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Come forth ye men, woman, children and assorted creatures of the B&G ..... Let's have at it on your fellow posters/ posterettes. *Lighthearted, so let's play nice.

Gibbs Hog Heaven

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Let me preface this by saying anyone easily offended, now is your chance to leave this thread with your hands over your ears, eyes tight shut, screaming that you were never here ..... right, now I've still got the attention of my fellow reprobates :evilg:, let's have some devilishly mischievous ES fun. Or deadly serious opinion which will be just as interesting to read. The choice is yours my friends as I give you a place to say what you've always wanted to say about your fellow posters. :ols:

This was born out of some lighthearted banter in Oldfan's latest thread, when someone who will remain nameless (here's looking at YOU Coach :pfft:) prodded me into expanding on that and the darn funny potential of a thread on our opinions of our fellow posters through their words as faceless posters on message board. Not made up for the Hell of it things. But opinions of people most will never meet that we all do. It'd go against human nature not to.

Is Burgold really a pipe smoking thespian sat twiddling his moustache as he switches from his latest novella to his 900th new thread of the week? Does GHH really speak with an accent so thick and exceedingly rare there's schools Stateside running courses to translate for when he's next in town? Does TK really keep Jumbo on a leash in the cellar, fed on raw steak and puppy dogs ready and waiting to unleash on the next unsuspecting fool who's too smart for his/ her own good? Is KD really a coach of girls Lacrosse who is just one HELL of a fast googler making him look super smart on a sport he really knows nothing about? Is brandymac really a guy called Dave to put to bed once and for all the gender confusion she, uhmmm 'he' get's with that oh so confusing nick? :doh:. Does Mark the Homer really live in a big hut at FedEx field where he runs the entire stadium operation? And his moonlighting gig as EBay jersey trader extraordinaire. All these questions and more are on the floor to be answered by your own fertile and devilish imagination my good people on your fellow ES'ers. Well, provided the mods don't go hunting my pasty white ass in a thread cull for starting anarchy that is. :silly:

One MAJOR proviso though. Serious or silly, be respectful in your thoughts on other posters. On your heads (and extended vacation time be it) if you aren't.

Not sure how this will roll ..... maybe take the last poster and post a thought; or just pick one you've always had an opinion of; and let the seriousness and hilarity in equal measure ensue.

Have at it .....

Oh yeah, I have cookies and shinny stars to all who are nice to your lovable OP. LOTS of cookies. :D

Double 'Oh yeah' ..... I love you all. 'Cept that KD guy. Never did like Lacrosse .....

Triple 'Oh Yeah' ..... We discovered in the aforementioned Of thread that I'm a 'Kevlar Fan'. I'm jacketed up,protected and immune. Beat that *******! :ols:


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Usually we just shut these kind (as framed here) of threads down from experience, and this is not Redskins related so it's in the wrong forum, but you get a pass on the NNT, GHH.

I'll move it to the tailgate and see how it goes, but there was already one in there worded differently with the same theme within the last year or so.

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Usually we just shut these kind (as framed here) of threads down from experience, and this is not Redskins related so it's in the wrong forum, but you get a pass on the NNT, GHH.

I'll move it to the tailgate and see how it goes, but there was already one in there worded differently with the same theme within the last year or so.

Yeah, this was thrown around in PM's between a few of us J man and we figured we'd take a chance on the decency of the majority to see if this turned out as funny as it sounded in our heads.

I kinda' figured you'd take your own discretion over what to do with it per the responses.


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Is BRAVEONTHEWARPATH93 really just a sexy bea....nvm

ummm does thesubmittedone really hate me? lol

Of course not. But I did hate you and a lot of others after that Panthers loss. :ols:

And I'm getting close to adding Oldfan on that list right now after his ridiculous thread in which shows his completely confused comprehension of the difference between a homer and positive/hopeful thinking. Had to stay out of that thread for fear of my head exploding. But glad so many answered him so well. :)

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Everytime I see a GHH post I narrate it in a terrible english accent in my head. There's often so many of them in any given thread that sometimes I have to remind myself what country this damn team plays in. :silly:

Oh, and I certainly read more than I post, but if anyone has something on me other than my lame handle I invite you to lay it down :ols:

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Pretty sure Asbury is a gun totin', pot smokin,' right wing libertarian and president of some big city Rush Limbaugh or John Bech fan club. Anyone who calls himself Bang must be overcompensating.

And that Burgold guy... eesh, does the guy have to have an opinion on everything! Shut up already!

(Have at me folks)

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Fair enough...I open myself up as fair game.

I already know that I am an opinionated *******, so what else could be said ? :ols:

I do often wonder if boysetsfire...really is an arsonist though... :silly:

I always respect and enjoy what you say. You are one of my favorite posters here and I rarely agree with you.

I'm open for a thread like this, even if its a bunch of dumb track home suburbanites defending their strip mall restaurant diets against me and forcefully thinking their second thought lives are important, so they attack my live simple being the most important style. Jackwagons. I don't think I'm better than anybody. We all have the same impact. I just know I'm doing a better job at being alive and living in our world, sloppy loser.

---------- Post added December-13th-2012 at 06:53 AM ----------

Pretty sure Asbury is a gun totin', pot smokin,' right wing libertarian and president of some big city Rush Limbaugh or John Bech fan club. Anyone who calls himself Bang must be overcompensating.

And that Burgold guy... eesh, does the guy have to have an opinion on everything! Shut up already!

