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WT: Call outs? I see a spin piece.


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Original pieced together article can be found here:


This article was pieced together by the Washington Times. The quotes in context do not match any call out whatsoever as they occured at different times in relation to different subjects. It's a spin piece.

Everything was taken out of context.

Here's PCS post explaining it:

Okay. As I suspected. London's comments came on Wednesday. You can hear/see them yourself here.


About 2 minutes in.

Haslett's comments were made yesterday. Here they are plus one.

On taking more chances on the pass rush:

“Last week, we did a lot of three-man rushing because of how they were blocking things. We were trying to double the two receivers. If you do that you kind of expose the pass rush a little bit. We were mixing it up last week. We blitzed a couple times. The other times we played a lot of three-man rush. We had some four-man rush. We’ve got to mix it up. But we’ve got to find ways to get more pressure on the quarterback. I thought we hung in there pretty well last week doing what we had to do to win the game.”

On the improvement he’s seen in defensive end Jarvis Jenkins:

“I thought Jarvis is doing a really good job on the run. I thought he’s played exceptional again on the run. We’ve just got to keep working him. We need to get him a little more involved in the pass rush also. But he’s doing a good job on the run game.”

On nose tackle Barry Cofield’s performance against the Falcons:

“I thought Barry played well. I think Stephen [bowen] has played well every game. But I thought Barry played well last week… He’s another one that we can maybe rely on to get some more rush because he’s got a good knack on that, knocking balls down and doing things like that.

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As coordinator, you're supposed to recognize when you need to give your pass rushers more help, instead of basically saying your players aren't doing a good enough job. :doh:

Can we PLEASE get a new coordinator next season?!

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“I thought Jarvis is doing a really good job on the run. I thought he's played exceptional against the run. We've just got to keep working at him. We need to get him a little more involved in the pass rush also,” Haslett said.

“I thought Barry played well. ... He's another one that we can maybe rely on a little bit more to get some more rush because he's got a good knack of doing that and knocking balls down and doing things like that.”

These are call outs? I think the article is reaching quite a bit

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Why wait? I really wish we had thrown a Brinks truck at Wade Philips. He is a bad head coach but I like his disruptive 3-4 scheme.

Agree about Philips, poor head coach but very good D coordinator.

Losing Orakpo hurts our pass rush, obviously, but that's no excuse. Haslett needs to go. His play calling is bad. He should have recognized in the Atlanta game that Ryan was going to continue to pick us apart if given ample time in the pocket to find a receiver yet Haslett continued to rush 3-4 the rest of the game. I know Atlanta's receivers are dangerous but so is Ryan. You need to put pressure on a guy like that to rattle him and throw him off his game.

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i think i'm missing something cuz i didnt get that anybody was calling anybody out in that article.

It's called Sublimation.

In psychology, sublimation is a mature type of defense mechanism where socially unacceptable impulses or idealizations are consciously transformed into socially acceptable actions or behaviour, possibly converting the initial impulse in the long term. Sublimation allows us to act out socially unacceptable impulses by converting them into a more acceptable form.

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I don't think the coach should be publicly calling anyone out. Do it in the film room, do it at practice, or do it in private but never say something like this in the media. Good for London to stand up for his players. That's what leadership does. We've been begging for Danny Smith to be fired and that never happens so what makes anyone think Haslett will be let go?

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Okay. As I suspected. London's comments came on Wednesday. You can hear/see them yourself here.


About 2 minutes in.

Haslett's comments were made yesterday. Here they are plus one.

On taking more chances on the pass rush:

“Last week, we did a lot of three-man rushing because of how they were blocking things. We were trying to double the two receivers. If you do that you kind of expose the pass rush a little bit. We were mixing it up last week. We blitzed a couple times. The other times we played a lot of three-man rush. We had some four-man rush. We’ve got to mix it up. But we’ve got to find ways to get more pressure on the quarterback. I thought we hung in there pretty well last week doing what we had to do to win the game.”

On the improvement he’s seen in defensive end Jarvis Jenkins:

“I thought Jarvis is doing a really good job on the run. I thought he’s played exceptional again on the run. We’ve just got to keep working him. We need to get him a little more involved in the pass rush also. But he’s doing a good job on the run game.”

On nose tackle Barry Cofield’s performance against the Falcons:

“I thought Barry played well. I think Stephen [bowen] has played well every game. But I thought Barry played well last week… He’s another one that we can maybe rely on to get some more rush because he’s got a good knack on that, knocking balls down and doing things like that.

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Haslett is F-ing CLUELESS!! you're not going to generate any pass rush when rushing only 3 DLinemen. WTH is wrong with this fool? But i'm not surprised that the lockerroom is questioning the scheme. And then ppl tried to villify DHall when he and Haz got into it a couple of years back. smh

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PCS, doesn't shock me. Nice spin piece by the WT. But still, I find it hilarious that Haslett is saying one thing and London is contradicting him. But it definitely didn't occur like this article suggests it did.

Figures that the media screwed something up. Oh well, I still don't like the fact that Haz called them out publicly

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Haslett is F-ing CLUELESS!! you're not going to generate any pass rush when rushing only 3 DLinemen. WTH is wrong with this fool? But i'm not surprised that the lockerroom is questioning the scheme. And then ppl tried to villify DHall when he and Haz got into it a couple of years back. smh

The actual quotes show that he didn't expect much pass rush and was not calling anyone out.

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