championship W's and 3 straight appearances in the National Championship Game, they squandered the chance to play for 2 more) but in a game played by grown men, where accountability, character, discipline and leadership is essential to winning a title, they seem to be lacking in that department.


Teams like that are generally the easiest to crack when they hit adversity.

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