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Congrats!!!! Just explain one thing to me...

Tom [Giants fan]

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Haslett started coaching. That pretty sums it up. Also, he finally realized that some of our personnel groupings were all wrong, such as Wilson rushing the passer on passing downs as opposed to giving Rob Jackson even more snaps. But mostly, we went away from soft zones that exposed our bad safeties and focused on man to man with intense blitzing (taking advantage of our main strength), because our corners are actually half decent when they're not having to cover for our terrible safeties.

Also a lot of guys who were playing below average really picked up their game - Riley, Fletcher, Jenkins, Cofield, Wilson chief among them.

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;9362747']Congrats on a great win for you guys!!

The one question I have is' date=' I saw so many posts wanting to get rid of Haslett a lot around here. When did this defense turn things around and what was the catalyst for it?[/quote']

It seemed to happen after the bye week. I'm not an Xs and Os guy so I can't explain it in football terms, but the defense seemed to be more energetic and showed more effort. Before, back when they were shredded non-stop, they looked uninspired and flat every game. It also looks like we made adjustments after the bye to improve our pass rush, using more smoke and mirrors, because before that, our pass rush was gimped after Orakpo went down.

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Honestly, I think it was the game when Griffin went down. Against Cleveland they really stepped up. I think it was like the Michael Jordan effect. The defense so expected Griffin to do it that they lacked a little intensity and the playcalling was designed to be safe because the idea was just to keep things in control because they expected a Griffin miracle.

When Griffin had to leave because of his injury the whole team stepped up and became a team and the defense actually began shutting folks down.

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;9362747']Congrats on a great win for you guys!!

The one question I have is' date=' I saw so many posts wanting to get rid of Haslett a lot around here. When did this defense turn things around and what was the catalyst for it?[/quote']

Half the designated starting backfield was suspended/injured to start the season, and losing a starting DE and the best pass rushing LB to start didn't help.

I think what it came down to really was execution. Players were thrust in unfamiliar roles and didn't play their assignments with confidence.

As the season wore on hard work and coaching finally put those guys in a position to be successful on the court.

Haslett and Morris have done an exceptional job with what they had to work with, and have come up with great gameplans week in and week out since the bye week.

This defense is still more break than bend, but I think this group has tremendous faith in each other and they fight to the end.

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Things changed after the bye week. Haslett started using much more exotic blitzes and pretty much kept blitzing throughout the entire game. We would, however, sprinkle this with a fake blitz look and everyone dropping back in coverage here and there to keep offense's honest. This basically made it impossible for offense's to know 100% where our defense is at any given time whereas, previous to that, you could easily call out everything Haslett was doing by the pre-snap look.

Raheem Morris added to this by making a change to how we rotate our secondary players, especially at Safety. We started bringing in different guys on almost every play depending on the down and distance since we didn't have players who could do it all back there.

Finally, the players stepped up, specifically London Fletcher who was having his worst season ever up until the bye week. He came back a man motivated like no other, and has really shut down some good TEs when before they would convert every single third down against him.

Those are, in my humble opinion, the things that changed.

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I could swear one of the announcers said Fletcher had authority to override any call Haslett made.

I think Fletcher has always had that authority, even under Gregg Williams and Blache if I'm correct.

But he's probably doing it more often now than ever before, lol.

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;9362747']Congrats on a great win for you guys!!

The one question I have is' date=' I saw so many posts wanting to get rid of Haslett a lot around here. When did this defense turn things around and what was the catalyst for it?[/quote']

Congrats also Redskin fans!!....well deserved. The best team in the division this year without a doubt. .. Well Tom we can't sneak in and win a Supe every year. :)

Also , there is NO reason you guys cant parlay this all the way to the Super Bowl. You are hot...

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nice words, tom. your owners a cheating piece of **** who got what he deserved tonight, but youve always been a classy representative of your team.

as far as haslett, the man (and fletcher) have been outstanding the last 6 or 7 weeks. not sure who gets the credit, but the skins D have done it shorthanded with one hand tied behind our backs.

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;9362747']The one question I have is' date=' I saw so many posts wanting to get rid of Haslett a lot around here. When did this defense turn things around and what was the catalyst for it?[/quote']

We had 2 defenses this year. One before the bye, and one after the Carolina game (seriously... like night and day). We like the latter one much better.

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