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Jodi Arias Thread, since none has been started.

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If one has taken self-defense with a handgun training, one is taught to shoot at the largest target to incapacitate the attacker: the body. It's a larger target and depending upon the type of bullet used, massive damage can occur and will incapacitate someone (they don't call Hydroshok bullets that for nothing). Shooting someone in the head is a high risk shot unless one is either very skillful or the attacker is stopped in some way from moving (easier to move head around than one's torso). So even if someone hasn't had handgun training, the lower risk shot is to the larger mass or torso rather than the smaller target or head.

In this case, I'm guessing that the gunshot to the head occured when the victim was down and not moving very much if at all. That's why I discount the self-defense theory put forward by the defense in this case.

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What annoys me is how networks determine which murders are "Worthy" of being reported, and obsessed over

They can't all be in the national news, so only the most "sensational" ones get national attention. What would you have the media do? Report only the "boring" cookie cutter murders? Dont report on murders at all? Who should decide which stories get national attention and which dont?

---------- Post added February-27th-2013 at 02:17 PM ----------

If one has taken self-defense with a handgun training, one is taught to shoot at the largest target to incapacitate the attacker: the body. It's a larger target and depending upon the type of bullet used, massive damage can occur and will incapacitate someone (they don't call Hydroshok bullets that for nothing). Shooting someone in the head is a high risk shot unless one is either very skillful or the attacker is stopped in some way from moving (easier to move head around than one's torso). So even if someone hasn't had handgun training, the lower risk shot is to the larger mass or torso rather than the smaller target or head.

In this case, I'm guessing that the gunshot to the head occured when the victim was down and not moving very much if at all. That's why I discount the self-defense theory put forward by the defense in this case.

There is no evidence that the woman had participated in any self-defense training, so i dont know how any of that is relevant. Also, the gunshot wound occurred after he was stabbed 29 times and had his neck practicaly cut off. Forensic evidence shows he was probably dead when he was shot in the head.

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They can't all be in the national news, so only the most "sensational" ones get national attention. What would you have the media do? Report only the "boring" cookie cutter murders? Dont report on murders at all? Who should decide which stories get national attention and which dont?

You don't think that grisly, heartbreaking spousal/boyfriend-girlfriend murders happen everyday? I expect them to do exactly what they're doing, because ratings are important to them. I don't expect them to care. They just expect people to care a little more when a beautiful young woman murders her boyfriend in cold blood, regardless of the fact that it's "Just another murder" that happens everyday, that is somehow more important because they're choosing to discuss it. Like I said, I'm not going to go to their doorstep and protest though.

And I know that ratings are important, in all forms of news/entertainment, but I've always found it annoying when it comes to instances like this.

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You don't think that grisly, heartbreaking spousal/boyfriend-girlfriend murders happen everyday? I expect them to do exactly what they're doing, because ratings are important to them. I don't expect them to care. They just expect people to care a little more when a beautiful young woman murders her boyfriend in cold blood, regardless of the fact that it's "Just another murder" that happens everyday, that is somehow more important because they're choosing to discuss it. Like I said, I'm not going to go to their doorstep and protest though.

And I know that ratings are important, in all forms of news/entertainment, but I've always found it annoying when it comes to instances like this.

Again, i ask you - what murders should they report and who do you think should make the decision. You're complaining without providing an alternative.

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Again, i ask you - what murders should they report and who do you think should make the decision. You're complaining without providing an alternative.

You're not doing a really good job of understanding what I'm getting at. It really isn't a complaint moreso than it is an observation, which I've already stated. If I found it offensive enough to take action, I wouldn't watch it. Personally, my whole issue is placing the value of one murder over another, for ratings. What makes this more special than Joe Schmo who kills his wife, shooting her in a trailer park because she stepped out on him? At the end of the day, aren't they both murders?

Joe Schmo murdering his wife gets barely mentioned in a newspaper, but Jodi Arias gets talking heads damn near preaching from the pulpit over her, 24/7 during her star studded trial. What's the difference? Speaking for myself, I don't consider any one murder more important than another. Like I said before, I am aware of what they do, and why they do it. The only alternative would be to stop sensationalizing one murder over another, but that isn't realistic, is it? People are curious by nature. But, at the end of the day, they are placing the value of someone else's life over another, by choosing to cover it, and cover it as vigorously as they do. That, in a vacuum, is what I have an issue with.

