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We Want Seattle(and other Seahawks pregame strategy thread)


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And all that has what to do with the Skins beating the Seahawks this weekend?

Taylor suggested that the Skins "arguably played" a harder schedule. I was responding to that comment. Of course, had you actually read the entire post that would have been fairly evident.

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One thing I noticed since RG III back is that the deep pass has basically disappeared from the Skin's attack. Especially against Dallas it was mostly screens and dump offs as Dallas did a great job taking away the deep middle passes and long bombs.

With Alfred running so well it would seemingly open up chances to hit some deep passes. Aldrick Robinson has disappeared also as the season winds down.

Skins need to at least take a couple shots deep against Seattle to at least present that as a threat. Seattle has a much better defense than Dallas and isn't going to give up yards to Alfred so easily. Kyle has got to be aggressive in the passing which will keep Seattles linebackers and corners from crowding the line and selling out to stop the run...

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LOL. You can't be serious. Romo sits to pee is the biggest choke artist in the NFC,

No arguments there. Romo sits to pee is now 1-5 in win or go home games over his career.

I was just responding to the previous poster who used stats over the entire year to prove a point. The Cowboys were playing very good football up until last night.

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No arguments there. Romo sits to pee is now 1-5 in win or go home games over his career.

I was just responding to the previous poster who used stats over the entire year to prove a point. The Cowboys were playing very good football up until last night.

That's one thing that's a little irksome

I typically don't fall into the media hate trap, but I could've sworn that before they played us they were the "Hottest team in the NFC," and were going to come into FedEx and beat us, yet when w beat them by 10 I hear a lot of injury excuses (as well as some objective analysis), as if we didn't get 18 mil taken from us, lose 4 starters, on defense (along with a few depth guys) lose our best receiver for like 6 games, lose our best TE, and come into last nights game with a gimpy QB. I didn't hear a peep about that today.

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I don't think Wilson is better than RG3. But I certainly think he's better than a gimp RG3.

Easier schedule? C'mon man. Seattle's opposition had 127 wins, 2 ties. WA had 119 wins.

It helps when you get to add the 49ers twice with the Packers and the Patriots... where you went a respectable .750... I mean .500... I mean .750, ;)

You know what it is.

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I'm a 'Skins fan thru & thru and even though I can't stand Pete Carrol (the guy has no class, especially for what he did at USC and the way he ran away from it), the Seahawks deserve respect.

They are 11-5 with quality wins against: Dallas, Green Bay, New England, Chicago, Minnesota, & San Fran.

If the 'Skins are going to pull this out (and they can), they will have to throw the ball much better than they did against the Cowboys.

The good news is that we all know they have that capability, as long as RG3 continues to improve.

It should be a good battle, which is all any of us can ask for this time of year.

Hail !

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I'm a 'Skins fan thru & thru and even though I can't stand Pete Carrol (the guy has no class, especially for what he did at USC and the way he ran away from it), the Seahawks deserve respect.

They are 11-5 with quality wins against: Dallas, Green Bay, New England, Chicago, Minnesota, & San Fran.

If the 'Skins are going to pull this out (and they can), they will have to throw the ball much better than they did against the Cowboys.

The good news is that we all know they have that capability, as long as RG3 continues to improve.

It should be a good battle, which is all any of us can ask for this time of year.

Hail !

Agreed 100% with everything you said except we all know that wasn't a win they earned, but was wrongly given. The Seahawks, IMO, are a mirror image of the Skins but can be beaten if the Skins execute their offensive and defensive game plan.

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We owe these guys for the previous two losses. I am happy that we have the game here at FedEx and not in Seattle. RGIII gets a chance to heal up more and then its go time with this team full of hungry players!! I like our chances in what should be a tough one. #HTTR

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I know Seattle has looked like a beast, and Wilson has come on lately, but he is still a rookie, and the odds are that he will run into a defense that is crafty enough to confuse him with disguised coverage. The key of course will be stopping Lynch and the running game, but the 'Skins strength on defense has been running defense, even against physical running backs.

