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Woman Arrested After Cheering Daughter at H.S. Graduation

Dan T.

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A South Carolina woman was escorted out of a South Florence High School graduation ceremony and later arrested by police after cheering too loudly when her daughter's name was announced.

Shannon Cooper was escorted out of the Florence Civic Center after she cheered as her daughter Christin Iesha received her diploma. The mother was later arrested for disorderly conduct.

The audience was told beforehand to hold applause until the end in fairness to all the graduates. Parents previously received a mailed notice. They were also warned that failure to do so might result in expulsion from the auditorium. Thirty police officers were assigned to the ceremony at the Civic Center to monitor 9,000 people.

That didn't stop Cooper.

"I am a proud mom," said Cooper, a beautician from Florence. "And as soon as they said 'Christin' I stood up, started praising, woohooing and cheering it up for my baby. I was like 'Go baby! You did it'."




I say good. With graduation season coming up, this is a good reminder that the ceremony isn't only about your son or daugher, it's about the hundreds of their classmates too. I've seen this too often at graduations where the whooping and hollering isn't a sudden short burst but continues on, drowning out the name of one, two, or even three graduates behind their child... noisy narcissic *******s who can't think of anybody else.

STFU so that the mother of the girl behind precious Christin Iesha can hear her child's name too instead of you whooping and hollering like you're at a sporting event.

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Decorum would be to honor the rules set forth prior to the handing out of the degrees. Expulsion was certainly called for, and if she resisted expulsion and created a further disturbance, then the police were right to arrest her for disorderly conduct, because that's what her conduct was, disorderly.

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Good move. I remember going to my nieces high school graduation and some of the parents treated it like a sporting event. They are graduating from high school, not winning an Oscar. Lack of "couth" is a big problem these days.

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If she was acting an ass, fine, throw her out. If she whooped it up for her kid for a few seconds, chill the hell out. I can't see any reason to arrest her unless she was REALLY over the line (i.e. -- making it about her, instead of the graduates, and refusing to leave.)

Side note: At my HS graduation, when my name was called, my mom stood up and yelled "Attaboy, Jasie! Your mommy loves you!" The several hundred people in attendance enjoyed a laugh at my expense, and so did I. :)

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I see nothing wrong with what happened to the woman. Sounds like it was way more than a "w00t!" and when she carried it sounds like she was asked to leave and my guess is that's when the disorderly conduct occurred. Something has happened to our culture in the last 20 years or so, I'm not sure exactly what it is but if it is possible it seems we've grown more self centered and disrespectful as a whole.

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If she was acting an ass, fine, throw her out. If she whooped it up for her kid for a few seconds, chill the hell out. I can't see any reason to arrest her unless she was REALLY over the line (i.e. -- making it about her, instead of the graduates, and refusing to leave.)

By her own account, she "stood up, started praising, woohooing and cheering it up for my baby. I was like 'Go baby! You did it'." To me, that sounds like a whole lot more than a short spontaneous outburst. The arrest occurred because of what happened after - not because of the cheering itself.

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come on now, it's graduating from high school.

maybe it should be expected of us to graduate and not praised as if it's some major feat.

and this is another case of "my kid is more important than your kid." i'm sure had someone drowned her kid walking up out cheering for the kid before she would have been upset.

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look again

It was just a silly joke. Moreso poking fun at HH.

Geez. For the record I agree that you should be able to give a little hootin' and hollerin', after that sit down or leave. Graduations are boring as hell for every person in attendance, the students, the faculty, the families, etc.

And for all of those holier than thou, in their minds...You don't go to graduations for the other kids. I know my parents and family didn't, and I don't. I go for one person and it is that persons moment. I am not there for the other kids, good for them and all, and I will happily give them their moment. But I don't care at all.

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It was just a silly joke. Moreso poking fun at HH.

Geez. For the record I agree that you should be able to give a little hootin' and hollerin', after that sit down or leave. Graduations are boring as hell for every person in attendance, the students, the faculty, the families, etc.

And for all of those holier than thou, in their minds...You don't go to graduations for the other kids. I know my parents and family didn't, and I don't. I go for one person and it is that persons moment. I am not there for the other kids, good for them and all, and I will happily give them their moment. But I don't care at all.

No disrespect, but you sound like a narcissist with attention deficit disorder.

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maybe it should be expected of us to graduate and not praised as if it's some major feat.

