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Greetings from Tampa Bay


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As a long-suffering Bucs fan, I'm here not to serve up any particular smack, though I would not be surprised if a few people from the Bucs board I frequent do show up, they've been pretending to be Bucs coaches and players.

I'm here to participate in discussion of the upcoming game, and to invite you to view my weekly thread on score predictions over there. As it happens I've predicted three Bucs losses so far this year and your game is the first one in which I predicted victory, because I think we have caught your team at the right time with the right combination of strengths to match yours and weaknesses that also rival yours, and we're at home. AGAIN, how many times have you had to come to Tampa in the last fifteen years, the schedulers have not been kind to you Skins.

The single weakest link on our team is our quarterback, who has regressed badly from his 2010 peak and is probably gone at season's end. If your beat-up defensive line can get any pressure on him, he'll get that deer in the headlights gaze again and victory is yours to take. We know this and will do our best to stop you, and for a single week I think we might be able to do it, were we to meet in week 12 that would be another story.

Anyway here's hoping for a clean game with no serious injuries and no need for any stupid head coach to make a stupid decision to stupidly rush the passer during a final kneel play or three.



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Oh, we have a long standing living legend from your neck of the woods who'll doubtless be making an appearance around these here parts this coming week with another Bucs/ 'Skins EPIC post. Pitman4TWO. Dudes a legend on his own 'puter screen. But man is he hilarious with it.

As for the game, don't get excited if we make Freeman look all pro and your passing attack suddenly looks like the Colts of the past decade reincarnated. The week after, you'll be back to sucking. Martin out of the backfield could have his biggest day yet as a pro. And the threat of VJack deep isn't worth thinking about. Conversely, we have some dude in the #10 shirt that's looking a seasoned, all pro vet out there and not a 3 game rook. So the points could well roll in what should be another exciting, end to end battle in keeping with our first three games of the year.

As we currently stand, given our injuries and lack of depth to cover, along with this being in Tampa (AGAIN! WTF is all that about? You guys got the pick of a home game every year and you like beating up on us or what? ); I wouldn't like to call this either way.

I'll edge for a Bucs win sadly. But only because, ala Dallas this past Sunday, you'll find a way to not suck quite as bad as we will.

All the best man. Here's to a good contest.


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Anyway here's hoping for a clean game with no serious injuries and no need for any stupid head coach to make a stupid decision to stupidly rush the passer during a final kneel play or three.[/url]

If you guys don't cause a fumble on that play we'll get flagged for a 20-yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.

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Have no fear the Redskins secondary will make everything seem OK in Bucs land!! Freeman will throw for 352 yards all the while being 21-24 in his pass attempts. If your a fantasy owner, do everything in your power to pick up V Jax, he will be the week 4 AJ Green!

On the other side of the ball, our O will put up points! Get ready for RG3 and hopefully the return of Pierre G! The question is can the Bucs play in a shoot out? Well, I know the Redskins D will do their best to allow this to happen. Have a great week and take the over !!!!!

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We're playing our mirror team in FedEx South. A team that is great and terrible, inept and prolific all at the exact same time and never in the exact same way. We'll play poorly against lesser teams and play well against much better teams. I suggest that next Sunday we will see either the greatest game of this entire season or the most repulsive pile of crap ever. Either way, the Redskins are #1 in the NFL in scoring yet our defense is also #29 in points allowed! The Bucs are 24th and 15th in those same categories. Perhaps we're full of greater extremes but that just means we suffer more agonizing defeats.

Anyway, I predict a high scoring game in which the victorious team is whichever one the referees feel like being v̶e̶r̶y̶ ̶n̶i̶c̶e̶ less horrible to. Or is it the team to which the referees feel like being less horrible? Proper English and such.

So yeah I predict 38-36 in favor of somebody and I guess we'll find out in the 4th quarter next Sunday with about 3 seconds left on the clock.

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Yeah....my only question for you, Mr. Bucs fan.....is, should I start Vincent Jackson on My Fantasy team? :-)

Ironically, My two QB's are Tom Brady and Andy Dalton. So, I did the unbelievable this week. I actually BENCHED TOM BRADY and started Dalton, because I figured that Dalton would have a better game against My Skins than Tom Brady would against the Ravens, in Baltimore. Well, I was right, sadly.

Anyway, I will be at the game. Actually thinking about getting a small 2nd home in the Tampa area. I absolutely LOVE the place!

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My best buddy is a Bucs fan - I've seen all of their games this year via DirectTV. I'd like to think I know a bit about their squad.