Give me a break. The entire NFC West division has better defenses than ANY defense in the NFC East. http://www.footballoutsiders.com/stats/teamdef I'm not trying to be insulting, but Wilson has faced a LOT of good defenses already this year. Many better than the Redskins' defense.

Stop Lynch, and contain Wilson. Won't be able to completely shut him down, but force him to have to pass in uncomfortable situations.

Wilson throws very well on the run, and a 3rd of his passes on the year haven't been screens, like RG3's.

I do find it HILARIOUS that every few years that go by and the Redskins decide to make the playoffs, oh guess what the Seahawks up and decided they want to get off the lazy chair and squeeze in also. Like a distant cousin who doesn't join the marathon until you do, just to annoy you.

Squeeze in? We have a better record than you, and we're a wild card. We also faced a much harder schedule than the Redskins this year, AND we led the entire league in # of wins over playoff teams, as well as topping strength of victory; plus, Football Outsiders has us in top 5 offense, defense, and special teams...but yeah, we "squeezed in"... Come on. Give credit where it's due.

Wilson played against arguably a much easier schedule.

WHAT? Why don't you look at the number of teams we beat that have winning records compared to the Redskins, and get back to us. I'll give you a hint: the Seahawks got 5 wins against teams that finished the year with winning records, and the Redskins got 3. Also to reiterate, every single defense in the NFC West is better than ANY defense in the NFC East. Come on, dude.

It helps when you get to add the 49ers twice with the Packers and the Patriots... where you went a respectable .750... I mean .500... I mean .750, ;)

You know what it is.

Remove all questionable officiating from that game, and Seahawks win 7-6. Bogus Kam Chancellor PI on 3rd down @ midfield on the Packers's only TD drive. Just sayin'. I WISH I could go back in time and have that game perfectly officiated across the board. Whiny-arse Packers fans have been so petulantly annoying since then...

Alright, now for my own post/comment here. I respect the hell out of RG3. I really do. However, he has gotten a lot of points off of throwing screens a significant percentage of the time, and the read option opening up the running game. (Not just RG3's running, but your running backs, too.) I am shocked by how many people in this thread think this game's an automatic win for you guys. It's not an automatic win for either team. Seahawks have historically traveled poorly over the past decade, though we seem to have mostly shaken that off in the last half of this year. This will be a good test, in that regard. As I've mentioned, though, Wilson has faced a TON of better defenses than the Redskins. For the guy that said he doesn't think our defense is elite; uh, why don't you look at the only stat that matters for defenses: points allowed per game over the course of the season. We're #1 in the league there.

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So, I struggled to listen to some of Bill Simmons' podcast and I swear, this guy knows nothing about what he's watching, and half of the talk is about gambling.

He asked, "is Washington that good of a team? who have they beaten?" And the other dude talks about do we know if the NFC East is that good. Well, here's the thing, what happened during the year to suggest the NFC West was that good outside of three teams any different than the three teams competing in the NFC East. Does anyone really think Dallas, Skins and Giants aren't a better team than Chicago? Giants blew their games PSYCHOLOGICALLY but they had the ability to definitely still get into the playoffs and make noise. What about the NFC South?

As for who they beat, the Ravens don't count apparently. A Browns team that almost upset the Boys on the road gets demolished at home by Cousins but that doesn't count. Giants game (both, in my opinion) don't count. Cowboys, BOTH times, including a Thanksgiving game we never win which we take them apart...that does not count.

I'm not taking anything away from the Seahawks but I'm not sure how you get "Skins aren't that good" from who they've beaten when they had to win 7 straight..Very few teams win 7 straight, except the really hot/good ones. Even the Cowboys who were getting hot (and lucky) lost one to New Orleans.

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I know we are all fans and we all consider ourselves as part of the organization.

