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Let us Reevaluate our WR Corps.


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Okay I believe we are far enough into the season to really take a look back at or WR corp. What do you all think of it.

Right now it is Garcon, and then a mix of Hankerson/Morgan/Moss/Robinson

Remember outside Moss everyone this is everyone's 1st or 2nd year in the system.

Garcon looks like a legit number 1, I mean not elite, but he is passable as a number 1 which is something I haven't said about a skins WR in a while. He just needs to stay healthy.

I like the duo or Morgan and Hankerson. Morgan is solid, and Hankerson has been starting to emerge recently, I haven't see the drops and he looks like he has been using his body better.

Moss has been perfect in the slot. He has been extremely reliable, and Robinson has promise too, he is a burner.

I don't know after seeing it I don't think I try anything to big in FA or high in the draft for a WR. Obviously you look to add to it, but this group has really gotten better as the season has gone on.

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Just think if Davis comes back next year, and is 100% healthy how much damage this offense can do? And a healthy Helu? And hopefully a shiny new RT (Ryan Clady please). We would be unstoppable. Our WR corps would be amazing. I really hope the coaching staff brings back Sleepy.

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Just last week, I was saying that we should try to bring in another WR. Preferably Bowe if we had the money.

But now I realize that the idea is incredibly stupid. Hankerson is only 23, he will get better just based on getting more experience. Moss still looks like he can go at least 2 more seasons. And Joshua Morgan is playing well. Aldrick Robinson will make plays, even though the last two weeks he has been a ghost.

So I would just stand pat with those five. If they need a sixth, find one in the later rounds of the draft....

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I wish Hankerson were faster, he seems to lumber along. His legs are so long. If he can keep those hands steady then he's legit. Morgan is solid. I wonder how much longer Moss has, but he has shined in the slot. Robinson does indeed have tons of potential. After that I just don't know. Briscoe has shown nothing other than in preseason. Banks is nothing. I feel we could use one more WR but it isn't something that is a desperate need. Garcon, Hankerson, Morgan, Moss, and Robinson are accomplished.

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We have a nice mix right now. Garcon is our version of a #1. Morgan and Hankerson are possession guys with the ability to get deep at times. Moss has been great in the slot. Robinson is a great role player who makes plays deep or draws coverage. I don't see a need to do anything here in the short term and, to take it a step further, I would leave our entire offense alone with the exception of maybe OL. We need to spend our resources on the defense.

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Our receivers have stepped up to a whole other level. They are always flying by defenders and getting open, and they should be used more in games. We stopped attacking for 2 1/2 quarters with them in yesterdays game and only scored 6 points. The Ravens secondary never 1 time showed a sign they could keep up with our receivers. Even that bomb to Moss he had them beat and the ball was just in a hard position to catch.

4 good defenses in a row could not stop our receivers or running game, don't let off that accelerator Kyle and we will not only run the table, but be one of the most dangerous teams in the playoffs.

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I have to hand it to shanny for turning over that position in 1 offseason. I think everybody is fitting into the roles he's envisioned. Garcon as the explosive no 1 receiver. Morgan and Hankerson as big body physical players who have the downfield blocking ability to key the no1 rushing attack in thr league. Moss as the shifty slot guy and Robinson the deep threat that defenses have to account for. Last year at this point in the season we were trotting out the likes of Jabbar Gaffney and some white guy from the Texans whose name escapes me.

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I like the production we've gotten from this group, but being realistic, nobody's really emerged outside of Garcon and even he has injury problems. I definitely wouldn't close the door on a WR option in the draft. It wouldn't be my first priority (I'd target LT/RT and a pass rushing OLB first), but I'd definitely keep my options open.

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This offense is going to need a big body WR like Bowe for jump balls as defenses adjust to us. Gives our offense another option and dimension.

Maybe we can't do it next year with the cap restraints, but we're going to need one soon, especially since Moss only has a couple years left.

Bowe? Fitz? Both would love to play for contenders in their waning years.

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TBH, I think we're set at receiver. Remember that Garçon is injured. He is going to be our #1 for years to come. Many in Indy wanted to keep him instead of Wayne because of his upside. Moss is on the decline so we should be grooming one of our younger receivers to play the slot. Davis and Paulson will be solid.

I think the only positions we should focus on in FA and the draft are RT, NT and MLB. We should get our injured guys back next year and focus on depth. We are much better than most give is credit for. We've just been plagued by injuries and suspensions and it's clouded the perception of what this team would have been.

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Our Wide Receiver position has improved tremendously over the season. Garcon makes a huge difference. There's no need to spend money here during the offseason. We should focus our draft and Free Agent money to Right Tackle, secondary, and maybe linebacker

---------- Post added December-10th-2012 at 07:09 PM ----------

Anybody that couldn't see what a huge impact Hank had on the game yesterday needs to go back and watch again. Made some BIG catches.

Yup, dude is just beginning to feel like himself after that surgery. I think he'll be big time in the future

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Just think if Davis comes back next year, and is 100% healthy how much damage this offense can do? And a healthy Helu? And hopefully a shiny new RT (Ryan Clady please). We would be unstoppable. Our WR corps would be amazing. I really hope the coaching staff brings back Sleepy.

If we got Clady, our O would be unreal. Think he'll be too much $$ though. I really hope Freddy comes back strong

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I like our WRs corps. They are an unfinished product with developing WRs like Hankerson, Aldrick and even Josh Morgan can be considered developing.

But it also has established players like Garcon and the vastly underrated (imo underused) Santana Moss.

As Hankerson, Morgan and Aldrick develop the WRs corps has a chance to be a productive and dynamic unit.

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