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Jodi Arias Thread, since none has been started.

Malapropismic Depository

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Thanks for the info, Bubble Screen. As I wrote, I didn't watch much of the trial except at the end. Also, I didn't watch much of Arias on the witness stand after her direct testimony where she was throwing her victim under the bus. Too much information about their sex life, as if that mattered. She's not a battered woman, doesn't have PTSD and is a killer. Did they ask the potential jurors during voir dire if they had seen her press where she said a jury would never convict her? As to her attractiveness, she did nothing for me as a blonde and she's just weird to me. Her breaking into a big smile when her attorney said he didn't like here 9 days out of 10 was just stunning, like she really wants to be the center of attention and finds gratification in that even when the attention is negative. Broken person who killed when she didn't get her way.

She really reminds me of Casey Anthony in that they both are pathological liars and manipulators.

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I find it hard to believe that someone hasn't heard about this case. I take it you don't watch much tv.

---------- Post added May-10th-2013 at 02:30 AM ----------

Actually the jury took much longer than anticipated to reach a verdict. Think I heard that they deliberated longer than the OJ and Casey Anthony cases, combined. Many legal experts predicted they would reach one within a day or so.

I don't watch a lot, but I do watch the news most mornings...after reading up on the details, pretty interesting case.

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I think people who dismiss these trials as merely sensationalistic are missing the point. Between Bobbitt, the Winkler woman who murdered her husband in his sleep to escape going to the bank the next day to discuss her role in a Nigerian scheme (and then got not even a year in prison because she alleged abuse, not even physical that I can tell but being "made" to wear sexy clothes lol), and Anthony and Arias, what you have are cases that involve (or can reflect) systemic issues in the justice system.

You guys remember Fred Lane, the RB from Carolina who was murdered by his wife, who then alleged abuse but it was disproven?

Arias being found guilty isn't just a blow for justice but it's maybe (MAYBE) a sign that giving a woman a pass on murdering a man by the mere allegation of abuse (or murdering a child and then blaming alleged abuse no one ever heard of in her family--casey anthony) is no longer going to be the default setting. I could be totally wrong on that but it would be nice if we start to see women receive the same sentences as men for the same crimes and that men murdered by a woman actually see justice done, rather than have their name besmirched in public so that a woman walks.

If any of you are men or have sons or brothers or friends--it's a good thing.

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Ghost, Winkler made his wife have anal sex too. Basically, he was raping her. Making her into his whore. Maybe you think that's okay in a marriage? There used to be no such thing as marital rape, and basically women were sexual property to be used by their husbands however they wished. Some men still think this way.

I'd call that sexual abuse, wouldn't you?

Plus, many abused women kill when their abusers are sleeping because there is no threat of them being killed by their abuser. If they made any moves to defend themselves during attacks by their abuser, they would probably be killed.

My take on Arias is that she used sex to keep some sort of a relationship going with Alexander even after he wanted to break it off. And she killed him because she couldn't have him the way she wanted and after a day of sex couldn't convince him to stay with her. Very different situations. I don't believe one word of what she said was abuse by Alexander.

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Closed hearing in Arias trial today, 1 day before the aggravation phase of the trial.

Personally I want life without parole for Arias for a couple of reasons:

1. Death penalty, suicide by state. Automatic appeal in death penalty sentences, paid for by taxpayers. Arias will milk this for everything she's got. This sentence will also ensure that the Alexander family will have to hear about her for years to come, they'll show up for the appeal hearings. If it were me, I'd like just have her out of sight.

2. If she's sentenced to life, she'll be out in gen pop. Plus, any appeals costs will be on her. And even if she's not in solitary confinement, she will be out of sight. She'll have to live many years with what she did to Alexander, and it will give her the opportunity to commit suicide as she has threatened over the years.

I think the whole thing with Arias is publicity and the gratification she gets from being "in the news" and without that she's just another killer.

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I disagree with the first paragraph. I will admit that I've kept up with this trial from the outset. Watched as much of the trial as I could, then would watch the shows on HLN later that day to get the cliffnotes version of what I missed.

The trial was riveting. It's rare that you find someone as attractive as Jodi killing her bf in the ways she did. It's something you rarely see. But I didn't just tune in because she was attractive, or that I had a morbid curiosity of the killing itself. I just love high profile trials. Watched nearly all of the OJ one. Watched Rae Carruth (it took place where I live). And I'm sure I will tune in for the Trayvon Martin one as well. I'm just fascinated by it all. I'm interested in forensics, the way the lawyers do their job (Martinez was brilliant, btw). Everything.

I don't think people like myself are sick. It's just human nature. However, if you're not talking about people like me, and you're referring to the people that actually attended the trial, or who were camped outside the courthouse with t-shirts and signs, etc, then yeah, I completely agree. Those people need lives. When you get THAT invested in a trial, then you have issues.