I can also admit I fear losing to ANY team at this point, not for any other reason than because it will end "our" Redskins Super Bowl hopes.

Other than those facts their is no reason we as fans should "fear" the Seahawks. They wear ugly uniforms that look like something a cyclist would wear so he/she won't be ran over at night. The Washington Redskins are as hot as ANY team in the league right now, and I have faith that we will win this game at home. I truly believe that is my duty as a fan, not to fear, but to believe! HTTR!!! **** Seattle!!

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The onus once again will fall to our offense:

We've got to move the ball and score points vs their defense and make it a high scoring game to get them out of there run the ball mentality

If the play a similar gameplan as the Cowboys (4 DBs in coverage, LBs playing pass first not reacting to play-action from zone-read) we should run the ball right at them until they try something else.

If they play the Cowboys coverage we've got to get away from the play action passing game.

Spread them out 3-4 wide shotgun go to the quick passing game


We should challenge their running game and play 8 men in the box early. It should be a similar gameplan we used against the Cowboys.

Crowd the box, play stout against the run, come after Wilson with pressure. Their WRs/TE aren't nearly as good as the Cowboys.

But, we have to contain rush/mush rush we can't allow Wilson out on the edges.

As far as their zone-read concept plays we should be familiar enough to get a good bead on it.

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Agreed 100% with everything you said except we all know that wasn't a win they earned, but was wrongly given..

You sound like a peckers fan. If you actually watched the game, you would have seen the same brutal officiating crew award the peckers by calling a phantom PI call on the hawks the previous drive. That resulted in a first down and led to a peckers TD. They were stopped and the game was all but over.

So please, spare us the "gift game pap". Bad calls happen.

---------- Post added January-1st-2013 at 02:50 AM ----------

You lost all credibility with that one.

Oh really. Across the board, AZ's defense performed better than every team in your division. As did every team in the NFC West. Look it up.

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Wow what a homer you are topcat. Any Seahawks fan who cannot admit that the refs gave them the Packers game has no credibility. I just cannot really respect the opinion of someone who refuses to be objective. Everybody saw what happened. The replacement refs blew that one. Not that it really matters at this point, but a Seahawks fan defending that nonsense just screams "I am a homer!" I could deal with the claim that the refs were out to get you guys in the Super Bowl against Pittsburgh (I saw it too), but sometimes you just have to call a spade a spade. That MNF game was a disgrace to the NFL.

Also this business about every team in the NFC West having a better defense than every team in the NFC East is pure tripe. Things are not so simple. Every team in the NFC West had the benefit of playing the worst offense in the league twice (Arizona) and three games against AFC East offensive juggernauts (Miami, Buffalo, and NYJ). Let's just say there might be a reason the stats are skewed in favor of the NFC West outside of actual talent. Don't get me wrong, the NFC West is far from the laughing stock it used to be, but to suggest that they are somehow that much better than the NFC East is absurd.

I do have a lot of respect for the Seahawks. My previous posts in this thread indicate as much. I just don't have that much respect for you right now. I think you need to take your lime green (or navy, or teal, or silver, or grey, or whatever color its supposed to be) tinted glasses off if you want to be taken seriously. Otherwise you look like either a homer or a troll.

That is all.

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Good posting Roland. The birds are a good team no doubt, I just don't think they are going to be the team that hung 50 on the bills when they come in our house. Also I think that Browner is going to catch fits trying to cover garcon or moss.

Give me a break. The entire NFC West division has better defenses than ANY defense in the NFC East. http://www.footballoutsiders.com/stats/teamdef I'm not trying to be insulting, but Wilson has faced a LOT of good defenses already this year. Many better than the Redskins' defense.

Wilson throws very well on the run, and a 3rd of his passes on the year haven't been screens, like RG3's.

