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Bottomless soda for $10


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I was getting my free soda for being a designated driver and I noticed that they were offering bottomless soda for $10 per game. Did anybody get this and if so, how does it work? Do you get a special cup or wristband or what? How big is the cup they actually refill? Given that the smallest sodas are $5 a piece, this could be a "bargain" on those hot days in Sept. (unless you realize that you can buy a 2 liter bottle at Giant for about $1.50, but good luck getting that into the stadium).

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I was getting my free soda for being a designated driver and I noticed that they were offering bottomless soda for $10 per game. Did anybody get this and if so, how does it work? Do you get a special cup or wristband or what? How big is the cup they actually refill? Given that the smallest sodas are $5 a piece, this could be a "bargain" on those hot days in Sept. (unless you realize that you can buy a 2 liter bottle at Giant for about $1.50, but good luck getting that into the stadium).

Interesting. My brother and I saw two kids in line for what looked like refills, but they didn't suggestive sell them to us.

Also, they only had sprite and diet coke in my area, haha.

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The guy in line ahead of me ordered this. The cup is one of the standard large, hard plastic commemorative cups. If you pay for the bottomless, they put a big white sticker on the side that said something like bottomless / free refills on it.

It took them a couple minutes to find the stickers after he ordered it (maybe 5 minutes before kickoff), suggesting it wasn't that popular an option yesterday.

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The guy in line ahead of me ordered this. The cup is one of the standard large, hard plastic commemorative cups. If you pay for the bottomless, they put a big white sticker on the side that said something like bottomless / free refills on it.

It took them a couple minutes to find the stickers after he ordered it (maybe 5 minutes before kickoff), suggesting it wasn't that popular an option yesterday.

>> Thanks, those souvenir cups are $6 for just one serving.

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Soda sobers you up? I think Dan is getting the better end of the deal on this one.

Not drinking beer for three hours sobers you up. If you're still thirsty and you're going to want to drink even a little bit more than 1 full cup of soda then you're going to break even on this deal at the very least. Water is also $5 a pop at the stadium and that's for a pretty standard size bottle, so if you go that route you get even less bang for your buck than just ordering a regular (but still pretty darn large) soda. If you're going to the game with a kid or SO you could easily share a soda or use one cup to refill everyone and come out well ahead of the game.

Better to have this option than not to have it, even if most of us won't find a reason to take full advantage of it.

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If they are really doing this, awesome! I rarely ever drink alcohol inside the stadium and just do soda or water when I get thirsty

>> I almost always sign up for the designated driver program and get a coupon for a small free soda. Sometimes they'll let you upgrade to the big plastic cup for $1, but usually not. Considering 1 beer is $9, this is not a bad alternative (the 2 guys in front of me at the Colts game each had 5 beers during the game and were dropping $20 a round..) I just wish the had Coke Zero rather than diet coke.

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It's real. and a great deal compared to any other beverage sold at the stadium. as other people stated you can get drinks for multiple guests with $10. refill is quick if you use good timing. plus the cup is a good souvenir.

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I got one on saturday. My GF doesn't drink alcohol, and I could only bear to buy a couple $9 beers. We shared the soda and went back for a few refills. As long as you get 3, then you save money. 2 you break even. The sticker on the cup designates the game, so its only good for that day. Not like you can bring it back a following sunday. If you don't mind sharing your drink with someone, two people could drink enough to save enough money for those $9 beers. FWIW...

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Someone who needs to sober up during the game?

are you going to have legitimate time to sit through real lines during the games and get sodas? It seems a deal like this coincides with not having a lot of money, assuming you don't have a lot of money you're sitting further away from the tunnel, which adds to the trouble of getting this soda. Lines are horrendous at actual games. I can barely sit through a bathroom break and am left with no time for a run at the concessions. I paid for tickets so you won't see me beating anyone to the concessions by skipping plays.

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I got one at the game ot was nice a large is five bucks souvenir cup is six bucks so i figured four more and i get refills all day. Its a nice size cup i was happy i refilled it like four times. A drunk guy bumped into me and it spilled out. Guy at stand said well thats why you get the bottomless

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Wow, free refills on soda, what a deal....

After having lived here in Germany for 6 months, free refills on Cokes really is a good deal. Here in Europe, there are no free refills, you pay per bottle. They average 2-3 Euros per bottle (0.5L = 16oz), which is about $2.50-$3.75 when converted to Dollars. When visiting larger cities like Paris or Rome, those prices can be even higher. I have seen at restaurants upwards of 6.50-7.00 euros a bottle. Trust me, after living here for 6 months, I have a lot fewer things to complain about. And lets not talk about gas prices. I will GLADLY pay $3.50-$4.00 or more a gallon when I get home.

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