I suppose if you are interested in these types of morbid things, that's your prerogative. :) I'm not calling you sick, I understand people have varying interests and you're right, it is human nature to be curious. But the HLN coverage was over-the-top ridiculous. I didn't even tune into it, but I would see friends post clips on facebook of Nancy Grace and Dr. Drew segments interviewing people from our town. FYI, I'd guesstimate that half the people they interviewed from Yreka on those shows were FULL OF CRAP. Just one example, one lady dubbed as "Arias's childhood best friend" and interviewed on Dr. Drew was my former gymnastics coach. 1. She doesn't know Arias (Arias's mother goes to my hair dresser and told my hair dresser she has never even heard of the lady) and 2. this lady's history is so shady, nothing that comes out of her mouth is credible. All I have to say is that her history as my gymnastics coach involved inappropriate, irresponsible and illegal decisions and actions that placed our team in such direct harm, police and CPS reports were filed against her. That's just one of several examples of the type of ilk interviewed on these HLN shows (I could say more about Jodi's childhood babysitter, Jodi's HS BFFs and a couple other childhood "friends") that solidifies my opinion that they are garbage. Very little vetting of these "prominent" guests occurs and these hosts stretch the truth. Hell, they couldn't even get the name of Jodi's restaurant of employment in Yreka right. Basically, this case, and knowing some of the characters involved, has completely changed my view of how these news agencies (HLN primarily) conduct their reporting.

Sidenote: Crazy gymnastics coach who was interviewed on Dr. Drew as a credible guest drove 2 days from our hometown to line-up for tickets to the courtroom "show"...with her disabled mother and 15-Y/O SON in tow. That's some diagnoseable mental illness right there.

I'm not sure if you follow any of the social media pages dedicated to this trial either, but in the beginning of the trial I joined the Facebook group "The State vs. Jodi Arias: Justice for Travis Alexander" page. It had good updates on the case I would browse. However, as media coverage increased, the number of members on this site increased and the vitriolic messages spewed on this site became unbelievable, to the point that I hoped authorities were monitoring the site. There was also a thread started to trash Jodi's dad's restaurant's website. People left terrible reviews on the website just because they hated his daughter (when in fact, the man has denounced his daughter's actions, is ashamed of her and is an extremely nice man). Obviously I wanted no part of that and deleted the group immediately, but before doing so saw people talking about getting autographs from and pictures with Juan Martinez, certain HLN correspondents, etc.

Also, I don't know if you watched Dateline last week, but in covering the verdict they interviewed "fans" of the trial: people who were scalping court tickets, getting autographs and pictures with key players like they were frickin movie stars, taking weeks off work to vacay at the trial and on and on and on. That is SICK and that is primarily what I'm referring to. This is what I'm talking about with sensationalism of these trials. I think the overbearing, 24/7 media coverage creates a frenzied mob mentality, particularly among people who have mental issues or are already on the mental "edge." This trial has been made into a complete circus and recently, death threats have been received by the female defense attorney as well as one of the the defense's "expert" witnesses. Now, I know this is not new, I've just had a different perspective with this case and after seeing the crap I have on the media, social media, etc., I'm a big proponent of cameras being removed from the courtrooms and media coverage being scaled way back. That's just my opinion though :)

I think people who dismiss these trials as merely sensationalistic are missing the point.
I could say the same thing about people who see the sensationalism of these trials as no big deal, does not facilitate mob mentality and vigilante justice, and honestly believes the coverage promotes better understanding about the issues with our justice system. :doh:
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I could say the same thing about people who see the sensationalism of these trials as no big deal, does not facilitate mob mentality and vigilante justice, and honestly believes the coverage promotes better understanding about the issues with our justice system. :doh:

I think you're conflating the existence of coverage (which is what I'm talking about) with HOW an event is covered or followed by those watching. When I discuss the case, I go immediately to sociopolitical considerations, I don't care for the gory details or anything of that sort. I'd point out that this isn't really anything new, the trials of murderers sometimes get a lot of attention. Sometimes it's because it seems so horrific, sometimes it's a crime that really affects a community and other times it's because it seems to carry certain implications.

In any event, I don't disagree that how people view the case may be problematic but that's really another discussion to me.

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I think you're conflating the existence of coverage (which is what I'm talking about) with HOW an event is covered or followed by those watching. .

That's fine. I felt you oversimplified the situation and assumed all of us who think the trial is sensationalistic were dismissing it outright. I don't know of anyone who thinks these trials are sensationalistic who simultaneously thinks there should be no coverage at all....

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Ghost, Winkler made his wife have anal sex too. Basically, he was raping her. Making her into his whore. Maybe you think that's okay in a marriage? There used to be no such thing as marital rape, and basically women were sexual property to be used by their husbands however they wished. Some men still think this way.

I'd call that sexual abuse, wouldn't you?

Plus, many abused women kill when their abusers are sleeping because there is no threat of them being killed by their abuser. If they made any moves to defend themselves during attacks by their abuser, they would probably be killed.

I cant let this comment pass at all. This is not Victorian times where a woman does not have options. If you are being abused get out and leave. You don't kill another human being unless he is actively attacking you.

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Feel so sorry for the Alexanders.  At least a Life sentence would close out this trial.  Now they have to go through the penalty phase again.  I wish a jury could see those offensive interviews Arias game post-conviction and then post-closing for the penalty phase.  I'd like to see a death sentence just so she'd be locked up in solitary for the rest of her life and not allowed to have a life in prison.  Even if she is never executed, at least we would be spared her (media) presence for the rest of her life.  She really is a despicable killer.  When she says the jury betrayed her, that was the ultimate in narcissism to me.

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