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Cross-Forum Smack Talk:ExtremeSkins Vs. Cowboys Zone


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Mods please merge if you feel this could be combined with another thread.

As I'm sure many of you have already ventured over to that trash heap of a Cowboys forum. I think with the stakes at such a level, the trash/smack talking has gone full blast.

I think there are a few of you posting in their thread "Redskin Hate Thread". I do think a little more Burgundy and Gold fans raining on their parade couldn't hurt.

Here's a link to the thread - http://cowboyszone.com/forums/dallascowboys.php?t=249874

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I was over there a couple days ago...Their members got butthurt when I strted speaking my mind lol

Of course they did, one of the many issues in trying to argue with petulant children. Lazy arguments coupled with asinine comments.

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One thing I am not a fan of over there though is how many members read something here and then go post over there "guess how Redskins fans act!!!!"


It goes back and forth...and I agree there are a handful of members that are respectable, rational and friendly.

This isn't a week to be friendly though :) :)

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One thing I am not a fan of over there though is how many members read something here and then go post over there "guess how Redskins fans act!!!!"


Meh, it's aggravating no matter who does it, this forum included. It should be "guedss how Redskins fans on X forum act", because probably all of the people on this site combined don't even account for 1% of the fans that show up at the stadium, and even less when you consider every Skins fan on the planet.

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I've been over there a few times. They love the RG III is like Vick comparisons, RG Is a runner thing...I just don't know how that's possible after he absolutely torched them on Thanksgiving. I mean he completely embarrassed that defense on national television. They should just shut their mouths

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I've been over there a few times. They love the RG III is like Vick comparisons, RG Is a runner thing...I just don't know how that's possible after he absolutely torched them on Thanksgiving. I mean he completely embarrassed that defense on national television. They should just shut their mouths

It was probably his best passing performance of the season. He made some awesome throws in that game.

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I have posted for years there with no issues. Good forum, you got your usual idiots that any message board has, but haven't had any issues at all with friendly smack talk and football talk.

I agree...

I find it best just to ignore the morons over there. There are several posters over there that know their stuff and aren't asshats.

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OMG! That Good Burger and RG3 pic kills me EVERY time. Uncanny!

I think that's all he ever posts- those Good Burger gifs. His name is Rasta something or other LOL

---------- Post added December-26th-2012 at 04:29 PM ----------

Any time I click on a link to their forums, all I get is a blank screen LOL I dont ever recall creating a user name there or posting in the past *shrug*

That's what I get too, but I got a week long ban, so I dunno??

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Any time I click on a link to their forums, all I get is a blank screen LOL I dont ever recall creating a user name there or posting in the past *shrug*

Same here. Went to the home page and it let me lurk a little. I found the thread about them being tired of hearing ESPN talk about the Redskins constantly to be pretty ironic. How does it feel?

Gonna go take a shower now. I feel dirty all over.

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Any time I click on a link to their forums, all I get is a blank screen LOL I dont ever recall creating a user name there or posting in the past *shrug*

I find it hilarious that I can access this site from my work computer but I have the same issue as you when I tried to check out the links in this thread. Even funnier that I live in Dallas lol.

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