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The Official ES All Things Redskins Name Change Thread (Reboot Edition---Read New OP)


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You know what kind of stinks hypothetically speaking... The Redskins get beat every week, We have to change the name, and the new name doesn't have any Native American ties, all in the same year.  That is going to hurt, even if Im only 12.5 % Apache, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma.

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“you are the grey rider, you fight the blue coats,you may go in peace.”

“ I recon not, I’ve got no where to go.”

“than you shall die”

“I came here to die with you, or live with you. Dying ain’t so hard for men like you and me, it’s living that’s hard. When all that you have cared about has been butchered or raped.”



Words from "Outlaw, Josey Wales."


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWCvi-XvQuo     the link to those quotes, and please if someone has allready posted this thought, link, I am sorry.


It is so easy to gloss over those words in that movie, so easy to say racist, the real qustion is who says they are and why? 


If any real Native Americans took offense to the name Redskin,I would listen. If some Casino owner wants more time on the air, FOAR...

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Why would most of you leftists not support a name change? It's YOUR philosophy to make sure "noone is offended". It's hysterical that you guys would go against your morals when it comes to a football team that that you value, now the ES liberal are going against their political policy.

R.I.P Redskins, it was a good 25 year run of my fandom. Believe me ol` commissioner will have an agenda behind this meeting, and it's not going to be good for our football team.

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Anyone seen the new eHarmony.com commercial?  The founder's granddaughter (maybe 7 years old or so) tells him about her teacher finding a "nice lady" on another dating website, but she had to let the teacher know that eHarmony.com has "all the hot babes"...children that young shouldn't know what "hot babes" are.  That's my opinion.

I'm offended, but I'm not screaming or emailing for the commercial to be cancelled.  And I'm as "leftist" as they get. 

Some of us liberals are just that...we think for ourselves. 

And if any true fan of this team wants a name change, why did they become fans of a team with a name they believe to be offensive in the first place?

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Mark Maske,


Redskins owner Daniel Snyder is to meet with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell this week about the team name... http://t.co/KKUkfldBJ7


The Snyder-Goodell meeting is to come in advance of the NFL's scheduled meeting this week with representatives of the Oneida Indian Nation.


The Snyder-Goodell meeting “is to get more of an understanding from the club as to how it plans to address the issue,” according to source.



I hope snyder addresses the issue by giving goodell the ol middle finger and sings HTTR all meeting long. It's a PR issue for Goddell nothing more.

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And if the name changers get their wish then the logo, colors, etc are gone.


I agree that many name change advocates would also like to see the imagery retired w/ the Native theme as a whole. However, I've yet to read of anybody pushing for new colors. A uni color scheme is harder to find than a new name imo.


Burgundy & Gold forever please.

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I'm kinda nervous that we're going to lose this time around.




i dunno. snyder and the skins got royally screwed with the salary cap. goodell has to know that. basically every nfl fan knows it.


"ya, dan, so, i know we took that 36 mill from you and crippled your team. we're going to have to take your name away now"


i dont think so. its been said that legally, goodell doesnt have power in this. i honestly think goodell wants to hear that dan is going to handle this better than he has (which has been horriblly). dan should have been working with native american groups in some way- having some kind of relationship with native americans. 


so many good things he could have done, and he apparently hasnt. but i think at this point, hes 'seen the light' even if its against his nature. 


hell, halbritter only wants to get paid. nothing about that guys background says 'im in this on priniciple'. harjos a lunatic, so i couldnt care less about her 'reverse' racist beliefs and bizzare rants. 


shes a 10 percenter. thats my theory that- at least- 10% of the population is certifiably crazy. and you just cant conform society to fit crazy peoples whims. 

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Decided to be an educated person and read the Oneida Indian Nation Wiki, along with a couple supporting articles.  The OIN is a multi-million dollar corporation.  The Oneida tribe seems to have been inactive for hundreds of years, until there was money in it (IMHO).  There is some debate in the tribe itself as to whether the leader and CEO of OIN is even a certifiable member of the Oneida tribe.