(Have at me folks)

I never agree with ASF, but he is possibly the nicest member and his volunteer work, makes him one of my favorites, Bang is great and usualy right on and you are such a nice guy it makes my teeth hurt.
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[/color]I never agree with ASF, but he is possibly the nicest member and his volunteer work, makes him one of my favorites, Bang is great and usualy right on and you are such a nice guy it makes my teeth hurt.

To be honest, I would only pick and mock a poster I like in a thread like this though I certainly can't mock everyone I like. That said, Koolblue, please stop your polluting, homophobic ways... it is unsuitable for a guy who is in all liklihood an accountant or librarian who would faint at the sight of a tatoo needle.

And GHH, no one buys you're from the UK. Admit it, you're from Bakersfield, CA and are just a wannabe anglophile who is a royal watcher.

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To be honest, I would only pick and mock a poster I like in a thread like this though I certainly can't mock everyone I like. That said, Koolblue, please stop your polluting, homophobic ways... it is unsuitable for a guy who is in all liklihood an accountant or librarian who would faint at the sight of a tatoo needle.

And GHH, no one buys you're from the UK. Admit it, you're from Bakersfield, CA and are just a wannabe anglophile who is a royal watcher.

I started reading that and was taken aback at first, re read it and then laughed out loud. I though to myself "did Bug just publicly scold me?" haha, but I thought for a second, which is obviously not easy for me to do at this hour and laughed. I love this board and a bunch of you people. Thank you.

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That Koolblue dude sure does ramble a lot from his moms basement as he stares longingly at that picture of those exotic islands on his wall .....

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled and all that Bur man ..... I'm not even GHH, but keep that one under your vest.

Whilst I'm on the subject, I see Burgold surrounded by humongous piles of books, with him a miniscule dot Alice in Wonderland style somewhere in the middle. He's never actually read these books, though he still aims to; due to starting a new daily tail of the wonders of dogs to the many cats he keeps as his minions.


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That Koolblue dude sure does ramble a lot from his moms basement as he stares longingly at that picture of those exotic islands on his wall .....

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled and all that Bur man ..... I'm not even GHH, but keep that one under your vest.


I don't have a mom, haven't lived in a basement in 20 years and I've seen your picture meeson.

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Whilst I'm on the subject, I see Burgold surrounded by humongous piles of books, with him a miniscule dot Alice in Wonderland style somewhere in the middle. He's never actually read these books, though he still aims to; due to starting a new daily tail of the wonders of dogs to the many cats he keeps as his minions.


It's true, besides... having that stack of books impresses people and fools people into thinking I know stuff.

("Whilst" you're not even trying, GHH. Real Englishman don't speak in Shakespearian anymore, dude.)

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Gibbs hog heaven, I find most of your posts are **** that try to draw attention to yourself. This one might be the worst.

:ols: :ols: :ols: :ols:

This is so true!!

lovinthehog - I'm not sure who you are. But the only post that I have ever seen from you made me laugh. Well done. :ols:

GHH - In all honesty, a pretty genuine guy. Sometimes he overreacts to things that happen with the team, sometimes he is very calm and collected. Always wants what's best for the team in his mind, even if that might mean losing a few games. Should have been NNT'ed for this ridiculous thread, though... Get on that, Jumbo :ols: I don't think people actually understand him sometimes. And I certainly don't believe this thread was created to give himself any kind of attention. He is a well intentioned guy, and probably just wanted to have a little fun with it. My guess is that it was in the stadium because he wanted to see what people thought of Stadium posters, which are quite different than tailgate posters. That's not to say that I think Jumbo made an error moving it here, but it is to say that I can't believe that GHH ever has intentions that are bad (Which, for the record, Jumbo obviously saw or he'd have been given a NNT). He has fun around here and he's a great addition to the board.

BRAVEONAWARPATH - is really just a sexy beast :) (Legend in his own mind? Maybe! But can't get mad at confidence!) :ols: I actually think you're a pretty well opinioned guy. I don't always agree, and when I don't I usually vehemently disagree. But you're a guy that knows what he thinks and isn't afraid to say it, I respect that.

Jumbo - He's a mod. And I heard he has an Abraham Lincoln beard. Probably the glue of the moderator staff. Other guys are very, very good, but they play different roles. I liken Jumbo to a good prize fighter. He jabs, jabs, jabs and dazzles you with big words that you don't understand... And then right when he's gotten you thoroughly confused... right hook. Sleeping. I love watching him at work. Some of his subtle barbs are the best around.

Kosher Ham - Means well. Definitely opinionated, sometimes to the point where he doesn't see any conceivable way that he's wrong. And that's okay. He has reasoning behind his thoughts and he's an intelligent guy. He kinda strikes me as the kind of person who wears his heart on his sleeve and doesn't pull punches. His name intrigues me, too. I have never seen a kosher ham. Do they exist?

Burgold - Can annoy the hell out of me sometimes but I often wonder if that's because he's so much smarter than I am :ols:. Writes quite well. Has a penchant for starting thread after thread, but most of them have substance to them. Overall good dude!

Koolblue - I think of Kool-Aid every time I see him post. Literally. The Kool-Aid guy with blue kool-aid inside of him jumping around making his points. When he rants I can literally see the pitcher of kool-aid with fake arms and big Mickey Mouse gloves jumping around to make a point. I've even caught myself actually laughing out loud from time to time. I used to think he just liked to talk trash over an internet forum, but once I REALLY started to read his posts I saw that's not the case. He has fun here and makes his opinions known. Nothing wrong with that.

LLandryistheshiz - Has a lame handle. :ols: (Sorry, couldn't resist)

KDawg - Probably coaches women's lacrosse. Doesn't know a thing about football. And I heard he smells.

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