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We Will Win! I Had A Dream!


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Very realistic possibility and I've been thinking about this as well. To go 6 straight, almost 2 months of experiencing euphoria on Sundays, a let down when we need a Win would sting more than ever. More than any other Loss our generation has experienced.

That said, to be in this position in year 1, with a rookie QB and RB, I feel blessed. We'd all have to resort back to the 'Good Feelings about the future' mantra. Difference is, THIS time it's truer.

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No time for negativity!

And Seatlly doesn't scare me at all TBH, they've had like 3 real teams on their schedule. Put them in the NFCE and that's a 6 win team.

Did you see them against the 49ers? Seattle are for real, at least at home. Much dfferent team on the road though.

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These are not Tom Landry's Cowboys that haunted our dreams in the 70's and early 80's.

These are not Jimmy Johnson's How 'bout them Cowboys that dominated the early 90's.

There is no Cowboy mystique to Tony Romo sits to pee. This team does not scare me. Of course, this is the NFL and any given Sunday, another team can rise up, catch some breaks and beat a better or hotter team. It has happened before and it will happen again.

Older Redskin fans can chime in and tell me if they are feeling the same feeling I am having now and I have not felt it since late 1982 and early 1983 when the tide had finally turned. Before that NFC Championship Game, we knew were going to win. We had that feeling through the 80's and the magical run of 1991. No longer do I dread that the Redskins will find a way to lose but I am more confident now, that when the Redskins play without mental errors and execute the game plan, they will win the game.

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Just excited, anxious, and worried about this game all at the same time. Sorry. :(

I'm with ya, Bud. I'm super stressed out, have been all week. Sunday is going to drag until 8:30.

And not to mention that if we lose, not that I think we will, can you imagine all the SLOBBERY that will be going on for Dallas across the country Monday morning?! :(

RG3 told me in a dream he won't let that happen. ;)

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Note to all members of this forum, which has been shared repeatedly.

Next time you have a dream about the Redskins, don't start a thread about it. There are very few things in life as boring and tedious as someone who thinks you are interested in what they dream about.

And if you must share, because, like, your dreams are just so awesome, bump the random thought thread

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