Kind of takes away from the purity of his pursuit against the team name.  Makes it seem more political to me.


Love my Redskins, always will.

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So how come the name "Redskins" wasn't even in a racial discussion 10 years ago?  It hasn't been a problem since the 1930's but it's a problem now?


You are just painfully unaware of the history of this topic..    The "Redskins" slurr was certainly a topic in the mid 1960's when the team changed it's fight song to be less racist.....   The previous lyrics painted the picture of savage Indian's mutilating the opponent while speaking pigeon english...    The new lyrics I grew up with being much more respectful.


The slur was obviously a motivation for Jack Kent Cooke to put several native americans on the payroll as spokesmen and defenders of the franchise..    It was likewise the motivation for Native Americans protesting our last super bowl 20 years ago.    Filing the first trademark challenge fifteen years ago and the second a few years after that...


It's not that this is a new topic... It's that it's just coming to a head now as the second trademark case is coming to a head.

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Anyone else getting this kind of stuff in your travels? Of course, I'd figure such would be pretty related to various demographics of your local area.


Fortunately, I run into plenty of non-whacked people who support us, too


Nice post,  nice synopsis..     I think Washington Pailfaces would be better than Obomaettes' but Redskins is still my prefference if we can keep our trademark.

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You are just painfully unaware of the history of this topic..    The "Redskins" slurr was certainly a topic in the mid 1960's when the team changed it's fight song to be less racist.....   The previous lyrics painted the picture of savage Indian's mutilating the opponent while speaking pigeon english...    The new lyrics I grew up with being much more respectful.


The slur was obviously a motivation for Jack Kent Cooke to put several native americans on the payroll as spokesmen and defenders of the franchise..    It was likewise the motivation for Native Americans protesting our last super bowl 20 years ago.    Filing the first trademark challenge fifteen years ago and the second a few years after that...


It's not that this is a new topic... It's that it's just coming to a head now as the second trademark case is coming to a head.

Here's a history of the movement to remove Native themes from sports teams.





Who did JKC employ to defend and speak on behalf of the franchise?

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Number five in your list is ridiculous. The present outweighs the past whe it comes to language. If times change and the word means something else the history becomes an interesting bit of trivia. I agree that it's not the ONLY thing that matters but current meaning outweighs everything significantly. I'm not sure there is even room for a debate there. I can't think if anyone using an accepted but of hate speech and justifying it by rattling off some history and be taken seriously by anyone.

The question with the redskins name is, is it hate speech? I don't think that's been proven.


Well I don't even think his number 5 is an argument against the name as he [poses, I think it's an argument FOR the name.  Even IF the name USED to be a racial slur (which it never was), it now is never used as one.  I've never heard it used in any other context other than referring to the football team in Washington.

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Here's a history of the movement to remove Native themes from sports teams.





Who did JKC employ to defend and speak on behalf of the franchise?


Two things that really stood out to me...one: no mention of Susan Harjo changing her radio show name, "Talking Red." And the Syracuse Chiefs are still the Chiefs...they're the Nats AAA Affiliate.

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I don't buy that they didn't discuss name change options at all. They both make a lot of money for and from the league. I'm sure it was Plan A, Plan B, Plan C stuff.


If it changes, will the NFL take the role of the "heavy" while the Redskins are "forced"? That's probably option B. With how much the league and other teams will chip in for rebranding, etc.

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Well now they won't be. Nobody knew until now. ;)


The University used to have the unofficial " Saltine Warriors" nickname. There is even a bar there still name that. Lots of native americans up there. The Chiefs obviously is N.A. referenced. But they for whatever reason have a train as their logo.

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I applaud Dan's resolve.  If I was him I would do the same.  He is saying unequivocally, that he will not be bullied into changing the name of his business.  This is still a free country.  If you don't like the name, don't support the team.  If you can't speak it...than don't speak it.  If you can't write it, than don't write it.  That is your decision.


You do not have the right to not be offended in this country.  

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