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Congrats!!!! Just explain one thing to me...

Tom [Giants fan]

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I bet Dallas is hating all over Romo sits to pee for that last int lol

How can you not.. terrible read. They have a thread in their forum on Eli not being as good as Romo sits to pee. How anyone could take Romo sits to pee is beyond me. Its all about the big games in this league. Teams are so close you just can't make key mistakes and be considered a great qb. I for one do not think Eli is great..but I'd rather have better than average and clutch. Than great and not clutch.

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Tom, I believe it`s a multitude of factors:

(1) The Redskins suffered a bunch of injuries and setbacks to the defense very early in the season. I think that the defense struggled originally to find an identity with all the losses in personnel. However, as the season wore on, the defense settled in. And as they were settling in, other teams were mounting their own personnel losses later in the season and never had as much time as the Skins to settle in. The Skins got better... other teams ran out of time.

(2) I read an article today about the defense. Apparently, because of the injuries and after the bye... Haslett changed his approach. He had to forego the schemes and defensive approaches that he wanted to use because he no longer had the personnel to run them. Instead, he tailored the defense to play to the strengths of the players he had left. And apparently, the players really responded to Haslett`s flexibility.

(3) Don`t let all the blitzes tonight fool you. This team got burned early in the season and got killed by the blitz. After the bye, the defense fell into a bend-and-don`t-break approach. A lot of zone. They wanted offenses to nickle-and-dime them to death and go the length of the field... hoping that in the process that they could tighten up in the red zone and hold offenses to field goals.. as well as create turnovers.

I think the defensive scheme was to shut down the run.... make offenses one-dimensional with the pass... give up some yards but hope your defense makes a few plays throughout the game with some key sacks and turnovers.

I`m not saying they went strictly to a zone defense... because any defense would get destroyed playing one package. But it was their primary approach.. which is why you see so many plays that went for 15-20 yards but never the bomb any more (with the exception against the Browns) since Cruz scored.

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When Carriker, Orakpo, Meriweather, Jackson, and a few draft picks and FAs are back next season, our D has a chance to be real good.

The one silver lining is that the injuries happened early in the season. Haslett learned what he had and adjusted. Also those guys should be fully healthy soon. If not already.

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