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Again, i ask you - what murders should they report and who do you think should make the decision. You're complaining without providing an alternative.

Don't report any of them - the murders don't deserve the fame and publicity they get. They love the attention.

---------- Post added February-27th-2013 at 03:35 PM ----------

You're not doing a really good job of understanding what I'm getting at. It really isn't a complaint moreso than it is an observation, which I've already stated. If I founded it offensive enough to take action, I wouldn't watch it. Personally, my whole issue is placing the value of one murder over another, for ratings. What makes this more special than Joe Schmo who kills his wife, shooting her in a trailer park because she stepped out on him? At the end of the day, aren't they both murders?

Joe Schmo murdering his wife gets barely mentioned in a newspaper, but Jodi Arias gets talking heads damn near preaching from the pulpit over her, 24/7 during her star studded trial. What's the difference? Speaking for myself, I don't consider any one murder more important than another. Like I said before, I am aware of what they do, and why they do it. The only alternative would be to stop sensationalizing one murder over another, but that isn't realistic, is it? People are curious by nature. But, at the end of the day, they are placing the value of someone else's life over another, by choosing to cover it, and cover it as vigorously as they do. That, in a vacuum, is what I have an issue with.

Completely agree - same with deaths - why is a celebrities more important than my family?

That's why I hate reality tv so much - who care about these people who have to be the center of attention. I find it worse that people idolize these losers like the kardashians and jersey shore people. You could find any group anywhere and make the same damn story and they be just as famous.

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You're not doing a really good job of understanding what I'm getting at. It really isn't a complaint moreso than it is an observation, which I've already stated. If I found it offensive enough to take action, I wouldn't watch it. Personally, my whole issue is placing the value of one murder over another, for ratings. What makes this more special than Joe Schmo who kills his wife, shooting her in a trailer park because she stepped out on him? At the end of the day, aren't they both murders?

Joe Schmo murdering his wife gets barely mentioned in a newspaper, but Jodi Arias gets talking heads damn near preaching from the pulpit over her, 24/7 during her star studded trial. What's the difference? Speaking for myself, I don't consider any one murder more important than another. Like I said before, I am aware of what they do, and why they do it. The only alternative would be to stop sensationalizing one murder over another, but that isn't realistic, is it? People are curious by nature. But, at the end of the day, they are placing the value of someone else's life over another, by choosing to cover it, and cover it as vigorously as they do. That, in a vacuum, is what I have an issue with.

I completely disagree that the media places more value on one persons life than anoter by chosing to cover one murder over another. Realistically, they cant cover them all. They simply cant. Its a fact. They have to chose which stories they'll cover. The more sensational a story, the more attention it gets. The story of a german man who found a man online who wanted to be eaten alive - and who subsequently at the man alive - is going to get more attention than a random man who had a fight with his wife and shot her. A guy who thinks hes the joker and shoots up a movie theater is going to garner more attention than a gangbanger that takes out a rival gang. Kim Kardashian has a TV show and you dont because her life is more interesting than yours. If you rich, famous, and had an exciting life, someone might make a tv show out of you. Katherine Bigalow made a movie about the hunt and killing of Osama bin Laden. Thats interesting. A movie about me typing on my keyboard for 2 hours at work isnt.

The media and entertainment industry arent placing more "value" on one persons life than any others. Theyre simply reporting most interesting stories they can, because thats their jobs.

---------- Post added February-27th-2013 at 04:26 PM ----------

Completely agree - same with deaths - why is a celebrities more important than my family?

The hundreds of millions of people in this country dont know who you are. So why would they be interested in watching a news report about the death of someone in your family? They have their own friends and family members. In contrast, hundres of millions of people know who Brad Pitt is. If he died, people would want to know. Its not a matter of one person being more important to another. Its a matter of one person being a public figure and another not.

That's why I hate reality tv so much - who care about these people who have to be the center of attention. I find it worse that people idolize these losers like the kardashians and jersey shore people. You could find any group anywhere and make the same damn story and they be just as famous.

