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How will you handle fair weather/ Band wagon fans?


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Prior to this season we can agree that for the most part we have been horrible but the one saving grace has been fans. Anyone who has called themselves a fan must have a masochistic streak. If you called yourself a fan you were well aware of the past two decades and we had that whole misery loves company complex. We could talk to each other on how how bad we were but how we were still optimistic for the future despite all the evidence to the contrary.

But now winning and having the hottest QB in the NFL they will come, the fair weather/Bandwagon fan. I don't think we are ready for this, we need the advice of the older guys here on how to act. When we mention how much Sean taylor was needed they give us a look of -_- , what will we say? When we say "thank god for Kirk and Rg3, remember Beck and Grossman?" -_- "What about Monday Night Miracle?" -_- "Osaka?" -_- "Ferotte Headbutt?" -_- .........."RG3" .... :) RG3! RG3! RG3! RG3!

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My friend, it has already started. When I was at the Thanksgiving game, there were all kinda folks rooting for RG3. I even seen one confused fan who had on a Skins/Cowgirls t shirt. Even the folks I sat by, were kinda cheering for the Skins even though they were cowgirl fans. Like this couple was sitting next to me and my dad. As soon as the guy got up for beer, his chick was talking about how RG3 is better than Romo sits to pee, etc etc. I said she might as well become a Skins fan. And Dammit, I almost converted her until her dude came back then she start cheering the Cowgirls again... Classic Cowgirl fan. lol

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If I ran into a bandwagon skins fan, I would feel good for a couple of seconds because people are realizing that the skins are good and will only get better in the future. Then I would laugh at them and tell them to stick with their current team cuz we don't allow no stinkin bandwagon!!!

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As said on the prior posts about it. I love that we're getting bandwagon fans. Not a huge fan of them, but the more bandwagon fans we get, the more it means we're winning and are a success. Think about it, how many fans did the Patriots have before Tom Brady and company cheated to win their Super Bowls, none really outside of the Boston area. Now, they're everywhere.

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My friend, it has already started. When I was at the Thanksgiving game, there were all kinda folks rooting for RG3. I even seen one confused fan who had on a Skins/Cowgirls t shirt. Even the folks I sat by, were kinda cheering for the Skins even though they were cowgirl fans. Like this couple was sitting next to me and my dad. As soon as the guy got up for beer, his chick was talking about how RG3 is better than Romo sits to pee, etc etc. I said she might as well become a Skins fan. And Dammit, I almost converted her until her dude came back then she start cheering the Cowgirls again... Classic Cowgirl fan. lol

We don't want ex-Cowboys fans. They can keep their allegiance, once you've made a choice, that's it.

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theres also the fan in hibernation.

i know some people that have always said they were redskins fans but they never really watched the games or wore any redskins gear and then all of a sudden they are really into it again.

not as bad as bandwagon fans by any stretch but still sketchy.

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They have absolutely no credibility or respect. I have endured basically 20 yrs of sub-par performance by this team, excluding a couple of playoff years. If you think of wedding vows, that is my level of dedication, for better or worse, sickness and health etc etc. I have been waiting, patiently waiting for the tide to turn and it finally has. I became eligible to purchase season tickets this year. I knew that this was the time to take the chance, put up the money and ride it out. Thing is, I'm six hours away; about 45 min drive from where the Carolina Panthers play, but I could care less about them. I pay the extra to Directv for Comcast sportsnet just so I can get a feel of the hometown vibe. I have a room in my home that is nothing but skins...even took a helmet to Lowe's when we built the house to make sure the color for the paint was dead on. Bandwagon fans; you got to earn your stripes before you claim this team as your own.

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Have not seen a good Redskins bandwagon fan for about 20 years. I don't think I'd know what to do anymore.

I think they're all over the place now. In fact, my wife usually weeds them out for me. She knows I loathe talking to half-fans about the skins. It's always one of her girlfriend's new boyfriends- starts something like this: the three of us are talking before he walks over. "Oh, you're gonna love him. And Ben, he's a huge Skins fan!" My wife usually will interject and tell the gf how much I dislike talking to unknowledgeable fans. Gf brings the conversation up anyway.

Then comes the "test" question, which they always fail, and I look for a new conversation piece, like work. SMH

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I was in Philly for the skins game this past weekend and I wore my rg3 jersey....no joke I had more eagles fans telling me that they liked rg3 and wished they had him then ppl trash talking the skins. It was nuts. I'd say we had 5k to 10k skins fans in the Linc and although I'm sure there were some band wagoners u could tell that our fan base has been rejuvenated and is proud to represent. I had eagles fans sitting behind me telling me they'd never seen an opposing team show up in large numbers like we did. I told my father....our fan base took a big step last Sunday in Philly in the way they showed up.

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I was there when Art and Darrell were inducted. I was with my grandpa watching the Skins beat the Broncos in 88 (87 season). I was there as a little boy when Dave Butts signed his photo, put my name on it, and gave me best wishes.

My point is, I don't give a **** about bandwagon fans. I'm just sick of idiot Cowpokes, Giants, and Eagles fans accusing me this year of jumping on the bandwagon. I just tell them that I had the same hat, coat, and jersey on last year when we were 5-11. I cheer for the name on the front of the jersey first always like the rest of you. :logo:

We ALL deserve this...at least those who have been there for the good and bad. I won't judge others who jump on now, but I'll be damned if I'll let someone lump me in with the newbies. I've been here and I'll be here long after the bandwagoners jump off.


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It doesn't really bother me that bandwagon fans didn't have to endure the long dry spell because the Skins success won't mean anything to them, but it will to longtime fans. And more people following the Skins will mean more of a Skins presence in public and more games on tv and more media coverage. They are not reaping anything close to the cathartic reward longtime Skins fans will reap if the Skins continue to be successful. Bandwagon fans are useful idiots, so to speak.

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Have not seen a good Redskins bandwagon fan for about 20 years. I don't think I'd know what to do anymore.

It definitely required some dusting off. I've never seen it used before, so this is very interesting to me.

I could live with us being the most underground team in professional sports as long as we keep winning, but it is nice that my #10 jersey stirs up discussion. I just had some random cashier at a gas station (Packers fan) go on spiel about how great RG3 is. I had I coat over it, he just saw some red and a #10 and BAM "RG3 is a beast dude." The best part was another guy who walked up, unprompted "definitely rookie of the year!" I had to defend my fandom, briefly. I lived in MD for 16 years! It feels great. Our success is not something I "earned," per se, but I definitely paid in years of frustration.

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