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Jodi Arias Thread, since none has been started.

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Yes, but it is still very possible, which makes it worthy of asking.

True, but she had a very small group of friends. She wasn't really in the mainstream. Reporters have been calling all of her classmates and are disappointed we have no juicy stories: she was the quiet girl in school.

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but I agree with you that this has been a sensationalized case, particularly with Nancy Grace, she seems obsessed.

That's Nancy's schtick, nothing new there.

Anyway, I've taken special interest in and followed this case since the murder in '08 as I was friends with Jodi in high school. We weren't close friends, but we partnered together on several English projects and I was shocked when I heard about it. She was so meek and docile in school, it was just weird to think of her doing something like this. Watching her on the stand now is definitely disturbing.

I can see why you're interested in it then. As for me, not having a connection to the case it jut looks like yet another sad tail played out for media ratings.

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That's Nancy's schtick, nothing new there.

I can see why you're interested in it then. As for me, not having a connection to the case it jut looks like yet another sad tail played out for media ratings.

Referring to women as tail is a bit objectifying, dontcha think? ;)

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If one pleads self-defense as an affirmative defense, then one pretty much has to testify to explain oneself. Plus, there's video of her saying that a jury would never convict her if she just had the chance to tell her story.

If I was on the jury, her having near total recall about everything except for the murder itself is pretty indicative of obfuscation and I'd vote "guilty of capital murder."

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True, but she had a very small group of friends. She wasn't really in the mainstream. Reporters have been calling all of her classmates and are disappointed we have no juicy stories: she was the quiet girl in school.

Did the reporters conrtact you for information on her, as well ?

Am I asking too many personal questions ?

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Plus, there's video of her saying that a jury would never convict her if she just had the chance to tell her story.

Did you hear how she's trying to explain that?
Did the reporters conrtact you for information on her, as well ?

Am I asking too many personal questions ?

Yes, reporters for a few of the major news agencies got hold of one of our yearbooks and started dialing all of us in Jodi's classes. All the calls I've gotten I've just said I have no comment to make. It's one thing to talk about it with friends or relatively anonymously on here, but another to go on TV and talk about trivial crap I know about her from high school that has nothing to do with the case. There is nothing noteworthy to say. In talking with several of my classmates, they all aren't commenting either as they don't want to be tied publicly to this.

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Interesting, I'd expect at least some of the classmates to want to cash in on the opportunity to get their name and face in the news, for the fame and the money that could be acquired from publicly telling their story - however irrelevant and insignificant that it may actually be.

I mean, you'd think one of them would embellish their story of their history with Arias, just for the sake of capitalizing on, and becoming opportunistic of the situation.

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If one pleads self-defense as an affirmative defense, then one pretty much has to testify to explain oneself. Plus, there's video of her saying that a jury would never convict her if she just had the chance to tell her story.

She didn't expect any jury to convict her because at the time she made that comment she was suicidal, and didn't expect to step foot in a courtroom alive.

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She didn't expect any jury to convict her because at the time she made that comment she was suicidal, and didn't expect to step foot in a courtroom alive.

No, that's just her current story.

Her full original statement was "You can mark my words. No jury will ever convict me." Then when the reporter asked why, her reply was "Because I'm innocent"

If her belied that she would not be found guilty, was really due to her being innocent, as her original statement was, then it would not make sense for her to be suicidal at that time.

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Somewhere Arias learned manipulation. I took her statement to mean that should could say anything and a jury would believe her, regardless of the truth. And only she knows the real truth.

But I can tell you this, it wouldn't take me 29 stabs of a knife, including an ear to ear slit plus a gunshot to the head to incapacitate someone. That speaks to some kind of passion. Did the knife and gun belong to her and did she bring them to the house that night? If so, that speaks to premeditation.

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I learned about this through a link you posted on facebook a month or so ago. I read all this stuff... granted the page that was providing it was slanted toward her guilt, but it sure looked pretty damning.


Yeah, that's basically the only place I go to to keep up on the case. It consolidates all the news stories into one place and live streams the trial. I don't take part in the discussions really, but you're right, they are all slanted toward her guilt.

I didn't watch any of the trial streams before yesterday, but watched about an hour of the cross examination last night (I was supremely bored). One of the things I observed was the way she is going about side-stepping and qualifying the prosecutor's questions is going to wear thin on the jurors really fast, particularly since 11 of the jurors are men. She was annoying the hell out of me in just the brief time I watched. Also, her selective memory is going to sink any credibility she built with the jurors during her 9 days of rambling on the stand about jack crap and wipe out her self-defense claim the longer the prosecutor grills her, IMO.

I don't think the prosecutors should have much of a problem proving premeditation, either: dying her hair, the burglary at her parents or grandparents house where only their gun went missing, messing with her license plate and putting it on upside down, and about a million other things.