A-freakin'-men. Instead, we're headed in the opposite direction - more ceremonies for things kids should be expected to do. My child's middle school wants to have a graduation ceremony for the 8th graders going off to high school. Really?!?! I hate the self-esteem movement with a passion.

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A-freakin'-men. Instead, we're headed in the opposite direction - more ceremonies for things kids should be expected to do. My child's middle school wants to have a graduation ceremony for the 8th graders going off to high school. Really?!?! I hate the self-esteem movement with a passion.

You sound bitter. I remember we had an elementary graduation...it's a big deal to a lot of parents! Their kids are growing up...the transition from elementary to middle is a big step. Why not celebrate accomplishments a little?

I agree that it should be expected to graduate grade school...it's really not very hard...but what's wrong with recognition and a little fluff?

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come on now, it's graduating from high school.

maybe it should be expected of us to graduate and not praised as if it's some major feat.

and this is another case of "my kid is more important than your kid." i'm sure had someone drowned her kid walking up out cheering for the kid before she would have been upset.


It's a HS graduation. It should be expected. It's like cheering because your kid didn't get arrested.

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My son had a graduation ceremony from pre-school. There were parents and grandparents there crying their eyes out.

I didn't shed a tear but remember a few particularly fine MILFs.

---------- Post added June-6th-2012 at 11:05 AM ----------

And keep your ****ing hooting and hollering for outside the ceremony.

As people refuse to respect the other kids by cheering over their name being announced, maybe everyone else should be encouraged to boo a child whose parents make noise. :evilg:

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You sound bitter. I remember we had an elementary graduation...it's a big deal to a lot of parents! Their kids are growing up...the transition from elementary to middle is a big step. Why not celebrate accomplishments a little?

I agree that it should be expected to graduate grade school...it's really not very hard...but what's wrong with recognition and a little fluff?

What's wrong with it? Everything. The real world isn't like that - when you interview for a job or compete for a scholarship, everyone doesn't win, only the best prepared do. How much would you like the NFL if every team got a Lombardi trophy at the end of the season?

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What's wrong with it? Everything. The real world isn't like that - when you interview for a job or compete for a scholarship, everyone doesn't win, only the best prepared do. How much would you like the NFL if every team got a Lombardi trophy at the end of the season?

I could have cared less about my high school graduation ceremony, to be honest with you. I knew my Mom cared, though.

It's simply tradition. I think there's a big difference in coddling every child and making sure "we're all winners" and holding a graduation ceremony. Good Lord...

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No disrespect, but you sound like a narcissist with attention deficit disorder.

None taken, but I have neither problem.

It's the truth. Pretending as if you are there for more than personal reasons is a lie. You are there for your family or friends, not for any other reason, I would venture that no one goes to any graduation unless they have to for their job, or they have friends or family involved. Graduating HS, as someone else stated should be expected. It's really not that difficult.

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I am all for rights of passage, I think they are an important part of our lives and our stories. The Hebrews used to raise up memorial stones called ebenezers to commemorate important events in the life of the people, and I can appreciate that, but the reality is that they must be used sparingly or else you just have a lot of piles of rocks laying about that no one cares about. There is a graduation from everything now a days, pre-school, kindergarten, elementary school, jr high....seriously is a victory lap necessary for all of this? Seems we have fallen in love with the sentimentality of our memorials and so we build as many as we can only to realize that in doing so we minimize the importance of true memorials.

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It's simply tradition. I think there's a big difference in coddling every child and making sure "we're all winners" and holding a graduation ceremony. Good Lord...

Traditional things change. There is the level of respect that should be expected. But for someone to cheer on their graduate for a few seconds shouldn't be that big of a deal.

I agree that if the lady was indeed disruptive and obnoxious she should have been removed however.

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None taken, but I have neither problem.

It's the truth. Pretending as if you are there for more than personal reasons is a lie. You are there for your family or friends, not for any other reason, I would venture that no one goes to any graduation unless they have to for their job, or they have friends or family involved. Graduating HS, as someone else stated should be expected. It's really not that difficult.

You are correct about that. The point is that EVERYBODY is there for family or friends. So when one idiot mother or family whoops and hollers like bozos, they ruin it for the next kid in line and the family and friends who came to see him or her. And that's not fair. It's just common courtesy, nothing more nothing less.

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None taken, but I have neither problem.

It's the truth. Pretending as if you are there for more than personal reasons is a lie.

Could you point us at the liar who made that claim?

Those of us who simply believe that demanding that everybody else make Little Joey the most important thing in the ceremony is ruder than heck, would really like to laugh at him.

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