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ES Coverage & Interactive Game Day Thread: 2012 Redskins vs Browns (Final)


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Are we allowed to make a separate thread highlighting all the posts from this one where folks jumped ship after Cleveland went up 7-0?

Unlike most of the past 20 years, I don't doubt this version of the Washington Redskin offense.

They can hang points up on any team in the league.

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Are we allowed to make a separate thread highlighting all the posts from this one where folks jumped ship after Cleveland went up 7-0?
Why? It shouldn't even matter. They won't change their tune. Lets just be happy we'll all fans (however each of us wants to cope with it).
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Just as everything has started to come together, Kyle has really been in synch with his playcalling since the bye week. Hell of a job by Kyle.
Yep, I'm getting to be a huge KS fan. Hope we don't let him go.

I've been critical of Kyle in the past, but over the 2nd half of this season he has been as good as advertised. He's really doing a nice job.

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this is great.. they really came together as a team. hate the steelers but.. go steelers! .. :puke:

Yep, I live in the middle of Steelers country so I just can't stand them. Going to be tough, but I'm pulling hard for the Black 'n Gold.....ugh...I can't believe I just said that.:pfft:

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I actually think their D looked pretty incredible to start, but we made the adjustments and beat them into submission.

Browns dared us to beat them throwing the ball with a 4th round rookie QB and we rose to the challenge. Watching the game you could never have guesses which QB was the 1st round rookie and which was the 4th round. Well you could have guessed but you would have been wrong.

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Are we allowed to make a separate thread highlighting all the posts from this one where folks jumped ship after Cleveland went up 7-0?

Someone would have to spend a lot of time going through the thread.

A lot like someone having to spend a lot of time going through each team's record, results, and schedule to track draft positions ;)

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Such a great team win. It was a rough start and I really thought the Browns were going to be a tough out and they were but we made our adjustments and overcame them. Great game by Kirk and the WR helping him out. You really can't say enough about what he did today. That was fantastic.

The defense really did a good job holding Cleveland and Richardson in check this game too.

So happy and excited right now. Rest up Griffin, we will need you.

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Maybe...but, Kurt looks rattled early--didn't step up on that first throw--threw into heavy coverage on the 3rd down. Don't think Rex makes those types of mistakes in this game...he will likely make others, but Kurt just doesn't look prepared--and that's to be expected.

Late reply, but this is one where you quoted my comment of it being early in the game at the time..

Maybe next time you "think" something...just wait a while...I give you credit for your use of "maybe" at the beginning of your reply btw lol

---------- Post added December-16th-2012 at 03:03 PM ----------

Sorry - I'd love to be proved wrong but I'd bench him at this point. Throwing into tripple coverage. No accuracy. Staring down Garcon. First throw into the dirt.

Absolutely horrible.


*Not an overreaction

Stupid, but you still get soup for now. :)

---------- Post added December-16th-2012 at 03:05 PM ----------

Polumbus just whiffed. We are going to lose badly...

You still get soup after this one, because even though you have 6 user notes, they were almost all from years ago and you have survived yourself lol.

---------- Post added December-16th-2012 at 03:06 PM ----------

Uglier and uglier, this team looks like a sinking ship right now.

Forgiven because you have to live in France.

(kidding :))

---------- Post added December-16th-2012 at 03:08 PM ----------

Worst mistake to make RG3 inactive. Terrible....

Yes. Much smarter to ignore the doctors and risk fines, lawsuits, and ruining the great potential future of RG3. Does it really get any more stupid than this?

---------- Post added December-16th-2012 at 03:15 PM ----------

This fanbase is pro in recognizing sub-par QB's. We've had years of it. Kirk has got to go. No ability to step up. Throwing into tripple coverage. Just brings nothing to the table. Put in rex.

Actually is very rational. I appreciate what he did last week but....no,

This fanbase is pro at nothing, really, nor are they expected to be, nor are they anything but divergent in views for the most part. They're fans, hence the difference in the words "pro" and "fan."

Given you "needed" to repeat your stupid using me as part of your vehicle (and your user notes) take the week off and unwind.

OK...not interested in spending any more time on this---next week it's just hit the button with no dialog if circumstance/comments fit (all "fouls" filed under rules 12 & 18).

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Havent read the whole thread....but did anyone notice what I thought I saw.... Fletcher jogging off the field during the extra point after Richardson's 2nd TD run...love London and thought that was very out of character...

what do you mean jogging off the field and out of character?

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