I agree that reality TV is stupid, but they held auditions for the jersey shore and picked people they thought would be most interesting to mix together. So youre right, they could pick another group of people and they'd be famous now too. But they didnt. Snooki auditioned for Jersey Shore and the producers decided she was the most ridiculously stupid and vain human being theyd ever come accross, so she won the job over other stupid and ridiculous people. Its sad that some people invest so much into following the lives of celebrities instead of living their own, but its their choice to to make, however pathetic of a choice it is.

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The hundreds of millions of people in this country dont know who you are. So why would they be interested in watching a news report about the death of someone in your family? They have their own friends and family members. In contrast, hundres of millions of people know who Brad Pitt is. If he died, people would want to know. Its not a matter of one person being more important to another. Its a matter of one person being a public figure and another not.

I didn't say people should know when a family member of mine dies and that they are more important. I said they should publicize any of it because it brings unnecessary attention to things that don't matter to those of us watching.

---------- Post added February-27th-2013 at 05:17 PM ----------

I vote to give her life in prison

and give Nancy Grace the death penalty

Agree - she is so horrible to listen to

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  • 3 weeks later...
Apparently, the doctor who diagnosed Jodi with PTSD got ripped apart by the prosecution yesterday...Dan Abrams just ripped Nancy Grace apart on GMA, live on the air.:evilg:
Yeah, he did.:ols: That guy is a total clown. The test he supposedly gave Arias to determine that she had PTSD was given to her during the time she was telling the police that the two ninjas killed Travis. And then the doctor never went and gave her a new test, once she had admitted she killed Travis. In other words, the test he gave her is basically worthless.

And when the prosecutor isn't making him look like a fool, he's doing it himself. He's always shuffling papers and saying he has to look at his notes on the very simpleist of questions. But probably the worse part is, he sent Arias a GREETINGS card once..:doh:

I bet the defense is probably wishing they had never put this buffoon on the stand now. He is truly killing any chances they may have had, and their chances were already low.

A sidenote: is it just me, or does anyone else find Arias' female defense attorney attractive?

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Apparently, the doctor who diagnosed Jodi with PTSD got ripped apart by the prosecution yesterday...Dan Abrams just ripped Nancy Grace apart on GMA, live on the air.:evilg:

Yes, it was pretty incredible. I don't watch many trials so I really am not a good person to judge these things, but from the parts of the trial I watched last night, it was one of the worst crosses I've seen of an "expert" witness. The guy was just destroyed by Martinez and made himself look like such a fool. I think it's safe to say he's been completely discredited. What a moron. He's the type of practitioner who feeds the stereotype of mental health experts being phony clowns---not that all are, of course, but it's this kind of crap that discredits the profession in peoples' eyes. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I don't know that much about PTSD, but does it cause one to act like an frickin moron while being interrogated? The video of Jodi's interrogation in the Siskiyou County jail in ridiculous, has anyone seen that? When the detective leaves the room, she's taped singing to herself, going through the trash can, doing a 30 second headstand against the wall, etc. :wtf: The jurors won't get to see the video, but it's outrageous. IMO, it clearly shows she thinks she's outsmarted everyone and no one is going to catch her.

Random sidenote: The lead defense attorney for Arias was sued on Judge Judy a few years back and got chewed out by Judge Judy for being a massively disorganized idiot. He lost the case, lol! Someone just posted the footage of the show on the Arias trial facebook group I frequent and it's pretty hilarious.

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Anyway, I don't know that much about PTSD, but does it cause one to act like an frickin moron while being interrogated? The video of Jodi's interrogation in the Siskiyou County jail in ridiculous, has anyone seen that? When the detective leaves the room, she's taped singing to herself, going through the trash can, doing a 30 second headstand against the wall, etc. :wtf: The jurors won't get to see the video, but it's outrageous. IMO, it clearly shows she thinks she's outsmarted everyone and no one is going to catch her.

Random sidenote: The lead defense attorney for Arias was sued on Judge Judy a few years back and got chewed out by Judge Judy for being a massively disorganized idiot. He lost the case, lol! Someone just posted the footage of the show on the Arias trial facebook group I frequent and it's pretty hilarious.

What I thought was funny...anyone who's ever watched a crime/cop show on TV knows they purposely leave you alone for a while and watch you to get some insight into your "conscious behavior". Do you hang your head and sigh? Do you talk to yourself, trying to get your story together? Do you just cry?

