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WT: Call outs? I see a spin piece.


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i think i'm missing something cuz i didnt get that anybody was calling anybody out in that article.

Me neither. It was just a bit of factual analysis on how they had to gameplan for a team with Gonzalez, white, and J Jones. Haz, much as I don't care for him, said nothing derogatory...was even fairly complimentary. Title was a desperate grab for headline shock value.

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My 2 cents...agreed Haslett is stubborn. He can say 'the players aren't executing' till he's blue in the face, and nothing will change. That is the difference between him, and coaches who know how to succeed with what they have. It's not as if we have bums from off the street, they are all professional football players and need to be put in better chances to win. His answer to that btw, over and over, is "we gotta mix things up".

Stop demanding so much, stop randomly mixing it up, figure it out, or leave town.

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Haslett is F-ing CLUELESS!! you're not going to generate any pass rush when rushing only 3 DLinemen. WTH is wrong with this fool? But i'm not surprised that the lockerroom is questioning the scheme. And then ppl tried to villify DHall when he and Haz got into it a couple of years back. smh

Evidently he believes his schemes allow 3 men to pressure a QB even though the 3 are being blocked by 5.....LMAO this dude is a loon. I have so many other colorful terms for Mr.Haslett but I can't use them here........:beavisnbutthead:

---------- Post added October-13th-2012 at 05:30 AM ----------

My 2 cents...agreed Haslett is stubborn. He can say 'the players aren't executing' till he's blue in the face, and nothing will change. That is the difference between him, and coaches who know how to succeed with what they have. It's not as if we have bums from off the street, they are all professional football players and need to be put in better chances to win. His answer to that btw, over and over, is "we gotta mix things up".

Stop demanding so much, stop randomly mixing it up, figure it out, or leave town.

He couldn't cut it New Orleans or Saint Louis it was retarded to hire him in the first place. Evidently Shanahan still is about as dumb as the day is long when it comes to picking Defensive Coordinators. He couldn't pick one in Denver and hasn't picked one here.......

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It's a little bit of spin on the part of the Washington Times for sure.

Still, I think it's indicative of the disconnect between Haslett and our players. London getting into it with Has on the sideline, Josh Wilson speaking out.

Mike's not going to fire Haslett midseason, but he'll be gone by next year.

Maybe that's the plan. We play all the NFC East in the second half of the season. Have a coach everybody hates to unite the players against, fire coach, fire the team up, win superbowl!

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Not seeing the spin either.. But when London friggen Fletcher comes out against you, you're done in my book. You are talking about one of the classiest guys in the league and if he doesn't like you, it's not everyone else, it's you. Man up change things or pack a bag..

And why is it that nearly every game this year, in the 4th quarter they keep cutting to Haslett looking clueless or shaking his head with that blank expression on his face? It's getting quite annoying

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I'm somewhat confused by this whole thing. Not really seeing it

What's to be confused about? We all clicked on it because of the sensationalism of the title and that's exactly why he fabricated the title in the fashion he did. If it was titled "Haslett and London speak on pass rushing woes" the story wouldn't have gotten the attention it did. The part that's confusing to me is that we continue to accept and allow this kind of journalism across the board, whether is sports, politics or anything else, and don't hold them accountable for flat out bull****ting us just to drive traffic. The first line of the article might as well have said "haha (Nelson's voice), got you to click, didn't I."

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I'm certainly no Haslett apologist, but considering ATL's offensive weapons, I will say that throughout alot of the game he had them in check, considering no-name receivera are having career days against our secondary, so I give him a little credit for that.

Its his 2nd half adjustments and situational downs that leave me scratching my head.

I've said it before and it bears mentioning again; Haslett has been an utter failure everywhere he's been, and have no idea what Mike saw in the guy, unless he was the only thing available.

In the weeks to come, the fire will really get bigger on Haslett's future, and regardless of what any of us fans think or say, its already well known in the F.O., and i'm sure some discussions are already going on...


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I'm somewhat confused by this whole thing. Not really seeing it
What's to be confused about? We all clicked on it because of the sensationalism of the title and that's exactly why he fabricated the title in the fashion he did. If it was titled "Haslett and London speak on pass rushing woes" the story wouldn't have gotten the attention it did. The part that's confusing to me is that we continue to accept and allow this kind of journalism across the board, whether is sports, politics or anything else, and don't hold them accountable for flat out bull****ting us just to drive traffic. The first line of the article might as well have said "haha (Nelson's voice), got you to click, didn't I."

Yup. I fell for it hook, line and sinker, too.

I guess it didn't dawn on me that someone would spin something like that. Not sure why I had more faith in humanity than that, but I did.

I'm going to be looking at articles a hell of a lot differently now.

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Not being the biggest fan of Haslett doesn't help either. I'm no fan of his and I almost fell for it myself,just decided to follow my instincts for a change. ;)

You give me too much credit. I'm not any kind of fan of Haslett :ols:

Only thing he has going for him that I like is the polo shirt he wears. He's a Redskin. :)

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You give me too much credit. I'm not any kind of fan of Haslett :ols:

Only thing he has going for him that I like is the polo shirt he wears. He's a Redskin. :)

I dunno, he was wearing a Redskins sweatshirt and sweatpants last week and all I could focus on was how he looked more like a dude at the mall shopping on game day than an NFL coach...

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Yup. I fell for it hook, line and sinker, too.

I guess it didn't dawn on me that someone would spin something like that. Not sure why I had more faith in humanity than that, but I did.

I'm going to be looking at articles a hell of a lot differently now.

See I try to tell people my cynical nature is more valuable than they realize. At least you understand now. :ols:

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He did not say that. I don't like Rex Ryan's personality but I would much rather he be coaching our defense than the team we are playing against ....

My bad. I thought it was Rex. I still don't like him or his brother, and I didn't like his father when he was alive either. Yes we need a new DC. I just don't want one named Ryan.

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Its just a matter of time before Haslett is fired. I truly do hope we can get Spanos back as the DC

Remember last year when we wanted Slowick off the coaching staff? And they stuck him at LBs Coach to replace Spanos... and we were all like... yeah, that's a good spot for him, because there is no way he can **** that group up...

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These are call outs? I think the article is reaching quite a bit

Yeah, I agree w/ you. He didn't nor wasn't saying anything anyone watching the games couldn't see w/ their own eyes. I watched Wilson last week and just didn't see any potentially relavent in his pass rush. I saw throw Alexzander out there to see if he can produce some pressure off the edge in passing situations.

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I liked our game plan against ATL.. but I want to see us stop teams we are supposed to stop. We weren't supposed to beat NO, we weren't supposed to almost beat ATL.. But the Rams of all teams take it to us?? I don't know if it's our coaches or players not showing up on the weeks we player weaker teams, but it's getting old.

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