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Michael Vick on RGIII: His style originates from me


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Vick in his prime may have been the fastest QB to play. I think he was a step faster than RGIII. But Vick never has showed the diverse array of passes RGIII has.

It's unfortunate because I think Vick could have had a much better career than he did. It's odd that the guy comes out of prison and has his best season a year later so far in his career. Just think if he applied that new outlook and focus to the game as rookie coming in.

The glaring difference between them to me is their mindset. RGIII is a guy that clearly works to be the best he can, while Vick spent so long with the "I'm already the ****"-mentality.

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Haha, even if he wanted to tactfully say such a thing he should say something along the lines of "RG3's style has evolved from the quarterbacks like Randell Cunningham, Fran Tarkenton, Steve Young and myself and it's been really fun and exciting to watch him play."

I don't think Michael Vick would comprehend that statement nor would he be able to recite it much less come up with that on his own.

He should have just said, "Boy it would have been nice had I been able to do in my entire career what RGIII has done in one season." :ols:

Vick refused to study in school and in the football classroom. He also refused to work on his God given ability and perfect his craft. He was too busy with other ventures.

Vick and RGIII are polar opposites in every facet...oh except for that and the running thing smfh :doh:

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Vick in his prime may have been the fastest QB to play. I think he was a step faster than RGIII. But Vick never has showed the diverse array of passes RGIII has.

You know I thought that for awhile but the more I think on some of the things I've seen RG3 do, just escaping to the perimeter with ease, even Vick could be caught from behind, etc. Vick's lethality was in his agility and shiftiness while being really fast.

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Vick is out of his mind, aside from the fact that their mental approach and proclivity for running out of the pocket is closer to polar opposites than similar. RGIII is just a much more talented passer and his style revolves around his throwing ability where as Vick's center on his threat to run, using his raw speed and elusiveness.

Vick possesses a career completion percentage of 56% and 80.7 passer rating. He's had only one season in his entire career where he's managed to obtain a completion percentage over 62% and a passer rating over 93. Comparatively, RGIII as a rookie has a 104.1 passer rating and 66.4% completion percentage, both higher than Vick's career best. FWIW The most touchdowns Vick has ever thrown in a season is 21, RGIII has 20 so far, with a game left.

RGIII and Vick's similarities begin and end with the fact that they're both black, athletic and possess great arm strength. Again, that is where their similarities end and contrary to Vick's smug(and false)statement they don't possess similar 'styles' and Vick sure as hell didn't 'originate' anything RGIII has done. That's insulting to guys like Frank Tarkenton, Steve Young and Randall Cunningham.

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I don't have that big of an issue with what he said, I think he probably could have worded it better though. Vick set the trend for this generation of athlete QB as far as being a QB and also being one of the 2-3 fastest players on the field at any time that could move like a RB. That was never Young or Cunningham really.

So in that sense I see what he meant. After him, colleges across the country began adopting that high school model of throwing their best athlete at QB and worry about the rest later. The option game became much more popular and It led to a lot of college success for teams and players down the road like Tebow and Vince Young and it was only a matter of time before that evolved into a pure pocket passer with elite passing skills that was also that athletic which is what we have now in RG3.

Not really a big deal....

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he is right to an extent

In Atlanta, they catered the offense around his abilities as a runner which is something we had never seen before in the NFL. That DVD backfield with Dunn and Duckett (haha, remember him?) was the best ground unit in the NFL. It was successful for a season, so he is right.

But nah, he was never close to as good as good as RG3 is this year. But that did change how we viewed the QB position, imo.

Its a damn shame he didnt take the mental side of the game serious until he got to Philly, he had all talent to be an all time great.

Also, RG3 said he looked up to Vick.

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Besides RG3 being a much better passer, their running styles are as different as night and day. Vick was/is mode shifty. He runs more like a RB. RG3 runs like he runs track.

To me, RGIII looks similar to Eric Dickerson when he's running, because of his posture when running. They both have that sprinter style of running tall, opposed to crouching some as RBs do ...

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Vick has God given atheleticism but doesn't work hard at very much... and it shows.

Robert has God given athletecism and improves every aspect of his game constantly... there is nothing that originates from Vick except they both play QB and they are both Black. Vick is such an embarrassment to the great Commonwealth of Virginia.

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He had every opportunity here in Atlanta to prove himself, and decided to fail epically when it came to being a decent human. That caused the downfall of his career, and he's sad and depressed, so he makes dumb statements.

RGIII is NOTHING like him. He doesn't make stupid decisions, either on or off the field.


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