As part of my "profession", I know buttloads of people who've had to go to jail, myself included. Lots of stories, but none include handstands or trash trolling.:ols:

And this is the south, I might add, potato guns and all.:silly:

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What I thought was funny...anyone who's ever watched a crime/cop show on TV knows they purposely leave you alone for a while and watch you to get some insight into your "conscious behavior". Do you hang your head and sigh? Do you talk to yourself, trying to get your story together? Do you just cry?

As part of my "profession", I know buttloads of people who've had to go to jail, myself included. Lots of stories, but none include handstands or trash trolling.:ols:

And this is the south, I might add, potato guns and all.:silly:

You HAVE to tell about your jail story sometime... :evilg:

I'm sure she knew that the camera's were rolling. I took it as her giving the proverbial finger to the authorities.

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Haven't watched the entire trial today, but from what I watched, it seemed the expert witness for the defense has had a better day so far. However, there was one question the jury asked where he said not once, but TWICE..."it's not a get out of jail card":doh: when he was explaining one of his answers.

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You HAVE to tell about your jail story sometime... :evilg:

I'm sure she knew that the camera's were rolling. I took it as her giving the proverbial finger to the authorities.

Hadn't thought of that angle.

As for my jail time...maybe one day it'll come gushing out in a drunken rant or something, though I'm trying really hard to limit those lately.:ols:

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Haven't watched the entire trial today, but from what I watched, it seemed the expert witness for the defense has had a better day so far. However, there was one question the jury asked where he said not once, but TWICE..."it's not a get out of jail card":doh: when he was explaining one of his answers.

Well, he didn't have Juan Martinez cross examining him this time around.

As with the jury questions for Jodi (which were damning), jury questions for this expert witness are quite damning as well. A sample of a few:

1. Is it possible Jodi Arias didn't write anything negative about about Travis because there was nothing negative to write?

2. If something is premeditated if something is premeditated, is amnesia more or less likely to occur? :ols:

3. How do you explain Jodi Arias dragging Travis's body and trying to clean up the crime scene?

4. Earlier you said you didn't re-test because it was an oversight, today you said the score wouldn't have changed. Which is it?

5. How can you be sure that JA did things to please Travis when you didn’t have a chance to speak to him?

6. How do you know she didn’t kill Travis out of jealousy?

7. Is it possible that a person can plan and carry out a murder and still suffer memory loss, acute stress disorder or post traumatic stress disorder?

8. Wouldn't someone in fight or flight mode want to get away from the danger?

9. Regarding the fight/flight response by JA on June 4, was there ever any discussion between you and JA regarding her response and why she did not flee from the bedroom?

10. Do you feel comfortable with diagnosing a person with a condition if they continually lie to you, hypothetically speaking? :ols:

Based off just a few of those questions, I think it's safe to say the jurors think this "expert" is a complete idiot and full of crap.

Hadn't thought of that angle.

As for my jail time...maybe one day it'll come gushing out in a drunken rant or something, though I'm trying really hard to limit those lately.:ols:

Someday, or in another life, we'll meet up at a tailgate, crack a few beers and have a talk, haha! Don't worry, I have some doozies myself :)

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K, my response earlier was obviously before Martinez had got a hold of the expert witness. You're right, today was pretty much a carbon copy of yesterday, once Martinez started cross.

Samuels is a clown. Guy has no credibility whatsoever. Martinez was calling him out on EVERYTHING. It was hilarious. Don't know if you saw the part where he went to the Webster's dictionary or not, but that was comical. And you're exactly right about the jury questions. You can tell that the jury isn't buying ANY of Samuels' mess. Some of their questions were even better than Martinez's.

Arias is cooked. No way we see another surprise outcome, as with the Anthony case. She's definitely gonna be found quilty in the first degree. I still don't think they will give her the death penalty, though, but you never know.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Not sure if anyone is still following this trial or not, but I was wondering if anyone caught the testimony earlier this week where it appeared defense attorney Jennifer Willmott called the state witness on the stand a "*****".:ols:

Granted, it was never confirmed if she actually said it or not, but Nancy Grace at first said it definitely sounded like she did, but later stated that she couldn't say for sure if she said it or not.

I'm about 90% certain she said it, given the circumstances at the time. And I wonder what would have happened had the judge actually heard it. Anyone know?

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