I think we match up very well. Tampa’s passing attack is nothing to write home about. Freeman was 10-27. While the Skins defense likes to make pro-bowl players out of nobodys, I can’t imagine Freeman will have THAT great of a game. Conversely, Tampa cannot defend against the pass. RGIII will use his athletic ability to make plays, and Alfred should benefit from this.

Watching the Dallas game, it also seemed that Schiano ran the ball up the middle with Martin on just about every first down (from what I saw, anyway). My buddy was calling it every time…it was pretty funny. All in all, their offense seems inept, and their defense is stout against the run, but is certainly beatable.

I see the skins wnning 31-17.

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Yeah....my only question for you, Mr. Bucs fan.....is, should I start Vincent Jackson on My Fantasy team? :-)

Ironically, My two QB's are Tom Brady and Andy Dalton. So, I did the unbelievable this week. I actually BENCHED TOM BRADY and started Dalton, because I figured that Dalton would have a better game against My Skins than Tom Brady would against the Ravens, in Baltimore. Well, I was right, sadly.

Anyway, I will be at the game. Actually thinking about getting a small 2nd home in the Tampa area. I absolutely LOVE the place!

It practically IS your team's second home, they play there every year, so that's probably a good idea.

As for fantasy football, I have no clue because I don't play, I could never get into rooting for players whose teams I hated. I can say that Freeman was locked onto stone-handed Williams for a good chunk of the Cowboys game, whether the coaches do something about that I can't say. I hope so, the guy could be great but just is not.

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Ironically, My two QB's are Tom Brady and Andy Dalton. So, I did the unbelievable this week. I actually BENCHED TOM BRADY and started Dalton, because I figured that Dalton would have a better game against My Skins than Tom Brady would against the Ravens, in Baltimore. Well, I was right, sadly.

I picked up Andrew Hawkins and the guy I was playing was like "Thanks for throwing the game." lol... I know my Skins too.

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If you guys don't cause a fumble on that play we'll get flagged for a 20-yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.

Yeah, & they'll walk off 25.

That said, I hate doing it, but I have to agree with GHH, where our defense is probably going to make your QB look like an all pro, albeit for one game. It'll be a slugfest with both teams scoring 30+, I would have to assume, given the 3 game history here.

RG3 will keep your defense on it's toes, but in the end, I just don't think our defense could stop Herndon High School from scoring 30+ points. Unless our offense starts figuring out how to score 7 on every single drive, we're gonna lose a lot of games...including the one in Tampa.



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Don't give up yet. Since alot of skins fans here in this thread are predicting a loss, then the Skins will win in Tampa. Its been our MO for the last 5 years.

The D will make some stops, just for us to win this game. Though I know Vincent Jackson is gonna put up monster yards, hopefully our defense can limit the points.

Our o-line is gonna make the Bucs DEs superstars, I just hope Morris can take the pressure of RGIII and Shanny to ease up on running his QB. Still, my gut feeling is a sweaker Skins 34 - Bucs 31

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Don't give up yet. Since alot of skins fans here in this thread are predicting a loss, then the Skins will win in Tampa. Its been our MO for the last 20 years.

The D will make some stops, just for us to win this game. Though I know Vincent Jackson is gonna put up monster yards, hopefully our defense can limit the points.

Our o-line is gonna make the Bucs DEs superstars, I just hope Morris can take the pressure of RGIII and Shanny to ease up on running his QB. Still, my gut feeling is a sweaker Skins 34 - Bucs 31

Just a quick change

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Nice write up Xandtar. Going into the season, many thought our weaknesses were secondary and oline. So far, I have seen nothing to contradict that...especially with our secondary. Our run defense appears to be stout, and we can get to the qb if we blitz. We have created turnovers this season....so that is a plus. But our secondary is making our opponens eager to throw and light us up. Many big plays were given up yesterday by our secondary.

On offense we do have a good running game, and an offense that may cause problems for a defense. RGIII is very good for a rookie.....but while our line can run block, they are letting our qb get hit when he is in the pocket.....and that does not include the hits he takes when we run the option....or he just plain runsthe ball. If we get barcon back, think that will make a big difference in our offensive playcalling. While I thought our wr corps was pretty deep, other wr's have not really shown up as consistent playmakers vs the rams or bengals....garcon was rgiiis favorite in preseason, and during first qtr of the win vs the saints......a win which continues to lose luster with every continued loss the saints get.

I will bewatching and pulling for a Skin victory......curious, though, as how the bucs light up the giants in a shoot out, but only score 10 vsthe cowgirls. I did not see either game.....

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