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How is RGIII? (merged)

Crazed Bengal

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Think of the literal implosion its going to be with the media, ES, the team, and Snyder if it was something major. I may invest myself in sport shooting because no one is messing with that.... oh wait... Damn you Mara!
Just watching Mike at his presser after the game. He knew RG3 was hurt and hurt bad. He just had this look of WTF have I done. He eyes looked glossy and overall seemed dazed/confused.
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There is going to be a lot of backfire if he really tore both. Our season next season is either going to go down in flames, or be a miracle/Cassel season.

miracle? as in, winning 11 games and missing the playoffs. yeah, that sounds like a lot of fun :/

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So if Manningham tore both the ACL and PCL did he go off in a cart or walk off? Was he on crutches after the game?

this is honestly not an important detail. nor does it change the actual diagnosis.

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You're criticizing the guy who's putting this into perspective? Even if Griffin is out for the entire 2013 season, he'll come into 2014 with a record-setting rookie season under his belt, having watched our offense for a year from the sideline, and being 100% healthy 24-year old. It's a sad situation in a way because we're just getting started, but having a franchise QB gives you the ability to weather these storms in the long-term! New England played a year without Brady. They came back after that to go to a Super Bowl a few years later.
Not criticizing you.
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A rigid brace does.

The version of brace he was wearing is soft and flexible and doesn't really provide any significant structural support. It's mostly just for proprioceptive input. You can think of it more akin to a knee sleeve than an actual brace you would get just out of ACL surgery where they can 100% limit medial-lateral damage, and set locking mechanisms on the amount of flexion/extension the knee can have.

It was a weird looking brace, to me it sat so low on his leg I couldn't imagine what sort of structural support was actually provided..

Remember the braces Stone Cold Steve Austin wore? They looked like two big metal clasps with a giant hinge, now that's a brace but you can't play football with something like that.

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As others have said, this is a no-win situation. If we pull him and we lose everyone would second guess the move saying that it would be impossible to know if he would have gotten seriously hurt. The kid decided to gut it out and the coaches let him. That, unfortunately, is football. Nick Sundberg played on a broken arm and we all praised his courageousness!

Hopefully, RGIII recovers well and quickly, but this is such a poor hind sight argument.

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Just watching Mike at his presser after the game. He knew RG3 was hurt and hurt bad. He just had this look of WTF have I done. He eyes looked glossy and overall seemed dazed/confused.

He had that look because he had just lost a playoff game and had an injured star QB to deal with. Neither Shanahan nor RGIII himself knew the severity of the injury last night at the time of the presser.

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If he's done for most, if not all of 2013, I for one believe Kirk can get it done.

Same here... that's why we drafted this guy. He may very well get his chance... but let's also hope that RG3's "tears" aren't complete... that can make a big difference in his recovery time.

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If he's out, he's out (ACL tear would suck ass though). Next man up (no I am not a idiot I love RGIII and know how big of a impact player he is). Perhaps he will learn how to PROTECT HIMSELF from hits such as the Ngata one and the one Weatherspoon laid on him now. Also our team will learn to take the FRANCHISE QB more seriously and really invest in protecting him. No more dumb plays where Griffin goes and be a WR and gets knocked the **** out. Protect the kid and handle the situation with the care and diligence it needs.

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If he's done for most, if not all of 2013, I for one believe Kirk can get it done.

Sure...but big picture it is still discouraging. I agree though, maybe having Griffin watching the traditional Shanahan offense for a year will have some benefit. I'm also sure he can provide plenty of input for Kirk during the year. This isn't going to end his career...he's going to come back for his third year (at a very young 24 years old) fully healthy and with a team ready to win (most likely).

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If he's done for most, if not all of 2013, I for one believe Kirk can get it done.

Me too. He's not RGIII but he can step up and play. Last season when we had Rex and Beck the plays were there to be made we just didn't have a guy to do it. Cousins can get it done...especially if he has an entire offseason to be the #1 guy.

But of course i wan't RGIII to be our guy and lets hope the reports are wrong

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Not going to comment until I hear the official diagnosis. But it will be sad if RGIII misses any training camp and/or regular season because of an injury that could have been avoided. I don't think the injury would have a occured yesterday to a knee that was at 100%.

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