But yeah, she appears to be a complete psychopath or sociopath or whatever the clinical definition is of someone with no conscience. I guess when the cops showed up to her parents' front door to arrest her, she didn't even ask what they were doing there or anything. She asked if she could put on her makeup before they took her into custody.

Another one of the crazy things, which I didn't even know there was a market for until now, is that her mother and close friends are auctioning off her artwork on E-bay to help pay for their accomodations in AZ and give Jodi extra ammenities in jail. Some of her art she's completed in jail is selling for $1000+. One of her doodles in court was sold for 500 or 600 or something like that. :wtf:

---------- Post added February-22nd-2013 at 07:51 PM ----------

Did the knife and gun belong to her and did she bring them to the house that night? If so, that speaks to premeditation.
Well, her grandmother's gun went missing in a mysterious burglary immediately before she rented a car to drive hundreds of miles to the victim's house. It's widely suspected that is the gun that was used during the murder, but I don't think it can be proven. Of course she's saying she grabbed the victim's gun from his bedstand, but his roommates and friends say he never owned a gun (and I would think that could be verified by a search through background checks run on gun applications in AZ, but who knows).
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Her defense attorney should be flogged just for letting her on the stand. Who does that in a murder trial?

She looked hotter as a blonde and without the glasses.

It was her idea to take the stand. And a dumb one at that.

And I disagree about the blonde thing. She definitely is hotter as a brunette (without glasses). And some of the pics taken of her are pretty damn hot. It's almost comical how homely the defense has her on the stand.

---------- Post added February-23rd-2013 at 01:02 AM ----------

That's what I thought at first, too. However, I am now convinced it's merely an act of desperation, because they know the mountain of evidence is pretty much a lock to convict her, without her taking the stand. Their whole defense strategy is acts of desperation. Everything they do, with their totally random, irrelevant, and unreasonable and constantly changing stories is basically throwing poo all over the wall, to see what sticks. And also in hopes to confuse the jury, because confusion in the jury can cause reasonable doubt. Hopefully, the jury can see right through all of that though.
I have to admit, her attorney has done a decent job so far. He's asked a LOT of questions that the defense would have definitely asked her on cross. That certainly doesn't help the prosecutor. However, it's all gonna be for not. She has lied so many times that her word means nothing. I'm quite sure the jury isn't buying the story that Travis was a pedophile. Especailly since there is NOTHING in her journal about it. And I'm gonna be really interested to see what Jodi says once the prosecutor starts asking her questions about the gas cans she borrowed before she drove to Travis' house.

Btw, I am absolutely shocked that some of you guys haven't heard about this case. It's been talked about repeatedly for at least a month. It's all over the news.

---------- Post added February-23rd-2013 at 01:04 AM ----------

Crazy chick that snapped. That's the only conclusion that I can come to after following this for the last few weeks.
But see, that's the thing. She planned this whole thing out far in advance. It's a long drive from where she was staying to Travis' house. She had plenty of time to think about what she was doing. So it's not necessarily that she snapped. Crazy, yes.
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Interesting, I'd expect at least some of the classmates to want to cash in on the opportunity to get their name and face in the news, for the fame and the money that could be acquired from publicly telling their story - however irrelevant and insignificant that it may actually be.

I mean, you'd think one of them would embellish their story of their history with Arias, just for the sake of capitalizing on, and becoming opportunistic of the situation.

Sorry, missed responding to this. :)

I'm sure some knucklehead will talk. If it's someone from our hometown who was "best" friends with her in high school, they likely have a shady past and/or criminal record and their words should be taken with a grain of salt. She had a few people she primarily hung out with at school, but those people would be what my mother always deemed "bad influences" (eg ditching school, involving themselves in underage drinking and drug use, suspensions). So far the people from our town who have given on the record comments in support of Jodi are of the crowd described above. Who knows if Dateline succeeded in getting some juicy details from someone in our class, but it sure as heck wasn't me or any of my friends I've stay connected with.

I saw her babysitter gave an interview to Dr. Drew a few weeks ago and it was ridiculous. She talked about Jodi showing "early signs of aggression" because she hit her brother once. Are you frickin kidding me? Hitting her little brother? That's bombshell news? It was pathetic watching Dr. Drew and some other mental health person listening to this and seriously attempting to decipher her behavior. Just goes to show how desperate news reporters are to get any type of information they can for their ratings and how some people are enticed into giving interviews about trivial information they think is important, but really isn't.

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No, that's just her current story.

Her full original statement was "You can mark my words. No jury will ever convict me." Then when the reporter asked why, her reply was "Because I'm innocent"

If her belied that she would not be found guilty, was really due to her being innocent, as her original statement was, then it would not make sense for her to be suicidal at that time.

If you planned to kill yourself would you tell the media? That doesn't make sense.

---------- Post added February-23rd-2013 at 05:34 AM ----------

You seriously buy that?

It's hard to believe a whole lot from her. But the fact that she is guilty, and the prosecution is pushing for the death penalty anyway doesn't make it far fetched that she'd want to kill herself.

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