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WT: Call outs? I see a spin piece.


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PCS, doesn't shock me. Nice spin piece by the WT. But still, I find it hilarious that Haslett is saying one thing and London is contradicting him. But it definitely didn't occur like this article suggests it did.

It was a spin for sure and a lame one at that,(at least its apparent intent). I also included the first quote because I think that takes care of any contradiction between his and London's statements. This time. I don't think these were necessarily call outs either. Again,this time.

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It was a spin for sure and a lame one at that,(at least its apparent intent). I also included the first quote because I think that takes care of any contradiction between his and London's statements. This time. I don't think these were necessarily call outs either. Again,this time.

Yah. I re-read everything again. And there is definitely nothing going on here. Yet.

That said, I've heard too much about this situation between London/Haz to not think something is going on. But this article doesn't prove anything.

I just edited the OP to reflect the spinnage.

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no no no, bunch of drama queens!...

Fletcher and Haz were just stating the obvious, and I thought the scheme was pretty decent for an explosive ATL offense...our coverage skills/players are weak...pick your poison...I mean he needs to push players to perform great, he's a coach ala Jenkins and Cofield, he didn't call them out...if we'd rushed 4 or 5 and they completed more passes/pts to Julio and Co...we'd be saying why didn't we cover more????

..our D did not lose the ATL game, they are a good team/offense...the O did...dropped passes, poor playcalling, no special teams help etc...

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when read in chronological order, i can see how it could be misinterpreted. i still think Haz is clueless though.



I don't think Haslett is a great coach. I think Spanos was the brains behind the D and Shanahan panicked and brought in Morris to be the brains when Spanos moved on.


This article that the WT posted is just a drama piece.

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This is why it's good to either watch the press conferences or read them full in the threads posted by Mark and company. Having done that myself, as soon as I read this bs I knew it wasn't a big deal... Haslett certainly said NOTHING wrong. He himself said the things they were doing exposed the pass rush.

I'm not a big fan of Haslett myself, but we need to exercise a bit more caution with these things. God knows how many Skins fans read this the first time the way it was titled and have accepted it as truth now.

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This is why it's good to either watch the press conferences or read them full in the threads posted by Mark and company. Having done that myself, as soon as I read this bs I knew it wasn't a big deal... Haslett certainly said NOTHING wrong. He himself said the things they were doing exposed the pass rush.

I'm not a big fan of Haslett myself, but we need to exercise a bit more caution with these things. God knows how many Skins fans read this the first time the way it was titled and have accepted it as truth now.

Give me a break.

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So he gets trashed by the media and fans for running predictable blitzes, and then changes the gameplan to employ a mostly "cover 2" type scheme, and now it's the players fault there is no pass rush?

Pretty ridiculous.

If Shanny doesn't take any action to upgrade the DC soon, then I think Shanny should be held responsible and should be on the hot seat for this.

This is ineptitude of the highest order.

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Give me a break.

Don't blame me (or Hap) for posting this.

I did give you a break and I wasn't blaming you or Hap. Especially not Hap. You act like my tone was harsh or something. But you DID add flames to the fire at first, then corrected it. Wouldn't you agree a bit more caution would've been better? That's all I'm saying, is that too much?

You going and correcting your own thread is proof you thought it was WRONG as well and didn't want it to get worse so calm down.

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Caution for an article to be discussed?

It was posted by the Washington Times in a spin attempt. PCS figured it out and pieced it together.

I didn't read the full press conference this week. I was originally fooled.

I could have left it as is. Would you have preferred that?

I changed it as soon as I realized that it was pieced together. Quite frankly, the only place I'm at fault, and there is some fault there, is that I thought that the Washington Times was a news source. Not a spin machine.

I know now.

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I have said it once, I'll say it again. Rex Ryan gets canned in NY this year and we jump on him as our DC. What a pickup that would be

It seems like a possibility. I would be all about getting Rex in here since he has so much experience in the 3-4 and has a PROVEN track record.

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Caution for an article to be discussed?

It was posted by the Washington Times in a spin attempt. PCS figured it out and pieced it together.

I didn't read the full press conference this week. I was originally fooled.

I could have left it as is. Would you have preferred that?

Oh my God, that's exactly what I'm saying. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today? You were "originally fooled" because you didn't read the full press conference. That is literally what I'm saying, with just adding that it's better to be cautious in that case. Whatever, man.

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As much as I dislike haslett and think London probably does too this is nothing short of typical, imaginary, made up, anything for a click modern journalism. I love how anything less than "his dookie smells like roses and I want my daughter to bear his children" counts as an insult or a slight these days.

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It's a little bit of spin on the part of the Washington Times for sure.

Still, I think it's indicative of the disconnect between Haslett and our players. London getting into it with Has on the sideline, Josh Wilson speaking out.

Mike's not going to fire Haslett midseason, but he'll be gone by next year.

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So he gets trashed by the media and fans for running predictable blitzes, and then changes the gameplan to employ a mostly "cover 2" type scheme, and now it's the players fault there is no pass rush?

Pretty ridiculous.

I think there's a middle ground between "running the same **** over and over and over again even long after people have figured it out" and "being so inept that the only thing you can call with some success is bend-but-hopefully-don't break".

Haslett hasn't found that middle ground. I don't think he knows one exists.

---------- Post added October-12th-2012 at 03:07 PM ----------

I don't care how good he is as a defensive coach. I don't want him on this team. Anyone who says **** the Redskins on television is banned in my book.

Rex Ryan didn't say that, Mike Westoff said that.

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I don't care how good he is as a defensive coach. I don't want him on this team. Anyone who says **** the Redskins on television is banned in my book.

He did not say that. I don't like Rex Ryan's personality but I would much rather he be coaching our defense than the team we are playing against ....

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