Squeeze in? We have a better record than you, and we're a wild card. We also faced a much harder schedule than the Redskins this year, AND we led the entire league in # of wins over playoff teams, as well as topping strength of victory; plus, Football Outsiders has us in top 5 offense, defense, and special teams...but yeah, we "squeezed in"... Come on. Give credit where it's due.

WHAT? Why don't you look at the number of teams we beat that have winning records compared to the Redskins, and get back to us. I'll give you a hint: the Seahawks got 5 wins against teams that finished the year with winning records, and the Redskins got 3. Also to reiterate, every single defense in the NFC West is better than ANY defense in the NFC East. Come on, dude.

Remove all questionable officiating from that game, and Seahawks win 7-6. Bogus Kam Chancellor PI on 3rd down @ midfield on the Packers's only TD drive. Just sayin'. I WISH I could go back in time and have that game perfectly officiated across the board. Whiny-arse Packers fans have been so petulantly annoying since then...

Alright, now for my own post/comment here. I respect the hell out of RG3. I really do. However, he has gotten a lot of points off of throwing screens a significant percentage of the time, and the read option opening up the running game. (Not just RG3's running, but your running backs, too.) I am shocked by how many people in this thread think this game's an automatic win for you guys. It's not an automatic win for either team. Seahawks have historically traveled poorly over the past decade, though we seem to have mostly shaken that off in the last half of this year. This will be a good test, in that regard. As I've mentioned, though, Wilson has faced a TON of better defenses than the Redskins. For the guy that said he doesn't think our defense is elite; uh, why don't you look at the only stat that matters for defenses: points allowed per game over the course of the season. We're #1 in the league there.

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The NFC West is by far the stronger division this year. That's not even arguable.

---------- Post added January-1st-2013 at 01:25 AM ----------

Wow what a homer you are topcat. Any Seahawks fan who cannot admit that the refs gave them the Packers game has no credibility. .

I'm guessing you didn't see the phantom pass interference penalties on Seattle which kept Green bay scoring drives alive. Several times Seattle had Green Bay stopped on third down only to have have some amateurish clown call some inexplicable phantom penalty.

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The NFC West is by far the stronger division this year. That's not even arguable.

You think so?

Total offensive ranks (NFC East):

Redskins 5th

Cowboys 6th

Giants 14th

Eagles 15th

Total offensive ranks (NFC West):

49ers 11th

Seahawks 17th

Rams 23rd

Arizona 32nd

This is the thing about the BS your division has great defenses argument. It might just be that your division has crappy offenses. There are two sides to every coin.

And that is without even mentioning that the NFC West played the cupcake AFC East this season, or the fact that the Seahawks got a free bonus win this year.

Again, I do think the Seahawks have a very good team, and I am not taking them likely, but this blind homerism (trolling?) is tiresome.

---------- Post added January-1st-2013 at 04:32 AM ----------

I'm guessing you didn't see the phantom pass interference penalties on Seattle which kept Green bay scoring drives alive. Several times Seattle had Green Bay stopped on third down only to have have some amateurish clown call some inexplicable phantom penalty.

No credibility.

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So, in your mind, some game changing bad calls are to be ignored if you wish them to be ignored?

No. I would prefer we get all the calls right, but that never happens, and with the replacement refs there were even more bad calls. There were a lot of bad calls against every team in every game the replacement refs called. Luckily they did not severely effect too many outcomes because usually these kind of calls even out (but not always). As anybody would I hate to see a game changing bad call, and I do not think we should ignore such calls, but obviously some bad calls are more egregious than others.

Calling an interception a touchdown on a last second hail mary is as bad as it gets. That is not a game changing call, that is a game throwing call. If you cannot admit this I will have a hard time seeing you as an objective person.

Nonetheless I am willing to let it go, as (luckily) the seeding in the NFC West came out the way I think it should have, although I might feel differently if I were a Chicago Bears fan. The Seahawks beat the Packers. Fine.

Now let's get back to this business about how the NFC West being better than the NFC East is not even arguable . . .

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